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Genotype‐Guided Asthma Treatment Reduces Exacerbations in Children: Meta‐Analysis of Two RCTs

Slob, Elise M. A.; Vijverberg, Susanne J. H.; Ruffles, Tom; Noij, Lieke C. E.; Biermann, Jacqueline; Brouwer, Alwin F. J.; van den Brink, Kristel; de Bruin‐Kok, Annette; Van Ewijk, Bart E.; Haarman, Eric; Hammer, Sanne C.; Hashimoto, Simone; Hogarth, Fiona; Jones, Christina J.; Kamps, Arvid W. A.; Kersten, Elin T. G.; de Kleer, Ismé; Lipworth, Brian J.; Littleford, Roberta; Mérelle, Marieke; Moeller, Alexander; Palmer, Colin N. A.; Pilvinyte, Kristina; Rutjes, Niels W.; van Schaik, Ron H. N.; Smith, Helen E.; Tavendale, Roger; Terheggen‐Lagro, Suzanne W. J.; Turner, Steve; Twisk, Jos W. R.; Vaessen‐Verberne, Anja; Verwaal, Mariël; de Vries, Tjalling; Wesseling, Judit; Pijnenburg, Mariëlle W.; Koppelman, Gerard H.; Mukhopadhyay, Somnath; Maitland‐van der Zee, Anke H.


Elise M. A. Slob

Susanne J. H. Vijverberg

Tom Ruffles

Lieke C. E. Noij

Jacqueline Biermann

Alwin F. J. Brouwer

Kristel van den Brink

Annette de Bruin‐Kok

Bart E. Van Ewijk

Eric Haarman

Sanne C. Hammer

Simone Hashimoto

Fiona Hogarth

Christina J. Jones

Arvid W. A. Kamps

Elin T. G. Kersten

Ismé de Kleer

Brian J. Lipworth

Roberta Littleford

Marieke Mérelle

Alexander Moeller

Colin N. A. Palmer

Kristina Pilvinyte

Niels W. Rutjes

Ron H. N. van Schaik

Roger Tavendale

Suzanne W. J. Terheggen‐Lagro

Steve Turner

Jos W. R. Twisk

Anja Vaessen‐Verberne

Mariël Verwaal

Tjalling de Vries

Judit Wesseling

Mariëlle W. Pijnenburg

Gerard H. Koppelman

Somnath Mukhopadhyay

Anke H. Maitland‐van der Zee


Background: Long‐acting beta2‐agonists (LABA) in combination with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are commonly used to treat asthma, however, some children lack response to the addition of LABA. This might be partially due to the presence of the Arg16Gly polymorphism, encoded by rs1042713 G>A in the ADRB2 gene. Carrying the A allele (Arg16) at this variant has been associated with an increased risk of exacerbations despite LABA treatment. We investigated whether genotype‐guided treatment improved asthma‐related outcomes. Methods: We conducted an individual participant data meta‐analysis of two randomised controlled trials: PUFFIN (Dutch and Swiss 6–18 year‐olds) and PACT (English and Scottish 12–18 year‐olds). Children with uncontrolled asthma despite ICS who required a step‐up in treatment were included. Participants were randomised to genotype‐guided treatment or the control group with a follow‐up of at least 6 months. Genotype‐guided treatment consisted of adding LABA for children with ADRB2 Gly16/Gly16, whilst children with ADRB2 Arg16/Arg16 or Arg16/Gly16 were treated with double dose ICS (PUFFIN) or add‐on montelukast (PACT). The primary outcome was a change in asthma control; secondary outcomes included exacerbation rate and time to exacerbation. Repeated measures mixed models and Cox regression were used. Results: Fifty‐nine out of 102 (PUFFIN) and 59 out of 91 (PACT) children had at least one Arg (A allele). Amongst all 193 children, no difference was observed in asthma control between the study groups. However, genotype‐guided treatment resulted in lower asthma exacerbation rates (−0.08 (95%CI −0.16 to −0.00, p = 0.04)) compared to the control group. Conclusion: Genotype‐guided step‐up treatment for children with uncontrolled asthma on ICS may lower asthma exacerbation rates and may be useful for personalising asthma care.


Slob, E. M. A., Vijverberg, S. J. H., Ruffles, T., Noij, L. C. E., Biermann, J., Brouwer, A. F. J., …Maitland‐van der Zee, A. H. (in press). Genotype‐Guided Asthma Treatment Reduces Exacerbations in Children: Meta‐Analysis of Two RCTs. Allergy,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 14, 2024
Online Publication Date Dec 26, 2024
Deposit Date Jan 8, 2025
Publicly Available Date Jan 8, 2025
Journal Allergy
Print ISSN 0105-4538
Electronic ISSN 1398-9995
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords pharmacogenetics, long‐acting beta2‐agonist, paediatrics, ADRB2, asthma
Public URL


Genotype‐Guided Asthma Treatment Reduces Exacerbations in Children: Meta‐Analysis of Two RCTs (248 Kb)

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