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The prescription and monitoring of conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs: British Society for Rheumatology guideline scope

Mercer, Louise; Abhishek, Abhishek; Kavirayani, Akhila; Ahmed, Alison; Davidson, Alan; Foulkes, Amy; Jones, Claire; Nash, Clare; Rose-Parfitt, Emily; Dhillon, Emmandeep; Zabate, Genevieve; Twohig, Helen; De Vere, Hope; Scott, Jennifer; Reynolds, John; Holmes, Julia; Hartley, Karen; Warrier, Kishore; Nowak, Kataryzna; Parsons, Kate; Bechman, Katie; Bray, Lisa; Adikari, Madura; Wood, Natasha; Faithfull, Nicola; Gullick, Nicola; Saha, Pratyasha; Heaton, Rebecca; Deepak, Samundeeswari; Hider, Samantha; Khalid, Sameena; Suleiman Said, Sanaa; Ryan, Sarah; Kyle, Stuart; Raghuvanshi, Subhra; Tan, Su-Yin; Shivamurthy, Vinay; Galloway, James


Louise Mercer

Abhishek Abhishek

Akhila Kavirayani

Alison Ahmed

Alan Davidson

Amy Foulkes

Claire Jones

Clare Nash

Emily Rose-Parfitt

Emmandeep Dhillon

Genevieve Zabate

Hope De Vere

Jennifer Scott

John Reynolds

Julia Holmes

Karen Hartley

Kishore Warrier

Kataryzna Nowak

Kate Parsons

Katie Bechman

Lisa Bray

Madura Adikari

Natasha Wood

Nicola Faithfull

Nicola Gullick

Pratyasha Saha

Rebecca Heaton

Samundeeswari Deepak

Sameena Khalid

Sanaa Suleiman Said

Sarah Ryan

Stuart Kyle

Subhra Raghuvanshi

Su-Yin Tan

Vinay Shivamurthy

James Galloway


Lay Summary: What does this mean for patients? A revised guideline, produced by the British Society for Rheumatology (BSR), will provide up-to-date information about the safe prescribing and monitoring of the effects of non-biologic (or conventional synthetic) disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). This guideline will be used by healthcare professionals, people living with autoimmune rheumatic diseases and other interested parties, such as patient groups and charities. DMARDs are a group of drugs prescribed to people with autoimmune rheumatic diseases. The main aims of these drugs are to control symptoms and reduce or prevent long-term progression of the disease. Biologic drugs and Janus kinase inhibitors—sometimes referred to as biologic DMARDs and targeted synthetic DMARDs, respectively—are excluded from this guideline. This article outlines the scope of the revised guideline for DMARD safety, which will be updated to include new information and is being extended to include children and young people. Guideline revisions will be undertaken by a working group of adult and paediatric and adolescent rheumatologists, other healthcare professionals and people living with autoimmune rheumatic disease. The guideline will be developed using the methods and processes outlined in the BSR document ‘Creating clinical guidelines: our protocol’.


Mercer, L., Abhishek, A., Kavirayani, A., Ahmed, A., Davidson, A., Foulkes, A., …Galloway, J. (in press). The prescription and monitoring of conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs: British Society for Rheumatology guideline scope. Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 8(3), Article rkae077.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 22, 2024
Online Publication Date Jul 12, 2024
Deposit Date Jul 15, 2024
Publicly Available Date Jul 15, 2024
Journal Rheumatology Advances in Practice
Print ISSN 2514-1775
Electronic ISSN 2514-1775
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Issue 3
Article Number rkae077
Keywords DMARD management guideline
Public URL


The prescription and monitoring of conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs: British Society for Rheumatology guideline scope (398 Kb)


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