Site U1595
Conference Proceeding
Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Ronge, T., Beethe, S., Bernard, A., Berthod, C., …Yamamoto, Y. (in press). Site U1595. In Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field.
Dr Ralf Gertisser's Outputs (66)
Site U1590 (2024)
Conference Proceeding
Kutterolf, S., Druitt, T., Ronge, T., Beethe, S., Bernard, A., Berthod, C., …Yamamoto, Y. (in press). Site U1590. In Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field.
Expedition 398 summary (2024)
Conference Proceeding
Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Ronge, T., Beethe, S., Bernard, A., Berthod, C., …Yamamoto, Y. (2024). Expedition 398 summary. In Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field.
Site U1596 (2024)
Conference Proceeding
Kutterolf, S., Druitt, T., Ronge, T., Beethe, S., Bernard, A., Berthod, C., …Yamamoto, Y. (2024). Site U1596. In Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field.
A record of magmatic differentiation in plutonic xenoliths from Santorini (Greece) (2024)
Journal Article
Whitley, S., Halama, R., Gertisser, R., Hansteen, T. H., Frische, M., & Vennemann, T. (2024). A record of magmatic differentiation in plutonic xenoliths from Santorini (Greece). Volcanica, 7(2), xenoliths from volcanic arcs provide unique insights into transcrustal magmatic systems in subduction zone settings. At Santorini volcano in the Central Aegean Volcanic Arc (Greece), plutonic xenoliths occur throughout a sequence of lavas an... Read More about A record of magmatic differentiation in plutonic xenoliths from Santorini (Greece).
Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile (2024)
Journal Article
Cortés, J. A., Gertisser, R., & Calder, E. S. (2024). Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 113, 1145–1163. report whole-rock chemistry, mineral chemistry, and volatile content from Villarrica volcano’s major recent paroxysms and background activity. Composition of the volcanic products are basalt to basaltic andesite with whole-rock SiO2 content betwee... Read More about Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile.
Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera (2024)
Journal Article
Preine, J., Karstens, J., Hübscher, C., Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Nomikou, P., …Papanikolaou, D. (2024). Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera. Nature Geoscience, 17(4), 323-331. eruptions of silicic volcanic systems are among the most devastating events on Earth. By contrast, post-collapse volcanic activity initiating new caldera cycles is generally considered less hazardous. Formed after Santorini’s latest c... Read More about Hazardous explosive eruptions of a recharging multi-cyclic island arc caldera.
Expedition 398 Preliminary Report: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field (2024)
Conference Proceeding
Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Ronge, T., & Scientists, E. 3. (in press). Expedition 398 Preliminary Report: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field. In International Ocean Discovery Program Preliminary Report. objectives of International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 398, Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field (11 December 2022 to 10 February 2023), were to study the volcanic record of the central Hellenic island arc; document the links and feedbacks... Read More about Expedition 398 Preliminary Report: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field.
Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow submarine explosive eruption of ancestral Santorini (2024)
Journal Article
Druitt, T., Kutterolf, S., Ronge, T. A., Hübscher, C., Nomikou, P., Preine, J., …Lee, H. (2024). Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow submarine explosive eruption of ancestral Santorini. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), Article 24. explosive volcanic eruptions from island arcs pour pyroclastic currents into marine basins, impacting ecosystems and generating tsunamis that threaten coastal communities and infrastructures. Risk assessments require robust records of such high... Read More about Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow submarine explosive eruption of ancestral Santorini.
Evolution of Stromboli basaltic plumbing system via magma recharges and mush rejuvenation. (2023)
Conference Proceeding
Petrone, C. M., Mollo, S., Gertisser, R., Buret, Y., Scarlato, P., Del Bello, E., …Reagan, M. (2023). Evolution of Stromboli basaltic plumbing system via magma recharges and mush rejuvenation. .<jats:p>&lt;p&gt;Basaltic volcanoes can remain active for tens to thousands of years with the continual presence of magma, requiring storage and transport conditions that can sustain persistently eruptible melt. Magma storage conditions benea... Read More about Evolution of Stromboli basaltic plumbing system via magma recharges and mush rejuvenation..
Geological History, Chronology and Magmatic Evolution of Merapi (2023)
Book Chapter
Gertisser, R., del Marmol, M., Newhall, C., Preece, K., Charbonnier, S., Andreastuti, S., …Keller, J. (2023). Geological History, Chronology and Magmatic Evolution of Merapi. In Merapi Volcano (137-193). Springer. chapter provides a synthesis of the geological history, chronology and magmatic evolution of Merapi. Stratigraphic field and geochronological data are used to divide Merapi into three main evolutionary stages and associated volcanic edifices (Pr... Read More about Geological History, Chronology and Magmatic Evolution of Merapi.
Magma-Carbonate Interaction at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia (2023)
Book Chapter
Deegan, R. M., Troll, V. R., Gertisser, R., & Freda, C. (2023). Magma-Carbonate Interaction at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia. In Merapi Volcano (291-321). Springer. volcano, Indonesia, is a highly active arc volcano built upon a crustal succession that includes thick carbonate sequences. Calc-silicate (skarn) xenoliths are frequently found in Merapi’s erupted products and constitute direct evidence for ma... Read More about Magma-Carbonate Interaction at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia.
Merapi Volcano: Geology, Eruptive Activity, and Monitoring of a High-Risk Volcano (2023)
Gertisser, R., Troll, V. R., Walter, T. R., Gusti Made Agung Nandaka, I., & Ratdomopurbo, A. (2023). A. Ratdomopurbo, R. Gertisser, I. G. M. A. Nandaka, T. R. Walter, & V. R. Troll (Eds.). Merapi Volcano: Geology, Eruptive Activity, and Monitoring of a High-Risk Volcano. Springer. book provides the first comprehensive compilation of cutting-edge research on Merapi volcano on the island of Java, Indonesia, one of the most iconic volcanoes in the world. It integrates results from both the natural (geology, petrology, geoche... Read More about Merapi Volcano: Geology, Eruptive Activity, and Monitoring of a High-Risk Volcano.
Merapi: Evolving Knowledge and Future Challenges (2023)
Book Chapter
Nandaka, I. G. M. A., Gertisser, R., Walter, T. R., Troll, V. R., & Ratdomopurbo, A. (2023). Merapi: Evolving Knowledge and Future Challenges. In Merapi Volcano (553-572). Springer. the significant progress in our understanding of Merapi and its activity, as demonstrated by the contributions in this book, fundamental scientific questions about the volcano have remained unanswered and there are significant challenges that... Read More about Merapi: Evolving Knowledge and Future Challenges.
The Scientific Discovery of Merapi: From Ancient Javanese Sources to the 21st Century (2023)
Book Chapter
Gertisser, R., Troll, V. R., & Nandaka, I. G. M. A. (2023). The Scientific Discovery of Merapi: From Ancient Javanese Sources to the 21st Century. In Merapi Volcano (1-44). Springer. is Indonesia’s most active volcano and one of the most iconic volcanoes worldwide. Renowned for its almost continuous eruptive activity and its magnificent summit dome as well as the frequent occurrence of hazardous nuées ardentes (pyroclastic... Read More about The Scientific Discovery of Merapi: From Ancient Javanese Sources to the 21st Century.
A Textural Perspective on the Magmatic System and Eruptive Behaviour of Merapi Volcano (2023)
Book Chapter
Gertisser, R., Preece, K., van der Zwan, F., & Hammer, J. (2023). A Textural Perspective on the Magmatic System and Eruptive Behaviour of Merapi Volcano. In Merapi Volcano (265–289). Springer. textural analysis of crystals, including their number density, shapes, sizes, overall abundance and size distribution can be used to shed light on magmatic processes and the timescales over which they operate. At Merapi, textural analysi... Read More about A Textural Perspective on the Magmatic System and Eruptive Behaviour of Merapi Volcano.
An Overview of the Large-Magnitude (VEI 4) Eruption of Merapi in 2010 (2023)
Book Chapter
Subandriyo, Gertisser, R., Aisyah, N., Humaida, H., Preece, K., Charbonnier, S., …Wibowo, H. E. (2023). An Overview of the Large-Magnitude (VEI 4) Eruption of Merapi in 2010. In Merapi Volcano (353-407). Springer International Publishing. VEI 4 eruption in 2010 was the worst volcanic disaster at Merapi in 80 years.The unusual size and dynamics of the eruption, the rapid acceleration of events and the large number of evacuees posed significant challenges for the management of the v... Read More about An Overview of the Large-Magnitude (VEI 4) Eruption of Merapi in 2010.
Magma recharge and mush rejuvenation drive paroxysmal activity at Stromboli volcano (2022)
Journal Article
Maria Petrone, C., Mollo, S., Gertisser, R., Buret, Y., Scarlato, P., Del Bello, E., …Reagan, M. (2022). Magma recharge and mush rejuvenation drive paroxysmal activity at Stromboli volcano. Nature communications, 13(1), Article 7717. basaltic volcanoes can be characterised by sudden large explosive events (paroxysms) that interrupt normal effusive and mild explosive activity. In June-August 2019, one major explosion and two paroxysms occurred at Stromboli volcano (It... Read More about Magma recharge and mush rejuvenation drive paroxysmal activity at Stromboli volcano.
Gone with the Wind: Dispersal of Ciomadul Tephra (2022)
Book Chapter
Karátson, D., Veres, D., Gertisser, R., Magyari, E. K., Jánosi, C., & Hambach, U. (2022). Gone with the Wind: Dispersal of Ciomadul Tephra. In Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact. Springer.’s last explosive eruptions produced large volumes of pumice and ash, so-called tephra, which had the potential to be dispersed by wind over wide areas and deposited in geological archives (e.g., lakes and ocean floors). Using the chemical fi... Read More about Gone with the Wind: Dispersal of Ciomadul Tephra.
Evolution of the Ciomadul Volcanic Field—Lava Domes and Explosive Eruptions (2022)
Book Chapter
Karátson, D., Veres, D., Lahitte, P., Gertisser, R., Telbisz, T., Wulf, S., …Csaba Jánosi, Á. N. &. (2022). Evolution of the Ciomadul Volcanic Field—Lava Domes and Explosive Eruptions. In Ciomadul (Csomád), The Youngest Volcano in the Carpathians Volcanism, Palaeoenvironment, Human Impact. Springer. (Csomád) is the youngest volcano in the Carpathians and the Carpatho-Pannonian Region whose latest eruptions may have been witnessed by Palaeolithic people. It is the only volcano in the region where, although with little probability, future... Read More about Evolution of the Ciomadul Volcanic Field—Lava Domes and Explosive Eruptions.