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Getting the deal: a qualitative inquiry into the task and developmental i-deal obtainment process

Garg, Swati; Sinha, Shuchi

Getting the deal: a qualitative inquiry into the task and developmental i-deal obtainment process Thumbnail


Shuchi Sinha


Idiosyncratic deals, or i-deals, are customizations that employees make to their jobs with the consent of their organization. This study investigates how employees obtain their task and developmental (T&D) i-deals by using qualitative data obtained from professionals in India.

In-depth, qualitative interviews were conducted with 27 professionals employed in diverse services firms in India. Data was analysed using the Gioia guidelines (Gioia et al., 2013).

The findings show a four-stage i-deal obtainment process that highlights how the desire for a T&D i-deal emerges, strengthens and materializes into an actual discussion or negotiation, and the routes employees take depending upon the success or failure of the i-deal discussion.

I-deals obtainment is a four-stage cyclical process, encompassing several factors, including attempts at credibility building by the i-dealer, assessing the availability of the i-deal within the organization and using influence tactics during the i-deal discussion. The application of social learning theory accentuates understanding of the i-deal obtainment process, particularly how employees develop and recognize the desire for an i-deal and how they progress through the four stages.


Garg, S., & Sinha, S. (in press). Getting the deal: a qualitative inquiry into the task and developmental i-deal obtainment process. Employee Relations,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 9, 2024
Online Publication Date Nov 7, 2024
Deposit Date Nov 28, 2024
Publicly Available Date Jan 6, 2025
Journal Employee Relations: The International Journal
Print ISSN 0142-5455
Publisher Emerald
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Task i-deals, Developmental i-deals, Social exchange, Social learning, I-deals obtainment
Public URL
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