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The relationship between mistrust and aggression from childhood to adulthood (2023)
Journal Article
Rotenberg, K. J., & Fonseca, A. C. (in press). The relationship between mistrust and aggression from childhood to adulthood. Aggressive behavior, 50(1), Article e22119.

The study examined the relationship between mistrust and aggression from childhood to adulthood. The participants resided in Portugal and were tested during middle childhood (Mage = 7.5, SD = 0.81 years, n = 445, 240 male), preadolescence (Mage = 11.... Read More about The relationship between mistrust and aggression from childhood to adulthood.

Trusting others who vary in consistency between their personal standards and behavior: Differences by age, gender, and honesty trust beliefs (2023)
Journal Article
Rotenberg, K. J., MacDonald‐Taylor, B., & Holland, R. (in press). Trusting others who vary in consistency between their personal standards and behavior: Differences by age, gender, and honesty trust beliefs. Social Development,

Three studies examined age, gender, and trust belief differences in using the consistency principle to judge the trustworthiness of persons who varied in the consistency between their personal standards and behavior. The participants were 78 adults (... Read More about Trusting others who vary in consistency between their personal standards and behavior: Differences by age, gender, and honesty trust beliefs.