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Outputs (91)

Ritual Morphospace Revisited: The form, function, and factor structure of ritual practice (2020)
Journal Article
Kapitany, R. (2020). Ritual Morphospace Revisited: The form, function, and factor structure of ritual practice. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences,

Human rituals exhibit bewildering diversity, from the Mauritian Kavadi to Catholic communion. Is this diversity
infinitely plastic or are there some general dimensions along which ritual features vary? We analysed two cross-cultural datasets, one dr... Read More about Ritual Morphospace Revisited: The form, function, and factor structure of ritual practice.

Exploring the Impact of Mindfulness on False-Memory Susceptibility (2020)
Journal Article
Grange, J., & Sherman, S. (2020). Exploring the Impact of Mindfulness on False-Memory Susceptibility. Psychological Science, 31(8),

Wilson et al. (2015) presented data from three well-powered experiments suggesting that a brief mindfulness induction can increase false memory susceptibility. However, we had concerns about some of the methodology, including whether mind-wandering i... Read More about Exploring the Impact of Mindfulness on False-Memory Susceptibility.

Police interview of suspects in China: Developments and analyses (2020)
Journal Article
Huang. (2020). Police interview of suspects in China: Developments and analyses. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 146135572094754 - 146135572094754.

<jats:p> This article investigates the power dynamics in police interviews with suspects in China by examining a real-life sample. It first overviews some recent developments and legislation in China regarding police interviewing of suspects, followe... Read More about Police interview of suspects in China: Developments and analyses.

Social Order and Disorder (2020)
Book Chapter
Stott, C., & Radburn, M. (2020). Social Order and Disorder. In Together Apart The Psychology of COVID-19. (1). SAGE Publications

Using PAR to promote social justice for older people and people with intellectual disabilities (2020)
Journal Article
Wright Bevans, K., & Richards, M. (2020). Using PAR to promote social justice for older people and people with intellectual disabilities. International Review of Qualitative Research, 13(2), 219-232.

Qualitative research methods and participatory action research (PAR) share many intrinsic and complementary qualities. We present two cases, one adopted a broader PAR approach, a health promotion project with men with intellectual disabilities, and t... Read More about Using PAR to promote social justice for older people and people with intellectual disabilities.

Enabling teachers to promote incremental theories of intelligence in young children: an intervention and an instrument (2020)
Garnett, N. J. (2020). Enabling teachers to promote incremental theories of intelligence in young children: an intervention and an instrument. (Thesis). Keele University

The primary focus of this thesis was to translate the rich ‘implicit theories of intelligence’ framework into an accessible intervention to allow teachers to promote growth mindsets in their pupils. A growth mindset is an implicit belief that one can... Read More about Enabling teachers to promote incremental theories of intelligence in young children: an intervention and an instrument.

Incentive-driven decision-making networks in de novo and drug-treated Parkinson’s disease patients with impulsive-compulsive behaviors: A systematic review of neuroimaging studies (2020)
Journal Article
Martini, A., Tamburin, S., Biundo, R., Weis, L., Antonini, A., Pizzolo, C., …Edelstyn, N. M. (2020). Incentive-driven decision-making networks in de novo and drug-treated Parkinson’s disease patients with impulsive-compulsive behaviors: A systematic review of neuroimaging studies. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 165-177.

Background: In Parkinson’s disease (PD), impulsive-compulsive behaviors (ICBs) may develop as side-effect of dopaminergic medications. Abnormal incentive-driven decision-making, which is supported by the cognitive control and motivation interaction,... Read More about Incentive-driven decision-making networks in de novo and drug-treated Parkinson’s disease patients with impulsive-compulsive behaviors: A systematic review of neuroimaging studies.

Computational modelling of attentional selectivity in depression reveals perceptual deficits (2020)
Journal Article
Grange. (2020). Computational modelling of attentional selectivity in depression reveals perceptual deficits. Psychological Medicine, 904-913.

Depression is associated with broad deficits in cognitive control, including in visual selective attention tasks such as the flanker task. Previous computational modelling of depression and flanker task performance showed reduced pre-pote... Read More about Computational modelling of attentional selectivity in depression reveals perceptual deficits.

Is a definitive trial of prehospital continuous positive airway pressure versus standard oxygen therapy for acute respiratory failure indicated? The ACUTE pilot randomised controlled trial. (2020)
Journal Article
Fuller, G., Keating, S., Goodacre, S., Perkins, G., Rosser, A., Gunson, I., …Herbert, E. (2020). Is a definitive trial of prehospital continuous positive airway pressure versus standard oxygen therapy for acute respiratory failure indicated? The ACUTE pilot randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, e035915 - ?.

OBJECTIVES: To determine the feasibility of a large-scale definitive multicentre trial of prehospital continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in acute respiratory failure.

DESIGN: A single-centre, open-label, individual patient randomised, con... Read More about Is a definitive trial of prehospital continuous positive airway pressure versus standard oxygen therapy for acute respiratory failure indicated? The ACUTE pilot randomised controlled trial..

Research Priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A call to action for psychological science (2020)
Journal Article
O'Connor, D., Aggleton, J., Chakarabati, B., Cooper, C., Creswell, C., Dunsmuir, S., …Armitage, C. (2020). Research Priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A call to action for psychological science. British Journal of Psychology, 111(4), 603-629.

The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) that has caused the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic represents the greatest international biopsychosocial emergency the world has faced for a century, and psychological sci... Read More about Research Priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A call to action for psychological science.