Defense strategies and associated phytohormonal regulation in Brassica plants in response to chewing and sap-sucking insects
Journal Article
Ali, J., Tonğa, A., Islam, T., Mir, S., Mukarram, M., Konôpková, A. S., & Chen, R. (in press). Defense strategies and associated phytohormonal regulation in Brassica plants in response to chewing and sap-sucking insects. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, Article 1376917.
Plants have evolved distinct defense strategies in response to a diverse range of chewing and sucking insect herbivory. While chewing insect herbivores, exemplified by caterpillars and beetles, cause visible tissue damage and induce jasmonic acid (JA... Read More about Defense strategies and associated phytohormonal regulation in Brassica plants in response to chewing and sap-sucking insects.