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Emerging Market Sovereign Credit Spreads: In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Predictability

Audzeyeva, Alena; Fuertes, Ana-Maria

Emerging Market Sovereign Credit Spreads: In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Predictability Thumbnail


Ana-Maria Fuertes


This paper investigates the quarter-ahead predictability of Brazil, Mexico, Philippines and Turkey credit spreads for short and long maturity bonds during two separate periods preceding and following the Lehman Brothers' default. A model based on the current country-specific credit spread curve predicts no better than the random walk and slope regression benchmarks. Extensions with the global yield curve factors and short-term interest rate volatility notably outperform the benchmark models post-Lehman. Our findings suggest that uncertainty indicators, both global and domestic, contain information about future credit spreads and that bond prices did better align with fundamentals post-crisis.


Audzeyeva, A., & Fuertes, A. (2015). Emerging Market Sovereign Credit Spreads: In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Predictability.

Acceptance Date Aug 25, 2015
Publication Date Aug 25, 2015
Journal SSRN
Series Title European Financial Management Annual (EFMA) meeting 2017
Keywords Sovereign credit spreads; Emerging Markets; Out-of-sample predictability; Term structure; Macroeconomic uncertainty.
Publisher URL


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