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Glutathione S-transferase GSTT1 genotypes and susceptibility to cancer: studies of interactions with GSTM1 in lung, oral, gastric and colorectal cancers. (1996)
Journal Article
Deakin, M., Elder, J., Hendrickkse, C., Peckham, D., Leopard, D., Bell, D. A., …Strange, R. C. (1996). Glutathione S-transferase GSTT1 genotypes and susceptibility to cancer: studies of interactions with GSTM1 in lung, oral, gastric and colorectal cancers. Carcinogenesis, 17(4), 881–884.

Allelism in glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 has been suggested as a risk factor in various cancers. Accordingly, we describe a group of case-control studies carried out to identify associations between GSTT1 genotypes and susceptibility to... Read More about Glutathione S-transferase GSTT1 genotypes and susceptibility to cancer: studies of interactions with GSTM1 in lung, oral, gastric and colorectal cancers..

Susceptibility to multiple cutaneous basal cell carcinomas: significant interactions between glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 genotypes, skin type and male gender. (1996)
Journal Article
Heagerty, A., Smith, A., English, J., Lear, J., Perkins, W., Bowers, B., …Strange, R. (1996). Susceptibility to multiple cutaneous basal cell carcinomas: significant interactions between glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 genotypes, skin type and male gender. British journal of cancer, 73, 44 - 48.

The factors that determine development of single and multiple primary cutaneous basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are unclear. We describe a case-control study firstly, to examine the influence of allelism at the glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1... Read More about Susceptibility to multiple cutaneous basal cell carcinomas: significant interactions between glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 genotypes, skin type and male gender..

[Initial results of glutathione-S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes and genetic predisposition for laryngeal carcinoma] (1995)
Journal Article
Jahnke, V., Strange, R., Matthias, C., & Fryer, A. (1995). [Initial results of glutathione-S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes and genetic predisposition for laryngeal carcinoma]. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, 74(11), 691-694.

While cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption have been linked to laryngeal carcinoma, the role of genetic factors in determining individual susceptibility is unknown. We describe the role of allelism at glutathione-S-transferase GSTM1,... Read More about [Initial results of glutathione-S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes and genetic predisposition for laryngeal carcinoma].

Susceptibility to ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease: interactions between glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes. (1995)
Journal Article
Duncan, H., Swanx, C., Green, J., Jones, P., Brannigan, K., Alldersea, J., …Strange, R. C. (1995). Susceptibility to ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease: interactions between glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes. Clinica Chimica Acta, 240(1), 53-61.

The polymorphic glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 loci are attractive candidates for susceptibility to ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease because their enzymes catalyse the detoxification of products of oxidative stress and tobacco-derive... Read More about Susceptibility to ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease: interactions between glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes..

GSTM1 and CYP2D6 genotype frequencies in patients with pituitary tumours: effects on P53, ras and gsp. (1995)
Journal Article
Perrett, C. W., Clayton, R. N., Pistorello, M., Boscaro, M., Scanarini, M., Bates, A. S., …Strange, R. C. (1995). GSTM1 and CYP2D6 genotype frequencies in patients with pituitary tumours: effects on P53, ras and gsp. Carcinogenesis, 16(7), 1643–1645.

We describe studies to determine if susceptibility to pituitary tumours is associated with the putatively high risk GSTM1 null and CYP2D6 EM genotypes. Frequency distributions of these genotypes were similar in cases and controls though the frequency... Read More about GSTM1 and CYP2D6 genotype frequencies in patients with pituitary tumours: effects on P53, ras and gsp..

Journal Article
Jahnke, V., Strange, R., Matthias, C., & Fryer, A. (1995). Studies on glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes and susceptibility to laryngeal cancer,ERSTE ERGEBNISSE UBER GLUTATHION-S-TRANSFERASE GSTM1 UND GSTT1 GENOTYPEN UND DIE GENETISCHE PRADISPOSITION BEIM LARYNXKARZINOM. Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie, 74(11), 691-694.

Theta class glutathione s-transferase gstt1 genotypes and susceptibility to cervical neoplasia: Interactions with gstm1, cyp2d6 and smoking (1994)
Journal Article
Warwick, A., Sarhanis, P., Redman, C., Pemble, S., Taylor, J. B., Ketterer, B., …Strange, R. C. (1994). Theta class glutathione s-transferase gstt1 genotypes and susceptibility to cervical neoplasia: Interactions with gstm1, cyp2d6 and smoking. Carcinogenesis, 15(12), 2841–2845.

The factors that determine progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) are unknown. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor, suggesting polymorphism at loci that encode carcinogenmetabolizing enzymes such as gl... Read More about Theta class glutathione s-transferase gstt1 genotypes and susceptibility to cervical neoplasia: Interactions with gstm1, cyp2d6 and smoking.

Progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia to cervical cancer: interactions of cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 EM and glutathione s-transferase GSTM1 null genotypes and cigarette smoking. (1994)
Journal Article
Warwick, A., Redman, C., Jones, P., Fryer, A., Gilford, J., Alldersea, J., & Strange, R. (1994). Progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia to cervical cancer: interactions of cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 EM and glutathione s-transferase GSTM1 null genotypes and cigarette smoking. British journal of cancer, 70, 704 -708.

The factors that determine progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) are unknown. Cigarette smoking is an independent risk factor for cervical neoplasia, suggesting that polymorphism at detoxicating enzy... Read More about Progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia to cervical cancer: interactions of cytochrome P450 CYP2D6 EM and glutathione s-transferase GSTM1 null genotypes and cigarette smoking..

Alpha, Mu and Pi Class Glutathione S-Transferases in Human Synovium and Cultured Synovial Fibroblasts: Effects of Interleukin-1α, Hydrogen Peroxide and Inhibition of Eicosanoid Synthesis (1993)
Journal Article
Mattey, D. L., Nixon, N., Alldersea, J. E., Cotton, W., Fryer, A. A., Zhao, L., …Strange, R. C. (1993). Alpha, Mu and Pi Class Glutathione S-Transferases in Human Synovium and Cultured Synovial Fibroblasts: Effects of Interleukin-1α, Hydrogen Peroxide and Inhibition of Eicosanoid Synthesis. Free Radical Research, 19(3),

We describe expression of alpha, mu and pi class glutathione S-transferases (GST) and, CuZn- and Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD) in human synovium and cultured synovial fibroblasts. Immunohistochemical and immunoblotting studies showed synovium and cul... Read More about Alpha, Mu and Pi Class Glutathione S-Transferases in Human Synovium and Cultured Synovial Fibroblasts: Effects of Interleukin-1α, Hydrogen Peroxide and Inhibition of Eicosanoid Synthesis.

Alpha, mu and pi class glutathione s-transferases in human synovium and cultured synovial fibroblasts: Effects of interleukin-1α hydrogen peroxide and inhibition of eicosanoid synthesis (1993)
Journal Article
Mattey, D. L., Nixon, N., Alldersea, J. E., Cotton, W., Fryer, A. A., Zhao, L., …Strange, R. C. (1993). Alpha, mu and pi class glutathione s-transferases in human synovium and cultured synovial fibroblasts: Effects of interleukin-1α hydrogen peroxide and inhibition of eicosanoid synthesis. Free Radical Research, 19(3),

Use of site-directed mutagenesis of allele-specific PCR primers to identify the GSTM1 A, GSTM1 B, GSTM1 A,B and GSTM1 null polymorphisms at the glutathione S-transferase, GSTM1 locus (1993)
Journal Article
Fryer, A. A., Zhao, L., Alldersea, J., Pearson, W. R., & Strange, R. C. (1993). Use of site-directed mutagenesis of allele-specific PCR primers to identify the GSTM1 A, GSTM1 B, GSTM1 A,B and GSTM1 null polymorphisms at the glutathione S-transferase, GSTM1 locus. Biochemical Journal, 295(1), 313–315

We describe the identification of the GSTM1 null, GSTM1 A, GSTM1 B and GSTM1 A,B polymorphisms at the glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 locus using a single-step PCR method. Target DNA was amplified using primers to intron 6 and exon 7 with site-direct... Read More about Use of site-directed mutagenesis of allele-specific PCR primers to identify the GSTM1 A, GSTM1 B, GSTM1 A,B and GSTM1 null polymorphisms at the glutathione S-transferase, GSTM1 locus.

Plasma protein levels in normal human fetuses: 13 to 41 weeks' gestation. (1993)
Journal Article
Fryer, A., Jones, P., Strange, R., Hume, R., & Bell, J. (1993). Plasma protein levels in normal human fetuses: 13 to 41 weeks' gestation. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 100(9), 850-855.

Objective To establish reference ranges for the levels of alpha-fetoprotein, albumin, prealbumin (transthyretin) alpha-1-antitrypsin, transferrin, ceruloplasmin and total protein in the plasma of normal human fetuses and newborn babies.

Design Pro... Read More about Plasma protein levels in normal human fetuses: 13 to 41 weeks' gestation..

The glutathione S-transferases: polymerase chain reaction studies on the frequency of the GSTM1 0 genotype in patients with pituitary adenomas. (1993)
Journal Article
Fryer, A. A., Zhao, L., Alldersea, J., Boggild, M. D., Perrett, C. W., Clayton, R. N., …Strange, R. C. (1993). The glutathione S-transferases: polymerase chain reaction studies on the frequency of the GSTM1 0 genotype in patients with pituitary adenomas. Carcinogenesis,

The frequency of the GSTM1 0 polymorphism at the glutathione S-transferase M1 locus has been determined in controls and patients with pituitary adenomas by using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify genomic DNA in the exon 4–5 region of the gene.... Read More about The glutathione S-transferases: polymerase chain reaction studies on the frequency of the GSTM1 0 genotype in patients with pituitary adenomas..

GSTM1 null polymorphism at the glutathione S-transferase M1 locus: phenotype and genotype studies in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. (1993)
Journal Article
Davies, M. H., Elias, E., Acharya, S., Cotton, W., Faulder, G. C., Fryer, A. A., & Strange, R. C. (1993). GSTM1 null polymorphism at the glutathione S-transferase M1 locus: phenotype and genotype studies in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Gut, 34(4),

Studies were carried out to test the hypothesis that the GSTM1 null phenotype at the mu (mu) class glutathione S-transferase 1 locus is associated with an increased predisposition to primary biliary cirrhosis. Starch gel electrophoresis was used to c... Read More about GSTM1 null polymorphism at the glutathione S-transferase M1 locus: phenotype and genotype studies in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis..

Lipid peroxidation and expression of copper-zinc and manganese superoxide dismutase in lungs of premature infants with hyaline membrane disease and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. (1990)
Journal Article
Strange, R. C., Cotton, W., Fryer, A. A., Jones, P., Bell, J., & Hume, R. (1990). Lipid peroxidation and expression of copper-zinc and manganese superoxide dismutase in lungs of premature infants with hyaline membrane disease and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 116(5), 666-673

The putative involvement of reactive oxygen species in the etiology of lung damage in infants receiving mechanical ventilation has been examined by comparing the levels of peroxidation and expression of the antioxidant enzymes, CuZn and Mn superoxide... Read More about Lipid peroxidation and expression of copper-zinc and manganese superoxide dismutase in lungs of premature infants with hyaline membrane disease and bronchopulmonary dysplasia..