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Why bad policy persists: examining finance practitioners’ views of the English NHS internal market (2024)
Outhwaite, L. Why bad policy persists: examining finance practitioners’ views of the English NHS internal market. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis evaluates the reasons for the longevity of the English NHS internal market policy, which challenged the post-1948 public provision model for healthcare services. It reviews the intellectual underpinning of the policy, derived from New Pub... Read More about Why bad policy persists: examining finance practitioners’ views of the English NHS internal market.

Fundamentals, real-time uncertainty and CDS index spreads (2023)
Journal Article
Audzeyeva, A., & Wang, X. (2023). Fundamentals, real-time uncertainty and CDS index spreads. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 61(1), 1-33.

The high level of economic uncertainty linked to the pace of the recovery process can persist after a crisis and has implications for the market pricing of firms’ credit risk reflected in credit default swap (CDS) spreads. This paper examines the rol... Read More about Fundamentals, real-time uncertainty and CDS index spreads.

Smart Building Management System (SBMS) for Commercial Buildings—Key Attributes and Usage Intentions from Building Professionals’ Perspective (2022)
Journal Article
Lee. (2022). Smart Building Management System (SBMS) for Commercial Buildings—Key Attributes and Usage Intentions from Building Professionals’ Perspective. Sustainability, 80 - 80.

Smart buildings conserve energy and create a responsive, comfortable, and productive indoor environment for users and occupants. As a crucial component of smart buildings, smart building management system (SBMS) should provide a wide range of functio... Read More about Smart Building Management System (SBMS) for Commercial Buildings—Key Attributes and Usage Intentions from Building Professionals’ Perspective.

Effective practices for improving service professionals' ethical behaviors: A multiple method study. (2022)
Journal Article
Lee, P. K., Hu, Y., & Yang, Y. (2022). Effective practices for improving service professionals' ethical behaviors: A multiple method study. Frontiers in Psychology, 1042142 - ?.

INTRODUCTION: Enhancing frontline professional service employees' ethics has been an increasingly important issue for organizations in sustaining their reputation and long-term profitability. While many organizations have implemented general ethics p... Read More about Effective practices for improving service professionals' ethical behaviors: A multiple method study..

Advertising and the consumer in the age of Big Tech: a new moment in the evolution of monopoly capitalism? (2022)
Journal Article
Bailey, D., Coffey, D., Thornley, C., & Tomlinson, P. R. (2022). Advertising and the consumer in the age of Big Tech: a new moment in the evolution of monopoly capitalism?. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 46(6), 1387-1406.

The monopoly capitalism literature has traditionally approached advertising from the vantage point of its role in sustaining the economic order. However, digitalised forms of advertising in contexts dominated by giant digital platform technology comp... Read More about Advertising and the consumer in the age of Big Tech: a new moment in the evolution of monopoly capitalism?.

Assessing the impact of market logic and long-term strategic plans of top management in share buyback decisions (2022)
Journal Article
Demirag, I., Kungwal, T., & Bakkar, Y. (2022). Assessing the impact of market logic and long-term strategic plans of top management in share buyback decisions. Managerial Finance, 48(3), 392 - 408.

<jats:sec><jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Purpose</jats:title><jats:p>This paper investigates stakeholders' perspectives of share buybacks in the context of time-horizons of investment decisions and strategy.</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:s... Read More about Assessing the impact of market logic and long-term strategic plans of top management in share buyback decisions.

Facebook with money: the rise of online brokerage platforms and vulnerable groups (2021)
Journal Article
Pearson. (2021). Facebook with money: the rise of online brokerage platforms and vulnerable groups. Legal Studies, 1 - 19.

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The recent advances in information technology now allow millions of people to trade and invest in an array of financial assets with the help of online brokerage platforms. This allows retail investors to have... Read More about Facebook with money: the rise of online brokerage platforms and vulnerable groups.

From panic to dispassionate rationality - Organizational responses in procurement after the initial COVID-19 pandemic peak (2021)
Journal Article
(2021). From panic to dispassionate rationality - Organizational responses in procurement after the initial COVID-19 pandemic peak. IEEE Engineering Management Review, -.

Lockdowns and social distancing from the COVID19 crisis took many by surprise. Panic grew about the implications. Supply chains became center stage. We consider decision making in large multinational companies and whether COVID19 responses focused on... Read More about From panic to dispassionate rationality - Organizational responses in procurement after the initial COVID-19 pandemic peak.

Compensation for Business Tenants: Mischief and Malady (2020)
Journal Article
Haley, M. (2020). Compensation for Business Tenants: Mischief and Malady. Cambridge Law Journal, 79(3), 490-526.

This article focuses upon the provisions and underlying policy of the Landlord and Tenant Acts of 1927 and 1954. It surveys the mischief that each Act was designed to address and, from the perspective of compensation for business tenants, examines cr... Read More about Compensation for Business Tenants: Mischief and Malady.

News, fiscal rules and the Keynesian multiplier in a DSGE model (2020)
Journal Article
Tsoukis, C. (2020). News, fiscal rules and the Keynesian multiplier in a DSGE model

We extend the standard Smets-Wouters (2007) medium-sized DSGE model to analyse the effects of news and the Keynesian multiplier. News is modelled in a novel way compared to the literature, as revisions of expectations regarding future fundamentals. N... Read More about News, fiscal rules and the Keynesian multiplier in a DSGE model.

Exploring the Egyptian accountants’ awareness and understanding of XBRL (2020)
Journal Article
Helfaya, A., & Amin, E. (2020). Exploring the Egyptian accountants’ awareness and understanding of XBRL. African journal of accounting, auditing and finance, 7(1), 1 -23.

Online reporting is now widespread with 82% of the top 100 listed companies in Egypt providing a variety of financial data online. However, much of this information reflects the paper-based versions of annual reports with little attempt to enhance th... Read More about Exploring the Egyptian accountants’ awareness and understanding of XBRL.

Overcoming the Arrogance of Ignorance: Supply-Chain Lessons from COVID-19 for Climate Shocks (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Overcoming the Arrogance of Ignorance: Supply-Chain Lessons from COVID-19 for Climate Shocks. One Earth, 9 - 12.

The effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic remind us of our arrogance of ignorance. Society has suffered. We are emerging scarred but enlightened. Can COVID-19 lessons help us avoid repeating the same mistakes with future climate... Read More about Overcoming the Arrogance of Ignorance: Supply-Chain Lessons from COVID-19 for Climate Shocks.

Social Capital and the Status Externality (2020)
Journal Article
Itaya, J., & Tsoukis, C. (2022). Social Capital and the Status Externality. International Journal of Economic Theory, 18(2),

This paper investigates how the presence of social capital affects the externality arising from status-seeking preference as a parable for inefficient antagonistic behavior. It is assumed that the stock of social capital accumulates through the strat... Read More about Social Capital and the Status Externality.

Investigating the link between transaction and computational costs in a blockchain environment (2020)
Journal Article
Jabbar, A., & Dani, S. (2020). Investigating the link between transaction and computational costs in a blockchain environment. International Journal of Production Research, 58(11), 3423 - 3436.

The research and thinking pertaining to blockchain have thus far focused on cryptocurrency and Bitcoin. However, there is increased interest in using the technology to solve operational challenges in manufacturing and service supply chains. In this s... Read More about Investigating the link between transaction and computational costs in a blockchain environment.

Shadow banking activity and entrusted loans in a DSGE model of China (2020)
Journal Article
Wang. (2020). Shadow banking activity and entrusted loans in a DSGE model of China. Manchester School,

This paper examines how the risky lending activities of the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) affect the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy in China with a shadow banking sector. We develop a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) macroe... Read More about Shadow banking activity and entrusted loans in a DSGE model of China.

Procedural Developments in Investment Arbitration (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Procedural Developments in Investment Arbitration. Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 269 - 303.

This column focuses on procedural developments in recent investment arbitration cases, relying on publicly available interim decisions and final awards, handed down during the period 1 January 2019 to 31 March 2020. Given the large number of new case... Read More about Procedural Developments in Investment Arbitration.

New venture evolution of migrants under institutional voids: Lessons from Shonga Farms in Nigeria (2020)
Journal Article
Olarewaju, T., & Mickiewicz, T. (2020). New venture evolution of migrants under institutional voids: Lessons from Shonga Farms in Nigeria. International Small Business Journal, 38(5), 404 - 423.

<jats:p> This article inductively builds theory on how transaction costs may be alleviated and institutional voids bridged in developing economies, based on the case study of successful migrant entrepreneurial involvement in Nigerian agriculture: Sho... Read More about New venture evolution of migrants under institutional voids: Lessons from Shonga Farms in Nigeria.

Virtual Business Projects in the Classroom: Enhancing Intercultural and Business Skills of Students (2019)
Book Chapter
(2019). Virtual Business Projects in the Classroom: Enhancing Intercultural and Business Skills of Students. In The Palgrave Handbook of Learning and Teaching International Business and Management (747-768).

The Handbook of Experiential Learning In International Business is a one-stop source for international managers, business educators and trainers who seek to either select and use an existing experiential learning project, or develop new projects and... Read More about Virtual Business Projects in the Classroom: Enhancing Intercultural and Business Skills of Students.

Predicting supply chain risks using machine learning: The trade-off between performance and interpretability (2019)
Journal Article
Baryannis, G., Dani, S., & Antoniou, G. (2019). Predicting supply chain risks using machine learning: The trade-off between performance and interpretability. Future Generation Computer Systems, 101, 993 - 1004.

Managing supply chain risks has received increased attention in recent years, aiming to shield supply chains from disruptions by predicting their occurrence and mitigating their adverse effects. At the same time, the resurgence of Artificial Intellig... Read More about Predicting supply chain risks using machine learning: The trade-off between performance and interpretability.

What is accounting? The “being” and “be-ings” of the accounting phenomenon and its critical appreciation (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). What is accounting? The “being” and “be-ings” of the accounting phenomenon and its critical appreciation. Accounting, auditing, & accountability, 1414-1436.

The purpose of this paper is to reflect a critical perspective drawing from phenomenology, especially informed by a reading of Heidegger, to enhance and extend appreciation of the need to question accounting’s meaning or delineation and how... Read More about What is accounting? The “being” and “be-ings” of the accounting phenomenon and its critical appreciation.