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Partial breast radiotherapy after breast conservation: 5 year outcomes from the IMPORT LOW (CRUK/06/003) phase III trial

Coles, C.; Griffin, C.; Kirby, A.; Agrawal, R.; Alhasso, A.; Bhattacharya, I.; Brunt, A.M.; Ciurlionis, L.; Chan, H.; Donovan, E.; Emson, M.; Harnett, A.; Haviland, J.; Hopwood, P.; Jefford, M.; Kaggwa, R.; Sawyer, E.; Sybdikus, I.; Tsang, Y.; Wheatley, D.; Wilcox, M.; Yarnold, J.; Bliss, J.


C. Coles

C. Griffin

A. Kirby

R. Agrawal

A. Alhasso

I. Bhattacharya

L. Ciurlionis

H. Chan

E. Donovan

M. Emson

A. Harnett

J. Haviland

P. Hopwood

M. Jefford

R. Kaggwa

E. Sawyer

I. Sybdikus

Y. Tsang

D. Wheatley

M. Wilcox

J. Yarnold

J. Bliss


Conference abstract. Part of special issue:
ESTRO 36, May 5-9, 2017, Vienna, Austria.


Coles, C., Griffin, C., Kirby, A., Agrawal, R., Alhasso, A., Bhattacharya, I., …Bliss, J. (2017, May). Partial breast radiotherapy after breast conservation: 5 year outcomes from the IMPORT LOW (CRUK/06/003) phase III trial. Paper presented at ESTRO 36, Vienna, Austria

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name ESTRO 36
Conference Location Vienna, Austria
Start Date May 5, 2017
End Date May 9, 2017
Publisher Elsevier
Publisher URL