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Outputs (89)

Joint Action in Deaf and Hearing Toddlers: A Mobile Eye-Tracking Study (2021)
Conference Proceeding
Monroy, C., Houston, D., & Yu, C. (2021). Joint Action in Deaf and Hearing Toddlers: A Mobile Eye-Tracking Study.

Infants experience the world through their actions with objects and their interactions with other people, especially their parents. Prior research has shown that school-age children with hearing loss experience poorer quality interactions with typica... Read More about Joint Action in Deaf and Hearing Toddlers: A Mobile Eye-Tracking Study.

Intraregional migration in Latin America: Psychological perspectives on acculturation and intergroup relations. (2021)
Smith-Castro, V., Sirlopú, D., Eller, A., & Çakal, H. (2021). V. Smith-Castro, D. Sirlopú, A. Eller, & H. Çakal (Eds.). Intraregional migration in Latin America: Psychological perspectives on acculturation and intergroup relations. American Psychological Association.

This book addresses the psychosocial causes, consequences, and underpinnings of intraregional migration in Latin America.

War, political instability, and disparities in wealth and opportunity have long driven migration within Latin America, and th... Read More about Intraregional migration in Latin America: Psychological perspectives on acculturation and intergroup relations..

Shared Flashbulb Memories Lead to Identity Fusion: Recalling the Defeat in the Brexit Referendum Produces Strong Psychological Bonds Among Remain Supporters (2021)
Journal Article
Kapitany, R. (2021). Shared Flashbulb Memories Lead to Identity Fusion: Recalling the Defeat in the Brexit Referendum Produces Strong Psychological Bonds Among Remain Supporters. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition,

Identity fusion—a visceral feeling of oneness with a group—is thought to result from the sharing of emotional, often dysphoric, experiences. In this pre-registered longitudinal study, we address the impact of flashbulb memories of learning about the... Read More about Shared Flashbulb Memories Lead to Identity Fusion: Recalling the Defeat in the Brexit Referendum Produces Strong Psychological Bonds Among Remain Supporters.

Rapid processing and quantitative evaluation of structural brain scans for adaptive multimodal imaging (2021)
Journal Article
Váša, F., Hobday, H., Stanyard, R. A., Daws, R. E., Giampietro, V., O'Daly, O., …Cole, J. H. (2022). Rapid processing and quantitative evaluation of structural brain scans for adaptive multimodal imaging. Human Brain Mapping, 43(5), 1749-1765.

Current neuroimaging acquisition and processing approaches tend to be optimised for quality rather than speed. However, rapid acquisition and processing of neuroimaging data can lead to novel neuroimaging paradigms, such as adaptive acquisition, wher... Read More about Rapid processing and quantitative evaluation of structural brain scans for adaptive multimodal imaging.

Relational and instrumental perspectives on compliance with the law among people experiencing homelessness. (2021)
Journal Article
Stott. (2021). Relational and instrumental perspectives on compliance with the law among people experiencing homelessness. Law and Human Behavior, 1-14.

OBJECTIVE: We conducted an exploratory study testing procedural justice theory with a novel population. We assessed the extent to which police procedural justice, effectiveness, legitimacy, and perceived risk of sanction predict compliance with the l... Read More about Relational and instrumental perspectives on compliance with the law among people experiencing homelessness..

Improving research quality: The view from the UK Reproducibility Network institutional leads for research improvement (2021)
Journal Article
Grange. (2021). Improving research quality: The view from the UK Reproducibility Network institutional leads for research improvement. BMC Research Notes,

The adoption and incentivisation of open and transparent research practices is critical in addressing issues around research reproducibility and research integrity. These practices will require training and funding. Individuals need to be incentivise... Read More about Improving research quality: The view from the UK Reproducibility Network institutional leads for research improvement.

Psychological literacy and learning for life (2021)
Book Chapter
Hulme, J. A., & Cranney, J. (in press). Psychological literacy and learning for life. In International handbook of psychology learning and teaching. Springer.

There is a growing motivation within the higher education sector to ensure that undergraduate programmes produce graduates who are employable, and who contribute to society. Within psychology, the developing concept of psychological literacy has been... Read More about Psychological literacy and learning for life.

Improving Sleep Quality Leads to Better Mental Health: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials (2021)
Journal Article
Scott, A., Webb, T., Martyn-St James, M., Rowse, G., & Weich, S. (2021). Improving Sleep Quality Leads to Better Mental Health: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials. Sleep Medicine Reviews,

Summary The extent to which sleep is causally related to mental health is unclear. One way to test the causal link is to evaluate the extent to which interventions that improve sleep quality also improve mental health. We conducted a meta-analysis of... Read More about Improving Sleep Quality Leads to Better Mental Health: A Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials.

Automaticity of taxonomic and functional knowledge activation during real-world visual scene processing (2021)
Journal Article
Ciesielski, K., Webb, A., & Spotorno, S. (2021). Automaticity of taxonomic and functional knowledge activation during real-world visual scene processing. Perception, 173 - 174.

Although vision guides our everyday actions, the role of functional (action-based) knowledge in understanding real-world visual scenes has long been neglected. Typically, research has focused on taxonomic knowledge, related to the scene’s context and... Read More about Automaticity of taxonomic and functional knowledge activation during real-world visual scene processing.