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The effectiveness of an instagram intervention targeted at men to reduce body dissatisfaction

Stiff, Chris; Cutts, Megan

The effectiveness of an instagram intervention targeted at men to reduce body dissatisfaction Thumbnail


Megan Cutts


Instagram is a hugely popular social media website; however, research has suggested that continued use of the site may lead to increased body dissatisfaction and lower body esteem. Materials intended to reduce these effects are available, but these often focus more on thinness and are intended for use by females. Male users tend to focus more on muscularity and leanness, and so these materials may not fully address male body image issues. In this paper, we created and tested materials intended to address this gap. These materials used two principles; media literacy, which educates users about the veracity of the images they see, and cognitive restructuring, which trains user to recognise unfavourable social comparisons they may make about themselves. Across two experimental studies (study 1 N = 192; study 2 N = 301), we found these materials were effective. Participants reported greater body image esteem, and lower body dissatisfaction after viewing materials. Moreover, they seemed to operate on increasing scepticism regarding the realism of images on social media. Narcissism as an individual difference moderated these effects, showing that high narcissism precluded the need for intervention because such individuals were unaffected by Instagram exposure. Ideas for future studies, including a forthcoming longitudinal examination of these effects are then discussed.


Stiff, C., & Cutts, M. (2024). The effectiveness of an instagram intervention targeted at men to reduce body dissatisfaction. Current Psychology, 43(11), 9838-9853.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 27, 2023
Online Publication Date Aug 25, 2023
Publication Date Mar 1, 2024
Deposit Date Sep 7, 2023
Publicly Available Date Sep 8, 2023
Journal Current Psychology
Print ISSN 1046-1310
Electronic ISSN 1936-4733
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 43
Issue 11
Pages 9838-9853
Keywords General Psychology, Body image, Instagram, Intervention, Male, Social media
Additional Information Accepted: 27 July 2023; First Online: 25 August 2023; : ; : The experimental protocols used in both studies was passed by the institution’s ethical review board, and adhered to the British Psychological Society’s ethical standards. All participants gave their informed consent prior to participating.; : The studies in the manuscript obtained ethical approval from the institution’s review board, and adhered to the British Psychological Society’s code of ethics.; : Information consent was obtained from all participants.; : The authors have no competing interests, either financial or non-financial, to disclose relating to this manuscript.


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