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Ecological risk characterisation of novel soil amendments: assessing impacts on soil properties, earthworms and soil microbial functions (2023)
Turner, T. (2023). Ecological risk characterisation of novel soil amendments: assessing impacts on soil properties, earthworms and soil microbial functions. (Thesis). Keele University

Land application of water treatment residuals (WTRs), a by-product of drinking water treatment, is increasingly common due to tightening landfilling regulations and attempts to embrace greener practices. In this thesis a thorough literature review in... Read More about Ecological risk characterisation of novel soil amendments: assessing impacts on soil properties, earthworms and soil microbial functions.

Discrimination of thermodynamic and kinetic contributions to the heavy rare earth element patterns in metamorphic garnet (2022)
Journal Article
Konrad‐Schmolke, M., Halama, R., Chew, D., Heuzé, C., De Hoog, J., & Ditterova, H. (2022). Discrimination of thermodynamic and kinetic contributions to the heavy rare earth element patterns in metamorphic garnet. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 41(4), 465-490.

Variations of rare earth element (REE) concentrations in metamorphic garnet are an important source of information of geodynamic and geochemical processes in the deeper Earth. In order to extract this information, the thermodynamic equilibrium and ki... Read More about Discrimination of thermodynamic and kinetic contributions to the heavy rare earth element patterns in metamorphic garnet.

Comparative geochemistry of Early Carboniferous marine red beds (MRBs) and their significance for deep time paleoceanographic reconstructions (2022)
Journal Article
Card, C. J., & Montenari, M. (2022). Comparative geochemistry of Early Carboniferous marine red beds (MRBs) and their significance for deep time paleoceanographic reconstructions. Sedimentary Geology, 106313 - 106313.

Marine red beds (MRBs), also known as oceanic red beds (ORBs), are reddish colored sediments deposited within the marine realm that have been stained during deposition and/or early diagenesis because of changes in the ocean water chemistry in respons... Read More about Comparative geochemistry of Early Carboniferous marine red beds (MRBs) and their significance for deep time paleoceanographic reconstructions.

Red Sea rifting in central Egypt: constraints from the offshore Quseir province (2022)
Journal Article
Ali, M., Decarlis, A., Ligi, M., Ball, P., Bosworth, W., & Ceriani, A. (2022). Red Sea rifting in central Egypt: constraints from the offshore Quseir province. Journal of the Geological Society, 180(2), Article jgs2022-105.

The formation of oceanic crust in the southern and central Red Sea is generally accepted to have started at c. 5 Ma. However, the nature of the crust in the northern Red Sea is still debated. This paper describes the rift architecture, dynamics and e... Read More about Red Sea rifting in central Egypt: constraints from the offshore Quseir province.

The role of ‘living laboratories’ in accelerating the energy system decarbonization (2022)
Journal Article
Fan, Z., Cao, J., Jamal, T., Fogwill, C., Samende, C., Robinson, Z., …Healey, D. (2022). The role of ‘living laboratories’ in accelerating the energy system decarbonization. Energy Reports, 11858 - 11864.

To decarbonize the energy system by the year 2050, it is crucial that innovations are trialled in a ‘real world’ setting for the purpose of increasing public adoption and support, and for providing insights to decision-makers to ensure their decision... Read More about The role of ‘living laboratories’ in accelerating the energy system decarbonization.

Living in a plastic world: problems, places, people, and perspectives on developing ‘Plastic Literacy’ through participatory arts (2022)
Lei, X. (2022). Living in a plastic world: problems, places, people, and perspectives on developing ‘Plastic Literacy’ through participatory arts. (Thesis). Keele University

Creative practice is experiencing a revival as both research method and vehicle for impact and public engagement in geographical research. Academics are increasingly collaborating with artists to deliver public engagement and impact with an emphasis... Read More about Living in a plastic world: problems, places, people, and perspectives on developing ‘Plastic Literacy’ through participatory arts.

Origin of Lower Cretaceous quartzose arenites in northern India and the Indus Basins of Pakistan-The result of provenance composition, weathering or diagenesis? (2022)
Journal Article
Beaumont, H., Burley, S. D., Breitfeld, T., Gould, T., & Clarke, S. M. (2022). Origin of Lower Cretaceous quartzose arenites in northern India and the Indus Basins of Pakistan-The result of provenance composition, weathering or diagenesis?. Basin Research, 35(1), 413-438.

Lower Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) sandstones of the Ghaggar-Hakra Formation in the Barmer Basin of northwest Rajasthan, India, have a complex depositional history which is confusing given they are quartzose arenites. The heavy mineral grains are very... Read More about Origin of Lower Cretaceous quartzose arenites in northern India and the Indus Basins of Pakistan-The result of provenance composition, weathering or diagenesis?.

Determining patterns in the composition of dissolved organic matter in fresh waters according to land use and management (2022)
Journal Article
Yates, C. A., Johnes, P. J., Brailsford, F. L., Evans, C. D., Evershed, R. P., Glanville, H. C., …Owen, A. T. (2023). Determining patterns in the composition of dissolved organic matter in fresh waters according to land use and management. Biogeochemistry, 164(1), 143-162.

In fresh waters, the origins of dissolved organic matter (DOM) have been found to exert a fundamental control on its reactivity, and ultimately, its ecosystem functional role. A detailed understanding of landscape scale factors that control the expor... Read More about Determining patterns in the composition of dissolved organic matter in fresh waters according to land use and management.

Ovummuridae (calcareous microfossils) from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK (2022)
Journal Article
Hussain, R., Rogers, S., & Blackburn, J. (2022). Ovummuridae (calcareous microfossils) from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK.

Ovummuridae are calcareous, egg-shaped microfossils with an unknown taxonomic affinity. Their limited observation is due to their occurrence only within exceptionally preserved carbonate rocks that have undergone little to no diagenesis or aggrading... Read More about Ovummuridae (calcareous microfossils) from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation, Shropshire, UK.

Maritime Security in a Critical Context (2022)
Book Chapter
Ryan. (2022). Maritime Security in a Critical Context. In The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Security.

In this chapter I propose a time and place of birth for maritime security. Utilising Deleuze and Guattari’s assemblage theory, I locate the original context from which maritime security arose in a foundational violent event that bore witness to the p... Read More about Maritime Security in a Critical Context.

Introduction: Surveying the Seascape (2022)
Book Chapter
Boşilcă, R., Ferreira, S., & Ryan, B. J. (2022). Introduction: Surveying the Seascape. In The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Security. Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

This introductory chapter to the Handbook of Maritime Security frames the approach taken by its editors towards its compilation. The introduction demonstrates the various theoretical perspectives and the emerging norms and practices that comprise mar... Read More about Introduction: Surveying the Seascape.

Hybrid event bed character and distribution in the context of ancient deep-lacustrine fan models (2022)
Journal Article
Dodd, T. J. H., McCarthy¹, D., McCarthy, D. J., Amy, L., Plenderleith, G. E., & Clarke, S. M. (2022). Hybrid event bed character and distribution in the context of ancient deep-lacustrine fan models. Sedimentology, 69(4), 1891-1926.

Hybrid event beds are texturally and compositionally-diverse deposits preserved within deepwater settings. They are deposited by flows exhibiting ‘mixed behaviour’, forming complex successions of sandstone and mudstone, which are often challenging to... Read More about Hybrid event bed character and distribution in the context of ancient deep-lacustrine fan models.

Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 million years. (2022)
Journal Article
Belt, S., Smik, L., Vogel, H., Peck, V., Armbrecht, L., Cage, A., …Raymo, M. (2022). Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 million years. Nature communications, 2044 - ?.

The Southern Ocean paleoceanography provides key insights into how iron fertilization and oceanic productivity developed through Pleistocene ice-ages and their role in influencing the carbon cycle. We report a high-resolution record of dust depositio... Read More about Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 million years..

George Perry (1771–1823): architect and naturalist (2022)
Journal Article
Leach, S., & Torrens, H. S. (2022). George Perry (1771–1823): architect and naturalist. Archives of Natural History, 49(1), 117-129.

George Perry (1771-1823) was an artist, architect and sculptor, with a deep interest in natural history and malacology. (His father, George Perry (c.1718-1771), was a pioneering industrialist, with a particular interest in geology and also the histor... Read More about George Perry (1771–1823): architect and naturalist.

George Perry (c.1718-1771): industrialist, cartographer and naturalist (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). George Perry (c.1718-1771): industrialist, cartographer and naturalist. Archives of Natural History, 102 - 116.

George Perry (c.1718–1771) is known for his involvement in the development of the iron and engineering industries of Coalbrookdale, Ironbridge Gorge, Shropshire and Liverpool, and also for his ambition to publish a history together with new maps of L... Read More about George Perry (c.1718-1771): industrialist, cartographer and naturalist.

The behaviour of nitrogen during subduction of oceanic crust: insights from in situ SIMS analyses of high-pressure rocks (2022)
Journal Article
Halama, R., Harris, B., & De Hoog, J. (2022). The behaviour of nitrogen during subduction of oceanic crust: insights from in situ SIMS analyses of high-pressure rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 16-34.

Understanding the Earth’s geological nitrogen (N) cycle requires an understanding of how N behaves during dehydration of subducted crust. We present the first in situ measurements of N in silicate minerals by secondary ion mass spectrometry, focusing... Read More about The behaviour of nitrogen during subduction of oceanic crust: insights from in situ SIMS analyses of high-pressure rocks.

The sedimentary record of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism: a perspective review (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). The sedimentary record of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism: a perspective review. Earth-Science Reviews,

Tracing ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism of crustal rocks through the geological record is a key for understanding the evolution of plate tectonics on Earth due to the linkage with deep subduction processes. Until recently, UHP research was almo... Read More about The sedimentary record of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism: a perspective review.

Standardised bioassays reveal that mosquitoes learn to avoid compounds used in chemical vector control after a single sub-lethal exposure. (2022)
Journal Article
Sougoufara, S., Yorkston-Dives, H., Masyirah Aklee, N., Che Rus, A., Zairi, J., & Tripet, F. (2022). Standardised bioassays reveal that mosquitoes learn to avoid compounds used in chemical vector control after a single sub-lethal exposure. Scientific reports, 2206 - ?.

Vector-borne diseases are worldwide public health issues. Despite research focused on vectorial capacity determinants in pathogen transmitting mosquitoes, their behavioural plasticity remains poorly understood. Memory and associative learning have be... Read More about Standardised bioassays reveal that mosquitoes learn to avoid compounds used in chemical vector control after a single sub-lethal exposure..

A sensitivity analysis of a single extraction well from deep geothermal aquifers in the Cheshire Basin, UK (2022)
Journal Article
Cassidy, N. J., Egan, S. S., Griffiths, D., & Brown, C. S. (2022). A sensitivity analysis of a single extraction well from deep geothermal aquifers in the Cheshire Basin, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 55(3), Article qjegh2021-131.

Deep hot sedimentary aquifers (HSAs) are targeted for geothermal exploitation in the Cheshire Basin, UK. In this study, a single extraction well targeting the Collyhurst Sandstone Formation was modelled on MATLAB coupling heat and fluid flux. The Col... Read More about A sensitivity analysis of a single extraction well from deep geothermal aquifers in the Cheshire Basin, UK.