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The Potential for a Released Autosomal X-Shredder Becoming a Driving-Y Chromosome and Invasively Suppressing Wild Populations of Malaria Mosquitoes

Alcalay, Yehonatan; Fuchs, Silke; Galizi, Roberto; Bernardini, Federica; Elaine Haghighat-Khah, Roya; Rusch, Douglas B.; Adrion, Jeffrey R.; Hahn, Matthew W.; Tortosa, Pablo; Rotenberry, Rachel; Aris Papathanos, Philippos

The Potential for a Released Autosomal X-Shredder Becoming a Driving-Y Chromosome and Invasively Suppressing Wild Populations of Malaria Mosquitoes Thumbnail


Yehonatan Alcalay

Silke Fuchs

Federica Bernardini

Roya Elaine Haghighat-Khah

Douglas B. Rusch

Jeffrey R. Adrion

Matthew W. Hahn

Pablo Tortosa

Rachel Rotenberry

Philippos Aris Papathanos


Sex-ratio distorters based on X-chromosome shredding are more efficient than sterile male releases for population suppression. X-shredding is a form of sex distortion that skews spermatogenesis of XY males towards the preferential transmission of Y-bearing gametes, resulting in a higher fraction of sons than daughters. Strains harboring X-shredders on autosomes were first developed in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae, resulting in strong sex-ratio distortion. Since autosomal X-shredders are transmitted in a Mendelian fashion and can be selected against, their frequency in the population declines once releases are halted. However, unintended transfer of X-shredders to the Y-chromosome could produce an invasive meiotic drive element, that benefits from its biased transmission to the predominant male-biased offspring and its effective shielding from female negative selection. Indeed, linkage to the Y-chromosome of an active X-shredder instigated the development of the nuclease-based X-shredding system. Here, we analyze mechanisms whereby an autosomal X-shredder could become unintentionally Y-linked after release by evaluating the stability of an established X-shredder strain that is being considered for release, exploring its potential for remobilization in laboratory and wild-type genomes of An. gambiae and provide data regarding expression on the mosquito Y-chromosome. Our data suggest that an invasive X-shredder resulting from a post-release movement of such autosomal transgenes onto the Y-chromosome is unlikely.


Alcalay, Y., Fuchs, S., Galizi, R., Bernardini, F., Elaine Haghighat-Khah, R., Rusch, D. B., …Aris Papathanos, P. (2021). The Potential for a Released Autosomal X-Shredder Becoming a Driving-Y Chromosome and Invasively Suppressing Wild Populations of Malaria Mosquitoes. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology,

Acceptance Date Oct 15, 2021
Publication Date Dec 3, 2021
Journal Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Publisher Frontiers Media
Keywords gene drive; malaria; sex-ratio distortion; genetic control; risk assessment
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