Iodoarene-catalyzed cyclizations of N-propargylamides and β-amidoketones: synthesis of 2-oxazolines
Journal Article
Kamouka, S., & Moran, W. J. (2017). Iodoarene-catalyzed cyclizations of N-propargylamides and β-amidoketones: synthesis of 2-oxazolines. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 13, 1823–1827.
Two complementary iodoarene-catalyzed methods for the preparation of 2-oxazolines are presented. The first involves the cyclization of N-propargylamides and the second involves the cyclization of β-amidoketones. These are proposed to proceed through... Read More about Iodoarene-catalyzed cyclizations of N-propargylamides and β-amidoketones: synthesis of 2-oxazolines.