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Ruth Beardmore's Outputs (6)

The clinical and cost-effectiveness of stratified care for patients with sciatica: the SCOPiC randomised controlled trial protocol (ISRCTN75449581). (2017)
Journal Article
Foster, N. E., Konstantinou, K., Lewis, M., Ogollah, R., Dunn, K. M., van der Windt, D., …Hay, E. M. (2017). The clinical and cost-effectiveness of stratified care for patients with sciatica: the SCOPiC randomised controlled trial protocol (ISRCTN75449581). BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 18, Article 172.

BACKGROUND: Sciatica has a substantial impact on patients, and is associated with high healthcare and societal costs. Although there is variation in the clinical management of sciatica, the current model of care usually involves an initial period of... Read More about The clinical and cost-effectiveness of stratified care for patients with sciatica: the SCOPiC randomised controlled trial protocol (ISRCTN75449581)..

Keele Aches and Pains Study protocol: validity, acceptability, and feasibility of the Keele STarT MSK tool for subgrouping musculoskeletal patients in primary care. (2016)
Journal Article
Campbell, P., Hill, J., Protheroe, J., Afolabi, E., Lewis, M., Beardmore, R., …Dunn, K. (2016). Keele Aches and Pains Study protocol: validity, acceptability, and feasibility of the Keele STarT MSK tool for subgrouping musculoskeletal patients in primary care. Journal of Pain Research, 2016(9), 807 -818.

Musculoskeletal conditions represent a considerable burden worldwide, and are predominantly managed in primary care. Evidence suggests that many musculoskeletal conditions share similar prognostic factors. Systematically assessing patient’s prognosis... Read More about Keele Aches and Pains Study protocol: validity, acceptability, and feasibility of the Keele STarT MSK tool for subgrouping musculoskeletal patients in primary care..

O32 Does the Addition of a Vocational Advice Service to Best Current Primary Care Improve Work Outcomes in Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain? The Study of Work and Pain (Swap) Cluster Randomized Trial (ISRCTN 52269669) (2016)
Journal Article
Wynne-Jones, G., Artus, M., Bishop, A., Lawton, S. A., Lewis, M., Main, C., …Foster, N. (2016). O32 Does the Addition of a Vocational Advice Service to Best Current Primary Care Improve Work Outcomes in Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain? The Study of Work and Pain (Swap) Cluster Randomized Trial (ISRCTN 52269669). Rheumatology, 55(S1),

Stratified care for patients with sciatica and suspected sciatica in primary care: the scopic trial protocol (scopic-sciatica outcomes in primary care) (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Foster, N., Konstantinou, K., Beardmore, R., Dunn, K., Lewis, M., Bartlam, B., …Hay, E. (2015, November). Stratified care for patients with sciatica and suspected sciatica in primary care: the scopic trial protocol (scopic-sciatica outcomes in primary care). Poster presented at 3rd International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference, Glasgow

The Aurora Women's Leadership Programme: reflections from the inaugural Keele cohort (2015)
Journal Article
Szkornik, K., Beardmore, R., Boylan, J., Hider, S., Hunter, S., Montana-Williams, K., …Watts, J. (2015). The Aurora Women's Leadership Programme: reflections from the inaugural Keele cohort. The Journal of Academic Development and Education, 54 -57

The Aurora programme is a leadership initiative for women in academic and professional roles and is designed to address the lack of women in senior positions within UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). In October 2013, 13 female staff from academ... Read More about The Aurora Women's Leadership Programme: reflections from the inaugural Keele cohort.