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All Outputs (111)

Molecular cytology of hypoxic cancer and stem cells: an epigenetic approach (2018)
AL-Jumaily, R. M. K. (2018). Molecular cytology of hypoxic cancer and stem cells: an epigenetic approach. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Oxygen is an essential factor for life in many organisms. Oxygen concentrations vary widely across different human tissues, but in general, are much lower than the 21% oxygen in atmospheric air. In spite of this, most research continues to be based o... Read More about Molecular cytology of hypoxic cancer and stem cells: an epigenetic approach.

Detection of suspicious URLs in online social networks using supervised machine learning algorithms (2018)
Al-Janabi, M. F. Z. (2018). Detection of suspicious URLs in online social networks using supervised machine learning algorithms. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis proposes the use of several supervised machine learning classification models that were built to detect the distribution of malicious content in OSNs. The main focus was on ensemble learning algorithms such as Random Forest, gradient boos... Read More about Detection of suspicious URLs in online social networks using supervised machine learning algorithms.

‘Through the looking glass’ - primary care consultations, work and health: a qualitative study (2018)
Dalgarno, E. L. (2018). ‘Through the looking glass’ - primary care consultations, work and health: a qualitative study. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Musculoskeletal conditions are believed to cost UK society approximately £7.4 billion per year, with 30 million working days lost each year due to musculoskeletal conditions. Currently, within the UK, sickness certification can be self-certified for... Read More about ‘Through the looking glass’ - primary care consultations, work and health: a qualitative study.

Hydroxypropylmethacrylamide based thermoresponsive magnetomicelles for controllable drug delivery in pancreatic cancer (2018)
Alsuraifi, A. T. Y. (2018). Hydroxypropylmethacrylamide based thermoresponsive magnetomicelles for controllable drug delivery in pancreatic cancer. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Thermo-responsive polymers are a class of smart polymers that respond to change in temperature. This property makes this type of polymers useful materials in a wide range of applications especially, in the field of drug delivery system. Polymers, whi... Read More about Hydroxypropylmethacrylamide based thermoresponsive magnetomicelles for controllable drug delivery in pancreatic cancer.

Delivering nanoengineered neural stem cells within neurosurgical grade biomaterials (2018)
Finch, L. (2018). Delivering nanoengineered neural stem cells within neurosurgical grade biomaterials. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Achieving neural regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI) represents a significant challenge. Neural stem cell (NSC) therapy offers replacement of damaged cells and delivery of pro-regenerative factors, but >95% of cells die when transplanted to s... Read More about Delivering nanoengineered neural stem cells within neurosurgical grade biomaterials.

Computer modelling of pure and doped stoichiometric and congruent lithium niobate (2018)
Hedges, E. E. (2018). Computer modelling of pure and doped stoichiometric and congruent lithium niobate. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This investigation has modelled lithium niobate in its congruent form, stoichiometric form and paraelectric phase to determine whether the preference of doping schemes changes, specifically when the concentration of a dopant is varied. Mott-Littleton... Read More about Computer modelling of pure and doped stoichiometric and congruent lithium niobate.

The association of parity with cardiovascular disease: systematic review and cohort study (2018)
Woodland, A. (2018). The association of parity with cardiovascular disease: systematic review and cohort study. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Background and Aims: A woman’s cardiovascular and metabolic systems undergo considerable adaptations during pregnancy, which can affect a woman’s physiology long term. This research aimed to investigate whether parity increases the risk of future car... Read More about The association of parity with cardiovascular disease: systematic review and cohort study.

Application of data science to inform surface engineering for in vitro neural stem cell control (2018)
Joseph, G. (2018). Application of data science to inform surface engineering for in vitro neural stem cell control. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The interest in the clinical use of stem cell therapies is increasing rapidly, with a need for more control over cell populations cultured/expanded in vitro. This is particularly relevant for the treatment of neurological disorders such as Parkinson'... Read More about Application of data science to inform surface engineering for in vitro neural stem cell control.

Migrant workers in the UAE’s private sector: a critical analysis of employment dispute management and resolution from their perspective (2018)
Al Ameri, H. M. M. (2018). Migrant workers in the UAE’s private sector: a critical analysis of employment dispute management and resolution from their perspective. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the wider Gulf region is an epicentre for global business. A hallmark of this prosperous oil-producing region is the reliance it has on migrant workers sourced from South Asia. Unfortunately these largely unskilled... Read More about Migrant workers in the UAE’s private sector: a critical analysis of employment dispute management and resolution from their perspective.

Neutral Monism Against the Qualiophiles (2018)
Carpenter, G. P. (2018). Neutral Monism Against the Qualiophiles. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis argues for an austere form of monism that incorporates aspects of panpsychism and physicalism, with the aim of putting naturalist epistemology on a secure footing. I criticise panpsychism for failing to live up to its promises of defendin... Read More about Neutral Monism Against the Qualiophiles.

The impact of ionized outflows on the surrounding interstellar medium in disc galaxies (2018)
Al-Sadooni, A. A. H. (2018). The impact of ionized outflows on the surrounding interstellar medium in disc galaxies. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The aim of this thesis was to study the evolution of spiral galaxies by quantifying the impact of the ionized outflows in spiral galaxies on the surrounding interstellar medium. This project was based on optical Fabry-P´erot and long-slit observation... Read More about The impact of ionized outflows on the surrounding interstellar medium in disc galaxies.

Linking in situ crystallisation and magma replenishment in the Rum Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland (2018)
Hepworth, L. N. (2018). Linking in situ crystallisation and magma replenishment in the Rum Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Layered intrusions offer an exceptional opportunity to study magmatic processes operating in the upper crust, including the concentration of world class precious-metal deposits. Despite the importance for understanding igneous processes and mineral r... Read More about Linking in situ crystallisation and magma replenishment in the Rum Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland.

An investigation into the role of protein phosphatase 4 in breast cancer (2018)
Mohammed, H. N. (2018). An investigation into the role of protein phosphatase 4 in breast cancer. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumour among females world-wide. The complexity of the pathogenesis of the disease and its heterogeneous clinical presentation, with an increasing incidence of the development of chemotherapeutic resistant c... Read More about An investigation into the role of protein phosphatase 4 in breast cancer.

Investigation into the role of protein phosphatase 4 catalytic subunit on the survival of leukaemic cell lines (2018)
Al-Khazraji, S. K. A. (2018). Investigation into the role of protein phosphatase 4 catalytic subunit on the survival of leukaemic cell lines. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Background: Serine/Threonine protein phosphatase 4 (PP4) plays a crucial role in cell signalling, proliferation and apoptosis, and its catalytic subunit has been reported as an important regulator in many types of cancer, including breast and lung ca... Read More about Investigation into the role of protein phosphatase 4 catalytic subunit on the survival of leukaemic cell lines.

The labour of feminist performance: postfeminism, authenticity, and celebrity in contemporary representations of girlhood on screen (2018)
Seaton, W. A. (2018). The labour of feminist performance: postfeminism, authenticity, and celebrity in contemporary representations of girlhood on screen. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the labour that is made visible by the individual on-screen performances of five distinct postfeminist identities from contemporary popular culture. Each chapter focuses on one of three texts: the English-language film adaptation... Read More about The labour of feminist performance: postfeminism, authenticity, and celebrity in contemporary representations of girlhood on screen.

Investigation of cellular and scaffold strategies for engineering articular cartilage (2018)
Abu Owida, H. (2018). Investigation of cellular and scaffold strategies for engineering articular cartilage. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Articular cartilage is a thin hydrated tissue, which covers articulating surfaces. In the native articular cartilage tissue, the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a fibrillar mesh of interacting proteoglycans, collagens, and other non-collagenous protein... Read More about Investigation of cellular and scaffold strategies for engineering articular cartilage.

Low-frequency vibrations of strongly inhomogeneous multicomponent elastic structures (2018)
Sergushova, O. (2018). Low-frequency vibrations of strongly inhomogeneous multicomponent elastic structures. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The thesis deals with 1D and 2D scalar equations governing dynamic behaviour of strongly inhomogeneous layered structures. Harmonic vibrations of a composite rod and antiplane shear motions of a cylindrical body consisting of several components are s... Read More about Low-frequency vibrations of strongly inhomogeneous multicomponent elastic structures.

Investigations into the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds with biological applications (2018)
Abid, H. A. (2018). Investigations into the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds with biological applications. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

There is a growing body of literature that recognises the importance of tandem reactions, where a number of transformations are carried out in a one-pot process. Such reactions offer considerable benefits such as: a reduction in time, and the sequenc... Read More about Investigations into the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds with biological applications.

Child trafficking from the perspective of Islamic law: a case study of Saudi Arabia (2018)
AlShareef, N. (2018). Child trafficking from the perspective of Islamic law: a case study of Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the legal responses to child trafficking in Saudi Arabia (SA). It primarily examines whether SA has created a legal response that accounts for all trafficked children regardless of the type of exploitation they experience and whe... Read More about Child trafficking from the perspective of Islamic law: a case study of Saudi Arabia.

An exploration of the ‘railway family’: 1900 - 1948 (2018)
Reeves, H. J. (2018). An exploration of the ‘railway family’: 1900 - 1948. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis explores the idea of the ‘railway family’ in the British railwayindustry between 1900 and 1948. The ‘railway family’ was borne out of a desire tocreate an ‘imagined community’ of railway workers across the wide geographicalboundaries of i... Read More about An exploration of the ‘railway family’: 1900 - 1948.