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The junior doctor contract in the National Health Service.

Mughal, Z; Mughal, F

The junior doctor contract in the National Health Service. Thumbnail


Z Mughal


The progression of the junior doctor contract negotiations within the National Health Service (NHS) has been widely reported. We aim to provide a comprehensive summary of the current state of affairs with the contract negotiations and hope to inform those who may not be familiar with the situation affecting junior doctors in the NHS.


Mughal, Z., & Mughal, F. (2016). The junior doctor contract in the National Health Service. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 225 - 227.

Acceptance Date Oct 18, 2016
Publication Date Oct 18, 2016
Journal Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care
Print ISSN 2249-4863
Publisher Medknow Publications
Pages 225 - 227
Keywords Junior doctors; National Health Service; contract; British Medical Association
Publisher URL;year=2016;volume=5;issue=2;spage=225;epage=227;aulast=Mughal


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