The EBLM project – XIV. TESS light curves for eclipsing binaries with very low mass companions
Journal Article
Fitzpatrick, J., Maxted, P. F. L., Freckelton, A. V., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Martin, D. V., & Duck, A. (in press). The EBLM project – XIV. TESS light curves for eclipsing binaries with very low mass companions. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 537(4), 3943–3953.
Accurate limb-darkening models are needed for accurate characterisation of eclipsing binary stars and transiting exoplanets from the analysis of their light curves. The limb-darkening observed in solar-type stars from the analysis of light curves for... Read More about The EBLM project – XIV. TESS light curves for eclipsing binaries with very low mass companions.