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Temporal Trends in Mortality Related to Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in the United States: A 21‐Year Retrospective Analysis of CDC‐WONDER Database (2024)
Journal Article
Ahmad, O., Farooqi, H. A., Ahmed, I., Jamil, A., Nabi, R., Ullah, I., …Mamas, M. A. (2024). Temporal Trends in Mortality Related to Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in the United States: A 21‐Year Retrospective Analysis of CDC‐WONDER Database. Clinical Cardiology, 47(12), e70058.

Aims: Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is one of the most strongly associated risk factors for stroke. Our study aims to analyze changes in mortality from 1999 to 2020 in patients with AF and stroke. Methods: Using the Centre for Disease Control and Preventi... Read More about Temporal Trends in Mortality Related to Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation in the United States: A 21‐Year Retrospective Analysis of CDC‐WONDER Database.

Angioembolization in the management of joint pain: current concepts. (2024)
Journal Article
Jeyaraman, N., Migliorini, F., Ramkumar, V., Ramasubramanian, S., Patro, B. P., Maffulli, N., & Jeyaraman, M. (in press). Angioembolization in the management of joint pain: current concepts. Die Orthopädie,

Joint pain is a common complaint owing to its origin in inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases. Recent research has helped narrow down inadequate angiogenesis as one of the causes. Angioembolization has emerged as a treatment option for this co... Read More about Angioembolization in the management of joint pain: current concepts..

Exploring Experiences of People With Knee Osteoarthritis Who Received a Physiotherapist-Delivered Dietary Weight Loss and Exercise Intervention: A Mixed Methods Study. (2024)
Journal Article
Lawford, B. J., Allison, K., Nelligan, R., Campbell, P., Hinman, R. S., Jones, S. E., …Bennell, K. L. (2024). Exploring Experiences of People With Knee Osteoarthritis Who Received a Physiotherapist-Delivered Dietary Weight Loss and Exercise Intervention: A Mixed Methods Study. Arthritis Care & Research,

Explore the experiences of people with knee osteoarthritis who received a very low energy diet (VLED) and exercise program from a physiotherapist. Mixed methods study involving questionnaires (n=42) and semi-structured interviews (n=22) with randomiz... Read More about Exploring Experiences of People With Knee Osteoarthritis Who Received a Physiotherapist-Delivered Dietary Weight Loss and Exercise Intervention: A Mixed Methods Study..

Workplace factors impacting the wellbeing of diagnostic radiographers in clinical practice: A literature review (2024)
Journal Article
Ismail, Y., Shiner, N., & Tucker, R. (2024). Workplace factors impacting the wellbeing of diagnostic radiographers in clinical practice: A literature review. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 55(4), Article 101439.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic resulted in an emphasis on external factors affecting the wellbeing of staff within the National Health Service. There is a national shortage of diagnostic radiogra... Read More about Workplace factors impacting the wellbeing of diagnostic radiographers in clinical practice: A literature review.

Musculoskeletal Health and Work: Development and Internal–External Cross-Validation of a Model to Predict Risk of Work Absence and Presenteeism in People Seeking Primary Healthcare (2024)
Journal Article
Archer, L., Peat, G., Snell, K. I. E., Hill, J. C., Dunn, K. M., Foster, N. E., …Wynne-Jones, G. (2024). Musculoskeletal Health and Work: Development and Internal–External Cross-Validation of a Model to Predict Risk of Work Absence and Presenteeism in People Seeking Primary Healthcare. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation,

To develop and validate prediction models for the risk of future work absence and level of presenteeism, in adults seeking primary healthcare with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).

Six studies from the West-Midlands/Northwest regi... Read More about Musculoskeletal Health and Work: Development and Internal–External Cross-Validation of a Model to Predict Risk of Work Absence and Presenteeism in People Seeking Primary Healthcare.

Understanding the preferences of young adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus with regard to diabetes self-management education: a qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Sim, R. R. J., Soon, W., Smith, H. E., Griva, K., & Wong, S. K. W. (2024). Understanding the preferences of young adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus with regard to diabetes self-management education: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 14(7), Article e086133.

Aim: Young-onset type 2 diabetes (YOD) is associated with poorer clinical outcomes. To support the development of more effective diabetes self-management education (DSME) programmes, this study aimed to understand the preferences of young adults with... Read More about Understanding the preferences of young adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus with regard to diabetes self-management education: a qualitative study.

Weight Management with Orlistat in Type 2 Diabetes - An Electronic Healthcare Records Study. (2024)
Journal Article
Ghosal, S., Heron, N., Mason, K., Bailey, J., & Jordan, K. (2024). Weight Management with Orlistat in Type 2 Diabetes - An Electronic Healthcare Records Study. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), BJGP.2023.0684.

Orlistat is recommended as an adjunct to diet and exercise for weight loss in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The aims were to explore (i) associations between patient characteristics and orlistat prescribing and to determine (ii) associations of or... Read More about Weight Management with Orlistat in Type 2 Diabetes - An Electronic Healthcare Records Study..

EFAS Score - Validation of Danish Version by the Score Committee of the European Foot and Ankle Society (EFAS). (2024)
Journal Article
Richter, M., Agren, P.-H., Besse, J.-L., Coester, M., Kofoed, H., Maffulli, N., …Johansen, J. K. (in press). EFAS Score - Validation of Danish Version by the Score Committee of the European Foot and Ankle Society (EFAS). Foot and Ankle Surgery, 30(4), 294-298.

The Score Committee of the European Foot and Ankle Society (EFAS) developed, validated, and published the EFAS Score in 13 languages. Currently, the Danish version completed data acquisition and underwent further validation. The data were collected p... Read More about EFAS Score - Validation of Danish Version by the Score Committee of the European Foot and Ankle Society (EFAS)..

How common are side effects of treatment to prevent gout flares when starting allopurinol? (2024)
Journal Article
Saul, H., Deeney, B., Swaithes, L., & Roddy, E. (in press). How common are side effects of treatment to prevent gout flares when starting allopurinol?. BMJ, 384, Article q514.

The studyRoddy E, Bajpai R, Forrester H, et al. Safety of colchicine and NSAID prophylaxis when initiating urate-lowering therapy for gout: propensity score-matched cohort studies in the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. 2023;82:1618-25.To re... Read More about How common are side effects of treatment to prevent gout flares when starting allopurinol?.

Radiation Exposure, Training, and Safety in Cardiology. (2024)
Journal Article
Tamirisa, K. P., Alasnag, M., Calvert, P., Islam, S., Bhardwaj, A., Pakanati, K., …Kort, S. (2024). Radiation Exposure, Training, and Safety in Cardiology. JACC: Advances, 3(4), Article 100863.

Exposure to ionizing radiation is an inherent occupational health hazard in clinical cardiology. Health risks have been reported previously, including predilection to cancer. In addition, orthopedic injury due to prolonged wearing of heavy protective... Read More about Radiation Exposure, Training, and Safety in Cardiology..

The Extent to Which the Wish to Donate One’s Organs After Death Contributes to Life-Extension Arguments in Favour of Voluntary Active Euthanasia in the Terminally Ill: An Ethical Analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Armitage, R. C. (in press). The Extent to Which the Wish to Donate One’s Organs After Death Contributes to Life-Extension Arguments in Favour of Voluntary Active Euthanasia in the Terminally Ill: An Ethical Analysis. New Bioethics, 1-29.

In terminally ill individuals who would otherwise end their own lives, active voluntary euthanasia (AVE) can be seen as life-extending rather than life-shortening. Accordingly, AVE supports key pro-euthanasia arguments (appeals to autonomy and benefi... Read More about The Extent to Which the Wish to Donate One’s Organs After Death Contributes to Life-Extension Arguments in Favour of Voluntary Active Euthanasia in the Terminally Ill: An Ethical Analysis.

Musculotendinous ruptures of the achilles tendon had greater heel-rise height index compared with mid-substance rupture with non-operative management: a retrospective cohort study (2023)
Journal Article
Carmont, M. R., Gunnarsson, B., Brorsson, A., & Nilsson-Helander, K. (2023). Musculotendinous ruptures of the achilles tendon had greater heel-rise height index compared with mid-substance rupture with non-operative management: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of ISAKOS,

Achilles Tendon Ruptures (ATR) may occur at varying locations with ruptures at the mid-substance (MS) of the tendon most common, followed tears at the musculotendinous (MT) junction. There is scant li... Read More about Musculotendinous ruptures of the achilles tendon had greater heel-rise height index compared with mid-substance rupture with non-operative management: a retrospective cohort study.

An immersive online response to a practical problem (2023)
Journal Article
Jones, S., & Jones, G. (2023). An immersive online response to a practical problem. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

COVID-19 has led to shortages of clinical placements across academia, felt strongly within the School of Allied Health Professions (SAHP) who lost 12 placements in September and 73 placements in November 2020. To counteract this loss, SAHP and govern... Read More about An immersive online response to a practical problem.

The INSIGHT project: reflections on the co-production of a quality recognition programme to showcase excellence in public involvement in health and care research (2023)
Journal Article
Blackburn, S., Hine, R., Fairbanks, S., Parkes, P., Murinas, D., Meakin, A., …Fryer, A. A. (2023). The INSIGHT project: reflections on the co-production of a quality recognition programme to showcase excellence in public involvement in health and care research. Research Involvement and Engagement, 9(1), 99.

Background: The quality of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in healthcare research varies considerably and is frequently tokenistic. We aimed to co-produce the Insight | Public Involvement Quality Recognition and Awards programme, based on the UK... Read More about The INSIGHT project: reflections on the co-production of a quality recognition programme to showcase excellence in public involvement in health and care research.

Evidence Based Practice: Medical Education Research (2023)
Book Chapter
Rees. (2023). Evidence Based Practice: Medical Education Research. In Family medicine in the undergraduate curriculum: preparing medical students to work in evolving health care systems. Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

Experiences of people with long COVID: Symptoms, support strategies and the Long COVID Optimal Health Programme (LC‐OHP) (2023)
Journal Article
Al‐Jabr, H., Thompson, D. R., Castle, D. J., & Ski, C. F. (2024). Experiences of people with long COVID: Symptoms, support strategies and the Long COVID Optimal Health Programme (LC‐OHP). Health Expectations,

Introduction: Long COVID (LC) is a multisystem illness, with fluctuating symptoms that affect the daily activities of patients. There are still no standardised diagnostic criteria or treatment approaches for managing LC. The LC‐Optimal Health Program... Read More about Experiences of people with long COVID: Symptoms, support strategies and the Long COVID Optimal Health Programme (LC‐OHP).

Knowledge, attitudes and practice of female genital mutilation and cutting: An observational cross-sectional study in primary care (FGM/C Study) (2023)
Journal Article
Robinson, M., Prior, J., Mallen, C. D., & Shepherd, T. A. (2023). Knowledge, attitudes and practice of female genital mutilation and cutting: An observational cross-sectional study in primary care (FGM/C Study). British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), 7(3), Article BJGPO20230005.

Background: Female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C) describes procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. Increasing migration means many c... Read More about Knowledge, attitudes and practice of female genital mutilation and cutting: An observational cross-sectional study in primary care (FGM/C Study).

Osteoporosis and fracture as risk factors for self-harm and suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Manning, F. M., Mughal, F., Ismail, H. A. S. M., Baines, L. M., Chew-Graham, C. A., Paskins, Z., & Prior, J. A. (2023). Osteoporosis and fracture as risk factors for self-harm and suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), 73(735), e735-e743.

Background: Increase in presentations of self-harm to primary care, a risk factor of suicide, has led to a growing interest in identifying at-risk populations.

Aim: To examine whether osteoporosis or fractures are risk factors for self-harm, sui... Read More about Osteoporosis and fracture as risk factors for self-harm and suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Diabetes detection in women with gestational diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome (2023)
Journal Article
Hanna, F., Wu, P., Heald, A., & Fryer, A. (2023). Diabetes detection in women with gestational diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome. BMJ, 382, Article e071675.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) represent two of the highest risk factors for development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in young women. As these increasingly common conditions generally affect younger women, e... Read More about Diabetes detection in women with gestational diabetes and polycystic ovarian syndrome.