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Addressing disparities in the long-term mortality of non-ST segment myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) patients according to the presence of diabetes mellitus: a nationwide cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Cole, A., Weight, N., Mishra, S., Grapsa, J., Rutter, M., Siudak, Z., …Mamas, M. (2024). Addressing disparities in the long-term mortality of non-ST segment myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) patients according to the presence of diabetes mellitus: a nationwide cohort study. European Heart Journal, 45(Supplement_1),

Background Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an important risk factor for non−ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). How DM is related to management and longer-term clinical outcomes in contemporary NSTEMI cohorts is not well described. Methods... Read More about Addressing disparities in the long-term mortality of non-ST segment myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) patients according to the presence of diabetes mellitus: a nationwide cohort study.

Supporting Long Covid Care: a webtool to facilitate help-seeking among people with Long Covid (2024)
Journal Article
Clutterbuck, D., Smyth, N., Begum, F., Chew-Graham, C., Mcgowan, A., Pantelic, M., …Alwan, N. A. (2024). Supporting Long Covid Care: a webtool to facilitate help-seeking among people with Long Covid. European Journal of Public Health, 34(Supplement_3),

Background Long Covid (also known as Post-COVID19 Condition or Post-COVID Syndrome) is characterised by persistent symptoms following SARSCoV2 infection not explained by other pathology. Some evidence suggests that people from marginalised communitie... Read More about Supporting Long Covid Care: a webtool to facilitate help-seeking among people with Long Covid.

Sex sifferences in lifes essential eight and its association with mortality among adults without known CVD (2024)
Journal Article
Kobo, O., Kaur, G., Gulati, M., & Mamas, M. (2024). Sex sifferences in lifes essential eight and its association with mortality among adults without known CVD. European Heart Journal, 45(Supplement_1),

Background The American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8 (LE8) score is a helpful tool to quantify cardiovascular health (CVH) metrics. Sex differences in relation to LE8 and its association with mortality are not known. Methods The National He... Read More about Sex sifferences in lifes essential eight and its association with mortality among adults without known CVD.

Sex differences in secondary prevention and outcomes post-myocardial infarction in Scotland (2024)
Journal Article
Pana, T., Mamas, M. A., Myint, P. K., & Dawson, D. (2024). Sex differences in secondary prevention and outcomes post-myocardial infarction in Scotland. European Heart Journal, 45(Supplement_1),

Background Sex differences in outcomes after myocardial infarction (MI) are of increasing interest. Differential receipt of evidence-based treatments may contribute to such disparities. Purpose In this study, we investigate sex differences in the bur... Read More about Sex differences in secondary prevention and outcomes post-myocardial infarction in Scotland.

Insights into the reporting of major adverse cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease trials (2024)
Journal Article
Lee, E., Tan, B., Chin, Y. H., Chan, Y. H., Ong, J., Goh, R. S. J., …Mamas, M. A. (2024). Insights into the reporting of major adverse cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease trials. European Heart Journal, 45(Supplement_1),

Background and Purpose Major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE) is one of the most used composite outcomes in coronary artery disease (CAD) trials, though its lack of a standardised definition has led to ambiguity and challenges in its interpretatio... Read More about Insights into the reporting of major adverse cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease trials.

Hemodynamic and clinical outcomes with balloon-expandable valves versus self-expanding valves in patients with small aortic annulus undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and propensity score matched studies (2024)
Journal Article
Ahmed, M., Ahsan, A., Tabassum, S., Tariq, I., Zulfiqar, E., Raja, M. F., …Mamas, M. A. (2024). Hemodynamic and clinical outcomes with balloon-expandable valves versus self-expanding valves in patients with small aortic annulus undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and propensity score matched studies. IJC Heart & Vasculature, 55, Article 101542.

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is considered more effective than surgical aortic valve implantation for patients with a small aortic annulus (SAA), however, the comparative efficacy of different transcatheter heart valves (THVs) remain... Read More about Hemodynamic and clinical outcomes with balloon-expandable valves versus self-expanding valves in patients with small aortic annulus undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials and propensity score matched studies.

Ethnic disparity in the care and management of non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and its impact on short-term and long-term survival: a long-term study of a national registry (2024)
Journal Article
Yera, H., Weight, N., Moledina, S. M., & Mamas, M. A. (2024). Ethnic disparity in the care and management of non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and its impact on short-term and long-term survival: a long-term study of a national registry. European Heart Journal, 45(Supplement_1),

Background Previous examination of data from the United Kingdom indicates no apparent ethnic disparity in the treatment of patients hospitalised with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). However, it remains uncertain whether this... Read More about Ethnic disparity in the care and management of non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and its impact on short-term and long-term survival: a long-term study of a national registry.

Mechanical thrombectomy is associated with worse outcomes in infective endocarditis: a retrospective cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Barlas, R., Pana, T., Myint, P., & Mamas, M. A. (2024). Mechanical thrombectomy is associated with worse outcomes in infective endocarditis: a retrospective cohort study. European Heart Journal, 45(Supplement_1),

Background Acute Ischaemic stroke (AIS) is a common complication in infective endocarditis (IE) and associated is with high mortality. There is a paucity of data evaluating mechanical thrombectomy (MT) in patients with AIS secondary to IE. Our retros... Read More about Mechanical thrombectomy is associated with worse outcomes in infective endocarditis: a retrospective cohort study.

Ischemic and bleeding risk after ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction in patients with active cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Dafaalla, M., Costa, F., Jia, H., Wijeysundera, H., Rashid, M., Graham, M., …Mamas, M. (2024). Ischemic and bleeding risk after ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction in patients with active cancer. European Heart Journal, 45(Supplement_1),

Background Treatment of patients with cancer presenting with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is complex given the increased risk of both thrombotic and major bleeding complications. We evaluated the risk of major bleeding and re-infarction... Read More about Ischemic and bleeding risk after ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction in patients with active cancer.

Association of lifes essential 8 and mortality among adults with and without CVD (2024)
Journal Article
Kobo, O., Kaur, G., Gulati, M., & Mamas, M. (2024). Association of lifes essential 8 and mortality among adults with and without CVD. European Heart Journal, 45(Supplement_1),

Background Differences in the American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8 (LE8) score and its association with mortality based on the presence of clinically prevalent cardiovascular disease (CVD) has not been assessed previously. Methods Data fro... Read More about Association of lifes essential 8 and mortality among adults with and without CVD.

Trends and Disparities in Coronary Artery Disease and Obesity‐Related Mortality in the United States From 1999–2022 (2024)
Journal Article
Ahmed, M., Javaid, H., Shafiq, A., Nadeem, Z., Ahsan, A., Nofal, A., …Mamas, M. (2024). Trends and Disparities in Coronary Artery Disease and Obesity‐Related Mortality in the United States From 1999–2022. Endocrinology Diabetes & Metabolism, 7(6), 1-7.

Background: Almost half of the US adult population has obesity, which predisposes to atherosclerosis and can lead to poor prognosis in coronary artery disease (CAD). We aim to identify CAD and obesity‐related mortality trends among adults in the Unit... Read More about Trends and Disparities in Coronary Artery Disease and Obesity‐Related Mortality in the United States From 1999–2022.

Peripartum Cardiomyopathy and Social Vulnerability: An Epidemiological Analysis of Mortality Outcomes. (2024)
Journal Article
Shahid, M., Ibrahim, R., Ulhaque, T., Nhat, H., Sainbayar, E., Lee, K., & Mamas, M. A. (in press). Peripartum Cardiomyopathy and Social Vulnerability: An Epidemiological Analysis of Mortality Outcomes. Journal of the American Heart Association, 13(21), Article e034825.

Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) outcomes have been previously linked to demographic and social factors. The social vulnerability index (SVI) is a measure of social vulnerability in the United States. We explored PPCM disparities and the impact of SV... Read More about Peripartum Cardiomyopathy and Social Vulnerability: An Epidemiological Analysis of Mortality Outcomes..

Dynamic Prediction of Cardiovascular Events in Incident Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis with Multivariate Joint Models Adjusting for Phosphate, Albumin, and Calcium Trajectories and Competing Risks (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Damgov, I., Kieser, M., Davies, S. J., Wong, M. G., Pollock, C. A., Johnson, D. W., & Schmitt, C. P. (2024, October). Dynamic Prediction of Cardiovascular Events in Incident Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis with Multivariate Joint Models Adjusting for Phosphate, Albumin, and Calcium Trajectories and Competing Risks. Poster presented at Kidney Week, San Diego, CA

TCT-5 Safety and Efficacy of Postprocedural Anticoagulation After Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for ST-Segment–Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Meta-Analysis of RCTs (2024)
Journal Article
Elseidy, S., Vorla, M., Hamed, M., Rehan, M., Mohamad, T., Castiello, T., & Mamas, M. (2024). TCT-5 Safety and Efficacy of Postprocedural Anticoagulation After Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for ST-Segment–Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Meta-Analysis of RCTs. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 84(18), B1-B438.

This study provides the first meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to assess the safety and efficacy of postprocedural anticoagulation in STEMI patients.

TCT-931 Outcomes of Self-Expanding vs Balloon-Expandable Transcatheter Aortic Valves in Patients With Small Aortic Annuli: A Meta-analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Elseidy, S., Vorla, M., Hamed, M., Rehan, M., Isaac, J., Mohamad, T., …Mamas, M. (2024). TCT-931 Outcomes of Self-Expanding vs Balloon-Expandable Transcatheter Aortic Valves in Patients With Small Aortic Annuli: A Meta-analysis. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 84(18), B1-B438.

Despite the benefits of TAVR, there is a lack of head-to-head comparison between different types of transcatheter aortic valves in patients with small aortic annulus essential to guide clinical decisions and improve patient outcomes in th... Read More about TCT-931 Outcomes of Self-Expanding vs Balloon-Expandable Transcatheter Aortic Valves in Patients With Small Aortic Annuli: A Meta-analysis.

TCT-665 Impact of Smoking on Outcomes in Patients With MINOCA (2024)
Journal Article
Koźlik, M., Desperak, A., Gierlotka, M., Ćmiel, A., Wita, K., Kalarus, Z., …Gasior, P. (in press). TCT-665 Impact of Smoking on Outcomes in Patients With MINOCA. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 84(18), B255-B256.

Smoking is one of the well known risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The pathomechanism of myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries (MINOCA) is diverse and not fully explained. However, “smoker’s paradox” is a controversial ph... Read More about TCT-665 Impact of Smoking on Outcomes in Patients With MINOCA.

The processes of care and long-term mortality of acute myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock survivors: A nationwide cohort study. (2024)
Journal Article
Weight, N., Singh, S., Moledina, S., & Mamas, M. A. (in press). The processes of care and long-term mortality of acute myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock survivors: A nationwide cohort study. International Journal of Cardiology, 419, Article 132669.

Acute myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock (AMI-CS) carries a significant risk of inpatient mortality compared with AMI alone, although it is unclear what the longer-term outcomes of AMI-CS survivors is, and whether the inpatient quality of c... Read More about The processes of care and long-term mortality of acute myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock survivors: A nationwide cohort study..

Care gaps among people presenting to the hospital following self-harm: observational study of three emergency departments in England (2024)
Journal Article
Steeg, S., Bickley, H., Clements, C., Quinlivan, L. M., Barlow, S., Monaghan, E., …Kapur, N. (2024). Care gaps among people presenting to the hospital following self-harm: observational study of three emergency departments in England. BMJ Open, 14(10),

Objectives: This study aims to examine the proportions of patients referred to mental health, social and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) services and general practice and to assess care gaps among people presenting to the hospital f... Read More about Care gaps among people presenting to the hospital following self-harm: observational study of three emergency departments in England.