Alexander Oldroyd
The temporal relationship between cancer and adult onset anti-transcriptional intermediary factor 1 antibody–positive dermatomyositis
Oldroyd, Alexander; Sergeant, Jamie C; New, Paul; McHugh, Neil J; Betteridge, Zoe; Lamb, Janine A; Ollier, William E; Cooper, Robert G; Chinoy, Hector; Ahmed, Yasmeen; Armstrong, Raymond; Bernstein, Robert; Black, Carol; Bowman, Simon; Bruce, Ian; Butler, Robin; Carty, John; Chattopadhyay, Chandra; Chelliah, Easwaradhas; Clarke, Fiona; Dawes, Peter; Devlin, Joseph; Edwards, Christopher; Emery, Paul; Fordham, John; Fraser, Alexander; Gaston, Hill; Gordon, Patrick; Griffiths, Bridget; Gunawardena, Harsha; Hall, Frances; Harrison, Beverley; Hay, Elaine; Horden, Lesley; Isaacs, John; Jones, Adrian; Kamath, Sanjeet; Kennedy, Thomas; Kitas, George; Klimiuk, Peter; Knights, Sally; Lambert, John; Lanyon, Peter; Laxminarayan, Ramasharan; Lecky, Bryan; Luqmani, Raashid; Marks, Jeffrey; Martin, Michael; McGonagle, Dennis; McHugh, Neil; McKenna, Francis; McLaren, John; McMahon, Michael; McRorie, Euan; Merry, Peter; Miles, Sarah; Miller, James; Nicholls, Anne; Nixon, Jennifer; Ong, Voon; Packham, J...
Jamie C Sergeant
Paul New
Neil J McHugh
Zoe Betteridge
Janine A Lamb
William E Ollier
Robert G Cooper
Hector Chinoy
Yasmeen Ahmed
Raymond Armstrong
Robert Bernstein
Carol Black
Simon Bowman
Ian Bruce
Robin Butler
John Carty
Chandra Chattopadhyay
Easwaradhas Chelliah
Fiona Clarke
Peter Dawes
Joseph Devlin
Christopher Edwards
Paul Emery
John Fordham
Alexander Fraser
Hill Gaston
Patrick Gordon
Bridget Griffiths
Harsha Gunawardena
Frances Hall
Beverley Harrison
Elaine Hay
Lesley Horden
John Isaacs
Adrian Jones
Sanjeet Kamath
Thomas Kennedy
George Kitas
Peter Klimiuk
Sally Knights
John Lambert
Peter Lanyon
Ramasharan Laxminarayan
Bryan Lecky
Raashid Luqmani
Jeffrey Marks
Michael Martin
Dennis McGonagle
Neil McHugh
Francis McKenna
John McLaren
Michael McMahon
Euan McRorie
Peter Merry
Sarah Miles
James Miller
Anne Nicholls
Jennifer Nixon
Voon Ong
John Packham
Nicolo Pipitone
Michael Plant
Gillian Pountain
Thomas Pullar
Mark Roberts
Paul Sanders
David Scott
David Scott
Michael Shadforth
Thomas Sheeran
Arul Srinivasan
David Swinson
Lee-Suan Teh
Michael Webley
Brian Williams
Jonathan Winer
Oldroyd, A., Sergeant, J. C., New, P., McHugh, N. J., Betteridge, Z., Lamb, J. A., …UKMyoNet. (2019). The temporal relationship between cancer and adult onset anti-transcriptional intermediary factor 1 antibody–positive dermatomyositis. Rheumatology, 58(4), 650-655.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Online Publication Date | Dec 7, 2018 |
Publication Date | 2019-04 |
Deposit Date | Jun 13, 2023 |
Journal | Rheumatology |
Print ISSN | 1462-0324 |
Electronic ISSN | 1462-0332 |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 58 |
Issue | 4 |
Pages | 650-655 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Pharmacology (medical); Rheumatology |
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