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The Intersection of Socioeconomic Differences and Sex in the Management and Outcomes of Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Cohort Study (2024)
Journal Article
Weight, N., Moledina, S., Lawson, C. A., Van Spall, H. G. C., Wijeysundera, H. C., Rashid, M., …Mamas, M. A. (in press). The Intersection of Socioeconomic Differences and Sex in the Management and Outcomes of Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Cohort Study. Angiology,

Patients with lower socioeconomic status (SES) have poorer outcomes following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) than patients with higher SES; however, how sex modifies socioeconomic differences is unclear. Using the United Kingdom (UK) Myocardial Is... Read More about The Intersection of Socioeconomic Differences and Sex in the Management and Outcomes of Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Cohort Study.

Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on the Processes of Care and Long-Term Mortality of Non-ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Cohort Study and Long-Term Follow-Up. (2024)
Journal Article
Weight, N., Moledina, S., Ullah, M., Wijeysundera, H. C., Davies, S., Chew, N. W. S., …Mamas, M. A. (in press). Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on the Processes of Care and Long-Term Mortality of Non-ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Cohort Study and Long-Term Follow-Up. Journal of the American Heart Association, 13(16), Article e032671.

A growing population of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) presents with non-ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction, although little is known about their longer-term mortality. Using the MINAP (Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project)... Read More about Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease on the Processes of Care and Long-Term Mortality of Non-ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Nationwide Cohort Study and Long-Term Follow-Up..

No-Reflow Prediction in Acute Coronary Syndrome During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The NORPACS Risk Score (2024)
Journal Article
Dawson, L. P., Rashid, M., Dinh, D. T., Brennan, A., Bloom, J. E., Biswas, S., …and BCIS Investigators, O. B. O. T. M. (2024). No-Reflow Prediction in Acute Coronary Syndrome During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The NORPACS Risk Score. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, 17(4),

Suboptimal coronary reperfusion (no reflow) is common in acute coronary syndrome percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and is associated with poor outcomes. We aimed to develop and externally validate a clinical risk score for angiogr... Read More about No-Reflow Prediction in Acute Coronary Syndrome During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The NORPACS Risk Score.

The quality of care and long-term mortality of out of hospital cardiac arrest survivors after acute myocardial infarction: a nationwide cohort study. (2024)
Journal Article
Weight, N., Moledina, S., Hennessy, T., Jia, H., Banach, M., Rashid, M., …Mamas, M. A. (in press). The quality of care and long-term mortality of out of hospital cardiac arrest survivors after acute myocardial infarction: a nationwide cohort study. European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes, Article qcae015.

The long-terms outcomes of out of hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survivors are not well known. Using the Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project (MINAP) registry, linked to Office for National Statistics (ONS) mortality data, we analysed 661 326... Read More about The quality of care and long-term mortality of out of hospital cardiac arrest survivors after acute myocardial infarction: a nationwide cohort study..

Chronic total occlusion in non-ST elevation myocardial infarction - A multi-centre observational study. (2024)
Journal Article
Sharma, V., Choudhury, A., Basavarajaiah, S., Rashid, M., Yuan, M., Jefferey, D., …Mamas, M. A. (in press). Chronic total occlusion in non-ST elevation myocardial infarction - A multi-centre observational study. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, 64, 62-67.

To evaluate the characteristics and outcomes of patients with a chronic total occlusion (CTO) in a Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI) cohort.

There is limited data on the clinical characteristics, revascularisa... Read More about Chronic total occlusion in non-ST elevation myocardial infarction - A multi-centre observational study..

Sex-based analysis of NSTEMI processes of care and outcomes by hospital: a nationwide cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Weight, N., Moledina, S., Kontopantelis, E., Van Spall, H., Dafaalla, M., Chieffo, A., …Mamas, M. A. (in press). Sex-based analysis of NSTEMI processes of care and outcomes by hospital: a nationwide cohort study. European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes, Article qcae011.

Contemporary studies demonstrate that non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) processes of care vary according to sex. Little is known regarding variation in practice between geographical areas and centres.

We... Read More about Sex-based analysis of NSTEMI processes of care and outcomes by hospital: a nationwide cohort study.

Complex High-risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Types, Trends, and Outcomes in Non-surgical Centres (2024)
Journal Article
Shamkhani, W., Rashid, M., Moledina, S., Ludman, P., Curzen, N., Wijeysundera, H. C., …Mamas, M. A. (2024). Complex High-risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Types, Trends, and Outcomes in Non-surgical Centres. Canadian Journal of Cardiology,

Limited data are available on complex, high-risk percutaneous coronary intervention (CHiP) trends and outcomes in non-surgical centres (NSC), particularly in healthcare systems where most centers are NSCs.

Using data from a na... Read More about Complex High-risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Types, Trends, and Outcomes in Non-surgical Centres.

Heart Failure Readmission in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Active Cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Dafaalla, M., Abramov, D., Van Spall, H. G., Ghosh, A. K., Gale, C. P., Zaman, S., …Mamas, M. A. (in press). Heart Failure Readmission in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Active Cancer. JACC: CardioOncology, 6(1), 117-129.

Although numerous studies have examined readmission with heart failure (HF) after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), limited data are available on HF readmission in cancer patients post-AMI.

This study aimed... Read More about Heart Failure Readmission in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Active Cancer.

Sex-based analysis of NSTEMI processes of care and outcomes by hospital: a nationwide cohort study (2023)
Journal Article
Moledina, S., Weight, N., Dafaalla, M., Chen, D., Rashid, M., Mohamed, M., …Mamas, M. (2023). Sex-based analysis of NSTEMI processes of care and outcomes by hospital: a nationwide cohort study. European Heart Journal, 44(Supplement_2), Article ehad655.3027.

Background Contemporary studies have demonstrated that in non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), processes of care vary significantly according to biological sex. Little is known regarding variation in practice between geographical... Read More about Sex-based analysis of NSTEMI processes of care and outcomes by hospital: a nationwide cohort study.

Comorbidity clusters and in-hospital outcomes in patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction in the USA: A national population-based study (2023)
Journal Article
Zghebi, S. S., Rutter, M. K., Sun, L. Y., Ullah, W., Rashid, M., Ashcroft, D. M., …Mamas, M. A. (in press). Comorbidity clusters and in-hospital outcomes in patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction in the USA: A national population-based study. PloS one, 18(10), e0293314.

Background: The prevalence of multimorbidity in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is increasing. It is unclear whether comorbidities cluster into distinct phenogroups and whether are associated with clinical trajectories. Methods: Surve... Read More about Comorbidity clusters and in-hospital outcomes in patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction in the USA: A national population-based study.

Impact of Body Mass Index on outcomes in hospitalized heart failure patients with reduced versus preserved ejection fraction: a 1,699,494-individual analysis from the United States National Inpatient Sample. (2023)
Journal Article
Ansari, S. A., Suheb, M. Z., Rashid, M., Maqsood, M. H., Rashid, A. M., Javaid, S. S., & Siddiqi, A. K. (in press). Impact of Body Mass Index on outcomes in hospitalized heart failure patients with reduced versus preserved ejection fraction: a 1,699,494-individual analysis from the United States National Inpatient Sample. Minerva Cardiology and Angiology,

Obesity's effect on outcomes in heart failure (HF) patients with reduced versus maintained ejection fraction (HFrEF and HFpEF) remains debatable. We evaluated hospital outcomes and healthcare expenditures in these patients based on their Body Mass In... Read More about Impact of Body Mass Index on outcomes in hospitalized heart failure patients with reduced versus preserved ejection fraction: a 1,699,494-individual analysis from the United States National Inpatient Sample..

Complex high‐risk percutaneous coronary intervention types, trends, and outcomes according to vascular access site (2023)
Journal Article
Shamkhani, W., Moledina, S., Rashid, M., & Mamas, M. A. (in press). Complex high‐risk percutaneous coronary intervention types, trends, and outcomes according to vascular access site. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 102(5), 803-813.

Radial access is associated with improved outcomes following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI); however, its role in complex, high-risk percutaneous coronary intervention (CHiP) remains poorly studied.

We studied retros... Read More about Complex high‐risk percutaneous coronary intervention types, trends, and outcomes according to vascular access site.

Sex-Specific Differences in Potent P2Y12 Inhibitor Use in British Cardiovascular Intervention Society Registry STEMI Patients (2023)
Journal Article
Burgess, S. N., Shoaib, A., Sharp, A. S., Ludman, P., Graham, M. M., Figtree, G. A., …Mamas, M. A. (2023). Sex-Specific Differences in Potent P2Y12 Inhibitor Use in British Cardiovascular Intervention Society Registry STEMI Patients. Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions, 16(9),

Sex-based outcome differences for women with ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) have not been adequately addressed, and the role played by differences in prescription of potent P2Y12 inhibitors (P-P2Y12) is not well defin... Read More about Sex-Specific Differences in Potent P2Y12 Inhibitor Use in British Cardiovascular Intervention Society Registry STEMI Patients.

Impact of Frailty on Emergency Department Encounters for Cardiovascular Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study (2023)
Journal Article
Sokhal, B. S., Matetić, A., Abhishek, A., Banerjee, A., Partington, R., Roddy, E., …Mamas, M. A. (2023). Impact of Frailty on Emergency Department Encounters for Cardiovascular Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study. American Journal of Cardiology, 206, 210-218.

Data are limited on whether the causes of emergency department (ED) encounters for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and associated clinical outcomes vary by frailty status. Using the United States Nationwide ED Sample, selected CVD encounters (acute my... Read More about Impact of Frailty on Emergency Department Encounters for Cardiovascular Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

Temporal analysis of non-ST segment elevation-acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) outcomes in 'young' patients under the age of fifty: A nationwide cohort study. (2023)
Journal Article
Weight, N., Moledina, S., Rashid, M., Chew, N., Castelletti, S., Buchanan, G. L., …Mamas, M. A. (in press). Temporal analysis of non-ST segment elevation-acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) outcomes in 'young' patients under the age of fifty: A nationwide cohort study. International Journal of Cardiology, 391, Article 131294.

The characteristics and risk factor profile of young patients presenting with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) and how they may have changed over time is not well reported. We identified 26,708 NSTEACS patients aged under 50... Read More about Temporal analysis of non-ST segment elevation-acute coronary syndrome (NSTEACS) outcomes in 'young' patients under the age of fifty: A nationwide cohort study..

Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Who Underwent Coronary Atherectomy in Centers With and Without On-Site Cardiac Surgery (2023)
Journal Article
Dafaalla, M., Rashid, M., Moledina, S., Kinnaird, T., Ludman, P., Curzen, N., …Mamas, M. A. (in press). Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Who Underwent Coronary Atherectomy in Centers With and Without On-Site Cardiac Surgery. American Journal of Cardiology, 204, 242-248.

We aimed to describe the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients who underwent atherectomy at the time of percutaneous coronary intervention in centers with on-site surgical centers (SCs) versus nonsurgical centers (NSCs)... Read More about Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients Who Underwent Coronary Atherectomy in Centers With and Without On-Site Cardiac Surgery.

Socioeconomic disparities in the management and outcomes of acute myocardial infarction (2023)
Journal Article
Weight, N., Moledina, S., Volgman, A. S., Bagur, R., Wijeysundera, H. C., Sun, L. Y., …Mamas, M. A. (2023). Socioeconomic disparities in the management and outcomes of acute myocardial infarction. Heart, heartjnl-2023-322601.

Background: Patients from lower socioeconomic status areas have poorer outcomes following acute myocardial infarction (AMI); however, how ethnicity modifies such socioeconomic disparities is unclear.

Methods: Using the UK Myocardial Ischaemia Nat... Read More about Socioeconomic disparities in the management and outcomes of acute myocardial infarction.

Trends In ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction Hospitalisation Among Young Adults: A Binational Analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Moledina, S. M., Matetic, A., Weight, N., Rashid, M., Sun, L., Fischman, D. L., …Mamas, M. A. (in press). Trends In ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction Hospitalisation Among Young Adults: A Binational Analysis. European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes,

Background ST-segment myocardial infarction (STEMI) is typically associated with increased age, but there is an important group of patients that suffer STEMI under the age of fifty, that are not well characterized in studies. Methods & Results We... Read More about Trends In ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction Hospitalisation Among Young Adults: A Binational Analysis.

Intracoronary imaging in PCI for acute coronary syndrome: Insights from British Cardiovascular Intervention Society registry. (2023)
Journal Article
Zaman, M., Stevens, C., Ludman, P., Wijeysundera, H. C., Siudak, Z., Sharp, A. S. P., …Mamas, M. A. (2023). Intracoronary imaging in PCI for acute coronary syndrome: Insights from British Cardiovascular Intervention Society registry. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, 56, 50-56.

While previous studies have demonstrated the superiority of ICI-guided PCI over an angiography-based approach, there are limited data on all-comer ACS patients. This study aimed to identify the characteristics and in-hospital outcomes of patients und... Read More about Intracoronary imaging in PCI for acute coronary syndrome: Insights from British Cardiovascular Intervention Society registry..

Association of Frailty Status on the Causes and Outcomes of Patients Admitted With Cardiovascular Disease. (2023)
Journal Article
Sokhal, B., Matetić, A., Rashid, M., Protheroe, J., Partington, R., Mallen, C., & Mamas, M. (2023). Association of Frailty Status on the Causes and Outcomes of Patients Admitted With Cardiovascular Disease. American Journal of Cardiology, 7 - 15.

Data are limited about the contemporary association between frailty and the causes and outcomes of patients admitted with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Using the US National Inpatient Sample, CVD admissions of interest (acute myocardial infarction,... Read More about Association of Frailty Status on the Causes and Outcomes of Patients Admitted With Cardiovascular Disease..