The effects of the international economic crisis on Spain’s environmental policy
Book Chapter
Fernandez, R. (2018). The effects of the international economic crisis on Spain’s environmental policy. In The Impact of the Economic Crisis on European Environmental Policy. Oxford University Press
Rosa Maria Fernandez Martin's Outputs (36)
From a Utilitarian Universal Health Coverage to an Inclusive Health Coverage (2018)
Book Chapter
Fernandez, R. M. (2019). From a Utilitarian Universal Health Coverage to an Inclusive Health Coverage. . Springer International Publishing.
Conflicting energy policy priorities in EU energy governance (2018)
Journal Article
Fernandez, R. M. (2018). Conflicting energy policy priorities in EU energy governance. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 8(3), 239-248. the last decade, energy policies across EU member states have shifted, with fears emerging over the feasibility of the decarbonisation targets set up at European level. In many cases, the changes have been triggered by weakened economic conditions... Read More about Conflicting energy policy priorities in EU energy governance.
Interactions of regional and national environmental policies: The case of Spain (2018)
Journal Article
Fernandez, R. M. (2018). Interactions of regional and national environmental policies: The case of Spain. Cogent Economics and Finance, 6(1), Article ARTN 1442092. paper uses a new approach to the concept of green budgeting within the context of green economy to analyse the different factors influencing the lack of consistency on environmental policies in Spain. It appears that structural issues have preve... Read More about Interactions of regional and national environmental policies: The case of Spain.
Environmental economics (2017)
Book Chapter
Fernandez, R. M. (2017). Environmental economics. In The Business Student's Guide to Sustainable Management (227-258). (2). Taylor & Francis (Routledge). chapter discusses basic concepts related to environmental economics and a reasonable overview of the policies and instruments more widely used to tackle environment-related issues such as risks to human health from the point of view of the neces... Read More about Environmental economics.
Spain and renewable energy promotion. Europeanization upside down. (2017)
Book Chapter
Solario, I., & Fernandez, R. (2017). Spain and renewable energy promotion. Europeanization upside down. In A Guide to EU Renewable Energy Policy. Comparing Europeanization and domestic policy change in EU member states (141–161). Edward Elgar Publishing.’s renewable energy policy can be traced back to the 1970s, with the first legislation outlining a specific support scheme for renewable electricity issued early in the following decade. From then onwards Spain became a European forerunner in th... Read More about Spain and renewable energy promotion. Europeanization upside down..
Environmental economics (2014)
Book Chapter
Fernandez, R. M. (2014). Environmental economics. In The Business Student's Guide to Sustainable Management (120-147). (1). Taylor & Francis (Routledge).
Effects of the new 2020 strategy on regional energy initiatives and energy markets integration (2014)
Book Chapter
Fernández, R. M. (2014). Effects of the new 2020 strategy on regional energy initiatives and energy markets integration. In Regional Energy Initiatives. Taylor & Francis (Routledge). years have seen how the environment around energy issues has changed a lot through the European Union (EU). Even though it has been always claimed that there is a need for better integration, the measures taken did not seem to be leading Europe... Read More about Effects of the new 2020 strategy on regional energy initiatives and energy markets integration.
Responsabilidad social corporativa e incentivos fiscales en Europa (2013)
Book Chapter
Fernandez, R. (2013). Responsabilidad social corporativa e incentivos fiscales en Europa. In Fiscalidad corporativa y competitividad en Europa (Corporate taxation and competitiveness in Europe) (305-317). Tirant lo Blanch
Internationalisation, crisis and sustainability: opportunities to reinforce corporate social responsibility strategies (2013)
Journal Article
Fernandez, R. M. (2013). Internationalisation, crisis and sustainability: opportunities to reinforce corporate social responsibility strategies. International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 1(3), 267-277. are many factors influencing companies’ decisions about the adoption of corporate social responsibility strategies. International competition is one of them, and those strategies can contribute to improve business results. But the crisis can af... Read More about Internationalisation, crisis and sustainability: opportunities to reinforce corporate social responsibility strategies.
European Union and international negotiations on climate change. A limited role to play (2012)
Journal Article
Fernández, R. M. (2012). European Union and international negotiations on climate change. A limited role to play. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 8(2),The European Union played a key role on Kyoto Protocol’s entrance into force, and has been a front runner on the implementation of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within its territory. However, the slow progress achieved since the Bali Ro... Read More about European Union and international negotiations on climate change. A limited role to play.
Energy Security in the European Union (2012)
Journal Article
Rodríguez-Fernández, L., & Fernández-Martín, R. M. (2012). Energy Security in the European Union. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 6(3), to the European Commission, the three challenges that Europe must face related to energy are sustainability, security of supply and reaching an effective competitiveness in the internal energy market. To meet these three challenges, the Com... Read More about Energy Security in the European Union.
Corporate Social Responsibility across Europe: A good example from the Nordic countries? (2011)
Journal Article
Fernandez, R. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility across Europe: A good example from the Nordic countries?. University of Helsinki Discussion Paper series, 648,
Gobernanza corporativa en la Unión Europea: oportunidades de cambio para un desarrollo sostenible (2011)
Journal Article
Fernandez, R. (2011). Gobernanza corporativa en la Unión Europea: oportunidades de cambio para un desarrollo sostenible. Deusto European Notebooks - Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, 45,
The Financial System in Spain and Portugal: Institutions and Structure of the Market (2010)
Book Chapter
Hornero, A. C., Sánchez, I. G., & Fernandez, R. (2011). The Financial System in Spain and Portugal: Institutions and Structure of the Market. In Financial Market Integration and Growth (177-280). Springer. the EU, there is a general consensus about the need for greater financial integration. It is regarded as beneficial for the improved efficiency of the financial systems of the individual member states, as well as being a factor in promoting greate... Read More about The Financial System in Spain and Portugal: Institutions and Structure of the Market.
La Unión Europea como motor de la lucha contra el cambio climático (2010)
Journal Article
Fernandez, R. (2010). La Unión Europea como motor de la lucha contra el cambio climático. Journal of World Economics - Revista de economía mundial, 25, 205-226