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Faraz Mughal's Outputs (112)

Mortality in adolescents after therapeutic intervention for self‐harm: A systematic review and meta‐analysis (2025)
Journal Article
Mughal, F., Young, P., Stahl, D., Asarnow, J. R., & Ougrin, D. (in press). Mortality in adolescents after therapeutic intervention for self‐harm: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. JCPP Advances, Article e12302.

Background: Self‐harm in adolescents is an international concern. Evidence highlights that therapeutic intervention (TI), such as cognitive behaviour therapy informed treatments, after self‐harm leads to reduced self‐harm repetition. However, there i... Read More about Mortality in adolescents after therapeutic intervention for self‐harm: A systematic review and meta‐analysis.

Managing thyroid hormone replacement after total thyroidectomy: Guidance for family medicine (2025)
Journal Article
Ahmad, A., Mughal, Z., Jangan, A., Diakos, E., Minhas, S., & Mughal, F. (in press). Managing thyroid hormone replacement after total thyroidectomy: Guidance for family medicine. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 14(1), 4-7.

Thyroid hormones are among the most prescribed medications to patients worldwide and are commonly used to treat hypothyroidism. Thyroxine is also indicated after total thyroidectomy for Graves’ disease or a multinodular goitre. In this commentary, we... Read More about Managing thyroid hormone replacement after total thyroidectomy: Guidance for family medicine.

Global, regional, and national stillbirths at 20 weeks' gestation or longer in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2021: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 (2024)
Journal Article
Comfort, H., McHugh, T. A., Schumacher, A. E., Harris, A., May, E. A., Paulson, K. R., …Kassebaum, N. J. (2024). Global, regional, and national stillbirths at 20 weeks' gestation or longer in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2021: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet, 404(10466), 1955-1988.

Cost-effectiveness of psychological and psychosocial interventions for adults, children and young people who have self-harmed (2024)
Journal Article
Mavranezouli, I., Pelone, F., Connolly, R., Mughal, F., Witt, K. G., Hawton, K., …Kapur, N. (2024). Cost-effectiveness of psychological and psychosocial interventions for adults, children and young people who have self-harmed. BMJ Mental Health, 27(1),

Background: Self-harm is a major health issue resulting in high societal costs. Few psychological and psychosocial interventions have shown effectiveness in reducing repeat self-harm. Objective: To assess the cost-effectiveness of psychological and p... Read More about Cost-effectiveness of psychological and psychosocial interventions for adults, children and young people who have self-harmed.

Care gaps among people presenting to the hospital following self-harm: observational study of three emergency departments in England (2024)
Journal Article
Steeg, S., Bickley, H., Clements, C., Quinlivan, L. M., Barlow, S., Monaghan, E., …Kapur, N. (2024). Care gaps among people presenting to the hospital following self-harm: observational study of three emergency departments in England. BMJ Open, 14(10),

Objectives: This study aims to examine the proportions of patients referred to mental health, social and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) services and general practice and to assess care gaps among people presenting to the hospital f... Read More about Care gaps among people presenting to the hospital following self-harm: observational study of three emergency departments in England.

Optimising access to primary care services for young people: lessons from England and Australia (2024)
Journal Article
Rengasamy, E. R., Hiscock, H., Newlove-Delgado, T., & Mughal, F. (2024). Optimising access to primary care services for young people: lessons from England and Australia. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), 74(747), 440-442.

Young people’s health has recently received growing attention, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and rightly so. Globally, it is estimated that around 4500 10–24-year-olds die each day, with leading causes being injuries, interpersonal violence,... Read More about Optimising access to primary care services for young people: lessons from England and Australia.

Exploring General Practitioners' Management of Self‐Harm in Young People: A Qualitative Study (2024)
Journal Article
Mughal, F., Saunders, B., Lewis, M., J. Armitage, C., Dikomitis, L., Lancaster, G., …A. Chew‐Graham, C. (2024). Exploring General Practitioners' Management of Self‐Harm in Young People: A Qualitative Study. Health Expectations, 27(5), Article e70026.

Background: General practitioners (GPs) are key to the frontline assessment and treatment of young people after self‐harm. Young people value GP‐led self‐harm care, but little is known about how GPs manage young people after self‐harm. Aim: This stud... Read More about Exploring General Practitioners' Management of Self‐Harm in Young People: A Qualitative Study.

How GPs can help young people avoid future self-harm: a qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Mughal, F., Chew-Graham, C. A., Townsend, E., Armitage, C., Lewis, M., & Saunders, B. (2024). How GPs can help young people avoid future self-harm: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP),

Background Self-harm is a growing problem in young people. General practitioners (GPs) are usually the first point of healthcare contact for young people aged 16-25 years after self-harm. GPs can experience barriers to supporting young people and beh... Read More about How GPs can help young people avoid future self-harm: a qualitative study.

Assessment and management of allergic rhinitis: A review and evidence‐informed approach for family medicine (2024)
Journal Article
Jangan, A., Mughal, Z., Ahmad, A., Simmons, M., Sheikh, A., & Mughal, F. (in press). Assessment and management of allergic rhinitis: A review and evidence‐informed approach for family medicine. Journal of General and Family Medicine,

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory disorder affecting nasal mucosa in response to allergen exposure and is commonly assessed and managed in family medicine. In this article, we review new international guidelines on the diagnosis and management of... Read More about Assessment and management of allergic rhinitis: A review and evidence‐informed approach for family medicine.

Reducing self-harm in adolescents: the RISA-IPD individual patient data meta-analysis and systematic review. (2024)
Journal Article
Cottrell, D., Wright-Hughes, A., Farrin, A., Walwyn, R., Mughal, F., Truscott, A., …Wright, J. (in press). Reducing self-harm in adolescents: the RISA-IPD individual patient data meta-analysis and systematic review. Health Technology Assessment, 1-42.

Self-harm is common in adolescents and a major public health concern. Evidence for effective interventions is lacking. An individual patient data meta-analysis has the potential to provide more reliable estimates of the effects of therapeutic interve... Read More about Reducing self-harm in adolescents: the RISA-IPD individual patient data meta-analysis and systematic review..

Management of musculoskeletal pain in children and young people with mental health or neurodivergent comorbidity (CLIMB Study) (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Jenkinson, D., Bailey, J., Mughal, F., Dunn, K., & Mason, K. (2024, July). Management of musculoskeletal pain in children and young people with mental health or neurodivergent comorbidity (CLIMB Study). Presented at SAPC ASM 2024, Bristol

SNOMED Clinical terminology and Clinical Practice Record Datalink (CPRD) AURUM dataset code lists from the CLIMB Study:

The aim of the CLIMB study is to investigate whether children and young people (aged 8-18 years) with musculoskeletal pain are... Read More about Management of musculoskeletal pain in children and young people with mental health or neurodivergent comorbidity (CLIMB Study).

Healthcare practitioners' views of self‐harm management practices in older adults in Ireland: A qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Troya, M. I., Lonergan, C., Cassidy, E., Griffin, E., Lovejoy, S. A., Mughal, F., …Arensman, E. (2024). Healthcare practitioners' views of self‐harm management practices in older adults in Ireland: A qualitative study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39(7), Article e6116.

To explore healthcare practitioners' views on management practices of self-harm in older adults.

Semi-structured interviews were conducted with healthcare practitioners, including consultant psychiatrists, general practitioner... Read More about Healthcare practitioners' views of self‐harm management practices in older adults in Ireland: A qualitative study.

Primary care contact, clinical management and suicide risk following discharge from inpatient mental health care (2024)
Journal Article
Musgrove, R., Carr, M. J., Kapur, N., Chew-Graham, C. A., Mughal, F., Ashcroft, D. M., & Webb, R. T. (in press). Primary care contact, clinical management and suicide risk following discharge from inpatient mental health care. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), BJGPO.2023.0165.

Background Evidence is sparse regarding service usage and the clinical management of people recently discharged from inpatient psychiatric care who die by suicide.

Aim To improve understanding of how people discharged from inpatient mental health... Read More about Primary care contact, clinical management and suicide risk following discharge from inpatient mental health care.

Involvement of propranolol in suicides: cross-sectional study using coroner-reported data (2024)
Journal Article
Gorton, H. C., Archer, C., Algahtani, T., Mughal, F., & Copeland, C. S. (2024). Involvement of propranolol in suicides: cross-sectional study using coroner-reported data. BJPsych Open, 10(4), Article e127.

Propranolol is a beta-blocker medication indicated mostly for heart rhythm conditions and for physical symptoms of anxiety. Prescriptions for propranolol in the UK have increased since 2008. Recently, there have been concerns about the in... Read More about Involvement of propranolol in suicides: cross-sectional study using coroner-reported data.

The CO-produced Psychosocial INtervention delivered by GPs to young people after self-harm (COPING): protocol for a feasibility study (2024)
Journal Article
Mughal, F., Chew-Graham, C. A., Saunders, B., Lawton, S. A., Lewis, S., Smith, J., …Lewis, M. (in press). The CO-produced Psychosocial INtervention delivered by GPs to young people after self-harm (COPING): protocol for a feasibility study. NIHR Open Research, 4(27),

Self-harm in young people is a growing concern and reducing rates a global priority. General practitioners (GPs) can intervene early after self-harm but there are no effective treatments presently available. We developed the GP-led COPING... Read More about The CO-produced Psychosocial INtervention delivered by GPs to young people after self-harm (COPING): protocol for a feasibility study.