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Leisure-rich and leisure-poor: the place of leisure in the life styles of young adults

Bernard, Miriam

Leisure-rich and leisure-poor: the place of leisure in the life styles of young adults Thumbnail


Miriam Bernard


Any attempt to understand the nature of leisure must explore how it meshes with other aspects of people's lives. Early research on leisure tended to be large-scale and activity rather than peopleorientated, which has proved restrictive in planning terms. More recently though, approaches have moved towards smaller scale in depth behavioural studies. By locating leisure-in life style, the present study offers a perspective which both synthesises and extends traditional approaches, while focussing on a hitherto littleresearched sub-population: young adults.
Having reviewed the growing body of research on leisure and detailed the environmental and methodological background, the empirical half of this thesis begins by using cluster analysis to characterise respondents according to selected attributes of their leisure behaviour. This produces six groups who, on the basis of participation levels, are ordered along a leisure-rich to leisure-poor spectrum. The picture of each cluster is developed by examining socio-economic and demographic indices and by considering leisure in its broader spatial context. This elucidates the links between leisure and other life domains, and uncovers systematic variations in people's knowledge and awareness of leisure opportunities. Attention is then focussed on some of the less tangible and more subjective elements. The concepts of free time and leisure time are explored, as are the nature and perceived intensity of constraints. Leisure satisfaction is related to satisfaction with other life domains and to young adults' feelings about their present lives.
This study reveals that leisure has a very important place in the life styles of young adults. It also cautions against regarding them as a homogeneous and non problematic sub-population, by showing that leisure participation does not necessarily equate directly with satisfaction. In this way, it has been possible to begin to distinguish between groups 'at benefit' or 'at risk', and to draw out some broad implications for local leisure planning and provision. Above all, it confirms the importance of studying leisure in the context of life styles if the holistic nature of this relationship is to be more fully understood.


Bernard, M. (1983). Leisure-rich and leisure-poor: the place of leisure in the life styles of young adults


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