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Outputs (65)

Singing in later life: the anatomy of a community choir (2018)
Journal Article
Lamont, A., Murray, M., Hale, R., & Wright-Bevans, K. (2018). Singing in later life: the anatomy of a community choir. Psychology of Music, 46(3), 424-439.

Previous research has highlighted the individual and social benefits of participation in arts activities for physical, psychological and social well-being. However, less is known about the transformative community aspects of the arts and very few stu... Read More about Singing in later life: the anatomy of a community choir.

Children's trust in social workers: Scale development and relations to Children's engagement with social workers (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Children's trust in social workers: Scale development and relations to Children's engagement with social workers. Child and Family Social Work, 239 -247.

This research aimed to develop the children's trust in general social workers (CTGSW) scale. Psychometric properties, structural validity, construct, and concurrent validity of the scale were evaluated. Both linear and quadratic patterns between chil... Read More about Children's trust in social workers: Scale development and relations to Children's engagement with social workers.

Children's trust in social workers: Scale development and relations with children's engagement with social workers (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Children's trust in social workers: Scale development and relations with children's engagement with social workers. Child and Family Social Work, 239-247.

This research aimed to develop the children's trust in general social workers (CTGSW) scale. Psychometric properties, structural validity, construct, and concurrent validity of the scale were evaluated. Both linear and quadratic patterns between chil... Read More about Children's trust in social workers: Scale development and relations with children's engagement with social workers.

Remembering who was where: A happy expression advantage for face identity-location binding in working memory. (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Remembering who was where: A happy expression advantage for face identity-location binding in working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1365 - 1383.

It is well established that visual working memory (WM) for face identity is enhanced when faces display threatening versus nonthreatening expressions. During social interaction, it is also important to bind person identity with location information i... Read More about Remembering who was where: A happy expression advantage for face identity-location binding in working memory..

Attitudes towards and knowledge about Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and the HPV vaccination in parents of teenage boys in the UK (2018)
Journal Article
Sherman, S., & Nailer, E. (2018). Attitudes towards and knowledge about Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and the HPV vaccination in parents of teenage boys in the UK. PloS one, e0195801 - ?.

The incidence of cancers attributable to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that affect males is on the rise. Currently in the UK teenage boys are not vaccinated against HPV while teenage girls are. The rationale for not vaccinating boys is that vaccinating... Read More about Attitudes towards and knowledge about Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and the HPV vaccination in parents of teenage boys in the UK.

System justification enhances well-being: A longitudinal analysis of the palliative function of system justification in 18 countries. (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). System justification enhances well-being: A longitudinal analysis of the palliative function of system justification in 18 countries. British Journal of Social Psychology,

According to the palliative function of ideology hypothesis proposed by System Justification Theory, endorsing system-justifying beliefs is positively related to general psychological well-being, because this fulfils existential, epistemic, and relat... Read More about System justification enhances well-being: A longitudinal analysis of the palliative function of system justification in 18 countries..

Special issue on some histor{y/ies} of health psycholog{y/ies}: an introduction (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Special issue on some histor{y/ies} of health psycholog{y/ies}: an introduction. Journal of Health Psychology, 361-371.

Academic (sub-)disciplines develop in time and place when particular ideas/practices are nurtured within social, gendered, cultural, community, economic and political contexts. Different histories employ different analyses, some with external views o... Read More about Special issue on some histor{y/ies} of health psycholog{y/ies}: an introduction.

Celebrating the health literacy skills and capabilities of parents in Stoke-on-Trent: A Photovoice Study (2018)
Journal Article
Protheroe. (2018). Celebrating the health literacy skills and capabilities of parents in Stoke-on-Trent: A Photovoice Study. Journal of Health Psychology,

Parents play a vital role in promoting children’s health. The parental health literacy skills are important since the decisions they make can have an impact on other family members’ health and well-being. Using an assets-based approach, this project... Read More about Celebrating the health literacy skills and capabilities of parents in Stoke-on-Trent: A Photovoice Study.

HPV Primary Cervical Screening in England: Women’s Awareness and Attitudes (2018)
Journal Article
Moss, E., Patel, H., & Sherman, S. (2018). HPV Primary Cervical Screening in England: Women’s Awareness and Attitudes. Psycho-Oncology, 1559-1564.

Primary HPV cervical screening is due to be implemented in England within the next 2 years however, the acceptability of HPV testing as the primary screening test is unclear. This study explores women’s awareness and attitudes towards HPV... Read More about HPV Primary Cervical Screening in England: Women’s Awareness and Attitudes.