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Francis Gilchrist's Outputs (8)

The British Lung Foundation asthma management programme - improving asthma control in adults (2017)
Presentation / Conference
Gilchrist. (2017, September). The British Lung Foundation asthma management programme - improving asthma control in adults. Presented at ERS International Congress 2017, Milan, Italy

Background: The 10-year Finland asthma programme showed that educating healthcare workers, patients and families reduces hospital admissions and asthma-related deaths (1).

Aim: The Department of Health and the Scottish Government funded a 2-year p... Read More about The British Lung Foundation asthma management programme - improving asthma control in adults.

Tracking Tidal Breathing Parameters in Infants with Acute Viral Bronchiolitis (0 - 1) Year Using Structured Light Plethysmography (SLP) (2017)
Presentation / Conference
Hmeidi, H., Chadwick, E., Lenney, W., Gilchrist, F., Motamedi Fakhr, S., Wilson, R., …Alexander, J. (2017, May). Tracking Tidal Breathing Parameters in Infants with Acute Viral Bronchiolitis (0 - 1) Year Using Structured Light Plethysmography (SLP). Poster presented at American Thoracic Society 2017 International Conference, Washington, DC, USA

Annual hospitalisation rates for children with asthma are inversely associated with total hours of sunshine in English regions (2017)
Journal Article
Gilchrist. (2017). Annual hospitalisation rates for children with asthma are inversely associated with total hours of sunshine in English regions. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, 838-840.

During childhood, exacerbation of asthma is the most common medical reason for admission to hospital in the UK. Each year 44,000 children are admitted to hospital in the UK with 40-50 children dying as a result of asthma [1]. Weather patterns and sea... Read More about Annual hospitalisation rates for children with asthma are inversely associated with total hours of sunshine in English regions.

Tidal breathing parameters measured using structured light plethysmography in healthy children and those with asthma before and after bronchodilator (2017)
Journal Article
Gilchrist. (2017). Tidal breathing parameters measured using structured light plethysmography in healthy children and those with asthma before and after bronchodilator. Physiological Reports,

Structured light plethysmography (SLP) is a light-based, noncontact technique that measures tidal breathing by monitoring displacements of the thoracoabdominal (TA) wall. We used SLP to measure tidal breathing parameters and their within-subject vari... Read More about Tidal breathing parameters measured using structured light plethysmography in healthy children and those with asthma before and after bronchodilator.

Chronic Cough In Children (2017)
Journal Article
Hine, C., Gilchrist, F., & Carroll, W. (2017). Chronic Cough In Children. Paediatrics and Child Health, 27(3), 121 - 127.

All children cough. Despite the ubiquity of this common symptom, it remains a concern for many parents and results in a significant number of health consultations. Nearly every child in the UK will present to their family doctor with cough as the pre... Read More about Chronic Cough In Children.