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The national Targeted Lung Health Checks programme: Focusing on the lungs does not mean missing adrenal lesions.

Hussain, Imran; Fryer, Anthony A; Barnett, Janina; Hanna, Fahmy WF

The national Targeted Lung Health Checks programme: Focusing on the lungs does not mean missing adrenal lesions. Thumbnail


Imran Hussain

Janina Barnett

Fahmy WF Hanna


Recently, the UK's national Targeted Lung Health Checks programme produced recommendations for the management of incidental findings identified during the scans performed as part of the lung cancer screening programme. We identified significant discrepancies between the recommendations for adrenal incidentaloma management and those currently implemented into UK practice (2016 European Society of Endocrinology guidelines).This may create conflict and confusion between referrers (respiratory clinicians) and receivers (endocrinologists), with potential negative impact on patients, delay and inefficient use of resources. We also address the potential cost implications of adopting a more vigilant approach as advised by the European Society of Endocrinology.Urgent multidisciplinary and unified guidelines should be established in the interest of clinical- and cost-effectiveness.


Hussain, I., Fryer, A. A., Barnett, J., & Hanna, F. W. (2020). The national Targeted Lung Health Checks programme: Focusing on the lungs does not mean missing adrenal lesions. Clinical Medicine, e202 - e203.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 15, 2020
Publication Date Sep 15, 2020
Journal Clinical Medicine
Print ISSN 1470-2118
Publisher Royal College of Physicians
Pages e202 - e203
Keywords Adrenal; incidentaloma; lung cancer; screening.
Publisher URL
PMID 32934065


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