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Matthew Webb's Outputs (5)

'I'm just ringing to get a repeat prescription for my contraceptive pill, doctor': developing authentic simulated telephone consultations for medical students. (2021)
Journal Article
Beddows, J., Abdalla, M., Blanchard, D., Hammond, E., Hay, F., Webb, M., & Protheroe, J. (2021). 'I'm just ringing to get a repeat prescription for my contraceptive pill, doctor': developing authentic simulated telephone consultations for medical students. Education for Primary Care, 32(5), 303-307.

Within normal surgery hours telephone consultations have been previously shown to make up between 10-20% of patient contacts with General Practitioners (GPs) and to comprise a large proportion of a GP's daily workload. Although obviously very useful,... Read More about 'I'm just ringing to get a repeat prescription for my contraceptive pill, doctor': developing authentic simulated telephone consultations for medical students..

Evidence-based physical examination (2018)
Journal Article
Smithson, S., Bartlett, M., Blanchard, D., & Webb, M. (2018). Evidence-based physical examination. InnovAiT, 11(7), 391-394.

It has been suggested that the focused clinical examination should be claimed as a specialist GP skill. Integral to this objective is the ability to select and interpret an examination to accurately support the diagnostic process. This article will i... Read More about Evidence-based physical examination.

An innovative long final year assistantship in general practice: description and evaluation (2017)
Journal Article
McKinley, R. K., Bartlett, M., Gay, S., Gibson, S., Panesar, A., & Webb, M. (2017). An innovative long final year assistantship in general practice: description and evaluation. Education for Primary Care, 35-42.

We describe and evaluate an innovative immersive 15 week final year assistantship in general practice. Evaluation data was taken from five years of routinely collected School data and available national comparative data. The assistantship aims to ena... Read More about An innovative long final year assistantship in general practice: description and evaluation.

The investment of a new medical school in its local primary care community (2015)
Journal Article
Bartlett, M., Webb, M., & McKinley, R. K. (2015). The investment of a new medical school in its local primary care community. Education for Primary Care, 89 - 94.

BACKGROUND: Keele School of Medicine has an innovative new MBChB curriculum with a strong focus on primary care. Our students spend a minimum of 115 days in general practice. AIM: To describe the investment by the school in the local primary care com... Read More about The investment of a new medical school in its local primary care community.