The Quaternary vertebrate fauna of cave deposits of the Podillia-Bukovynian Karst-Speleological Area (Western Ukraine)
Book Chapter
Ridush, B. (2022). The Quaternary vertebrate fauna of cave deposits of the Podillia-Bukovynian Karst-Speleological Area (Western Ukraine). In M. Montenari (Ed.), Stratigraphy & Timescales (157-219). Elsevier
The Podillia-Bukovinian Karst-Speleological Area is rich in numerous caves of karst, suffosion, and weathering origin. The gypsum karst is the most widespread in the area. It is famous for the World's largest maze-caves in gypsum. Some of these caves... Read More about The Quaternary vertebrate fauna of cave deposits of the Podillia-Bukovynian Karst-Speleological Area (Western Ukraine).