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All Outputs (11)

Depression Self-Care Apps' Characteristics and Applicability to Older Adults: Systematic Assessment. (2025)
Journal Article
Yin, R., Rajappan, D., Martinengo, L., Chan, F. H. F., Smith, H., Griva, K., …Tudor Car, L. (in press). Depression Self-Care Apps' Characteristics and Applicability to Older Adults: Systematic Assessment. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 27, Article e56418.

Depression affects 32% of older adults. Loneliness and social isolation are common risk factors for depression in older adults. Mobile apps can connect users and are also effective in depression management in the general population. However, older ad... Read More about Depression Self-Care Apps' Characteristics and Applicability to Older Adults: Systematic Assessment..

Prevalence of complexity in primary care and its associated factors: A Singapore experience (2025)
Journal Article
Quek, J. S., Lew, J. K., Lee, E. S., Smith, H. E., & Wong, S. K. W. (in press). Prevalence of complexity in primary care and its associated factors: A Singapore experience. Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, 54(2), 87-100.

Introduction: As the population ages, patient complexity is increasing, intensifying the demand for well-resourced, coordinated care. A deeper understanding of the factors contributing to this complexity is essential for optimising resource allocatio... Read More about Prevalence of complexity in primary care and its associated factors: A Singapore experience.

Genotype‐Guided Asthma Treatment Reduces Exacerbations in Children: Meta‐Analysis of Two RCTs (2024)
Journal Article
Slob, E. M. A., Vijverberg, S. J. H., Ruffles, T., Noij, L. C. E., Biermann, J., Brouwer, A. F. J., …Maitland‐van der Zee, A. H. (in press). Genotype‐Guided Asthma Treatment Reduces Exacerbations in Children: Meta‐Analysis of Two RCTs. Allergy,

Background: Long‐acting beta2‐agonists (LABA) in combination with inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are commonly used to treat asthma, however, some children lack response to the addition of LABA. This might be partially due to the presence of the Arg16G... Read More about Genotype‐Guided Asthma Treatment Reduces Exacerbations in Children: Meta‐Analysis of Two RCTs.

Profiles of knowledge, self-efficacy, psychological and physical health in type 2 diabetes and its association with outcomes. (2024)
Journal Article
Wong, S. K. W., Lew, J., Soon, W., Griva, K., Smith, H. E., & Lim, S. C. (in press). Profiles of knowledge, self-efficacy, psychological and physical health in type 2 diabetes and its association with outcomes. Patient Education and Counseling, 130, Article 108482.

Self-management is impacted by knowledge, self-efficacy, psychological health (general mental health and diabetes-related distress) and physical health (KSPP), and variations in KSPP contribute to heterogeneity in diabetes self-management education (... Read More about Profiles of knowledge, self-efficacy, psychological and physical health in type 2 diabetes and its association with outcomes..

Teledermatology: an evidence map of systematic reviews (2024)
Journal Article
Chow, A., Smith, H. E., Car, L. T., Kong, J. W., Choo, K. W., Aw, A. A. L., …Apfelbacher, C. (2024). Teledermatology: an evidence map of systematic reviews. Systematic Reviews, 13(1), 1-18.

Background: Although the number of teledermatology studies is increasing, not all variables have been researched in equal depth, so there remains a lack of robust evidence for some teledermatology initiatives. This review describes the landscape of t... Read More about Teledermatology: an evidence map of systematic reviews.

Enhancing guidelines for managing cognitively impaired drivers: Insights from Western evidence for Asian adaptation (2024)
Journal Article
Chan, M. L., Lim, D. W., Win, K. K., & Smith, H. (2024). Enhancing guidelines for managing cognitively impaired drivers: Insights from Western evidence for Asian adaptation. Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, 53(10), 621-626.

Introduction: The global incidence of dementia is increasing, and cognitively impaired drivers are at a higher risk of crashes compared to healthy drivers. Doctors face challenges in assessing these at-risk drivers, with questionable adherence to exi... Read More about Enhancing guidelines for managing cognitively impaired drivers: Insights from Western evidence for Asian adaptation.

Understanding the preferences of young adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus with regard to diabetes self-management education: a qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Sim, R. R. J., Soon, W., Smith, H. E., Griva, K., & Wong, S. K. W. (2024). Understanding the preferences of young adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus with regard to diabetes self-management education: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 14(7), Article e086133.

Aim: Young-onset type 2 diabetes (YOD) is associated with poorer clinical outcomes. To support the development of more effective diabetes self-management education (DSME) programmes, this study aimed to understand the preferences of young adults with... Read More about Understanding the preferences of young adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus with regard to diabetes self-management education: a qualitative study.

“DLQI Seems to be ‘Action’, and Skindex-29 Seems to be ‘Emotion’”: Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of Patients with Psoriasis or Eczema on Two Common Dermatology-specific Quality of Life Measures (2020)
Journal Article
Paudyal, P., Apfelbacher, C., Jones, C., Siddiqui, S., El-Turki, A., DeGiovanni, C., & Smith, H. (2020). “DLQI Seems to be ‘Action’, and Skindex-29 Seems to be ‘Emotion’”: Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of Patients with Psoriasis or Eczema on Two Common Dermatology-specific Quality of Life Measures. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, adv00105 - 6.

Little is known about which quality of life measure best captures the lived experience of people with a chronic skin condition. The purpose of this study was to explore patients? views on the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and Skindex-29. Part... Read More about “DLQI Seems to be ‘Action’, and Skindex-29 Seems to be ‘Emotion’”: Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of Patients with Psoriasis or Eczema on Two Common Dermatology-specific Quality of Life Measures.

Meditation for asthma: Systematic review and meta-analysis (2017)
Journal Article
Paudyal, P., Jones, C., Grindey, C., Dawood, R., & Smith, H. (2018). Meditation for asthma: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Asthma, 55(7), 771-778.

Objective: To conduct a comprehensive review and meta-analysis of the effectiveness of meditation on a variety of asthma outcomes. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO and AMED in June 2016 to identify randomized controlled trials (... Read More about Meditation for asthma: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

Obtaining Self-Samples to Diagnose Curable Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Systematic Review of Patients’ Experiences (2015)
Journal Article
Paudyal, P., Llewellyn, C., Lau, J., Mahmud, M., & Smith, H. (2015). Obtaining Self-Samples to Diagnose Curable Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Systematic Review of Patients’ Experiences. PloS one, e0124310 - e0124310.

Background Routine screening is key to sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and control. Previous studies suggest that clinic-based screening programmes capture only a small proportion of people with STIs. Self-sampling using non- or minim... Read More about Obtaining Self-Samples to Diagnose Curable Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Systematic Review of Patients’ Experiences.

Measurement properties of asthma-specific quality-of-life measures: protocol for a systematic review (2014)
Journal Article
Apfelbacher, C., Paudyal, P., Bülbül, A., & Smith, H. (2014). Measurement properties of asthma-specific quality-of-life measures: protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews,

Background Asthma is a frequent chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, and the assessment of health-related quality of life (HrQoL) is important in both research and routine care. Various asthma-specific measures of HrQoL exist but there is unc... Read More about Measurement properties of asthma-specific quality-of-life measures: protocol for a systematic review.