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Professor Caroline Mitchell's Outputs (11)

Understanding access to sexual and reproductive health in general practice using an adapted Candidacy Framework; a systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis. (2024)
Journal Article
Mawson, R., Hodges, V., Salway, S., & Mitchell, C. (in press). Understanding access to sexual and reproductive health in general practice using an adapted Candidacy Framework; a systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), 1-34.

Background General practice has a key role in reducing inequity in access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH). Unplanned pregnancy, abortion and STIs are increasing and disproportionately affects deprived communities and ethnic minority groups. T... Read More about Understanding access to sexual and reproductive health in general practice using an adapted Candidacy Framework; a systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis..

Identifying Key Moments in Type 2 Diabetes Management: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of People With Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetes Health Coaches (2024)
Journal Article
Joyce, J. B., Newbert, C., Guess, N., Fryer, K., Mitchell, C. A., Bespala, L., …Albury, C. (2024). Identifying Key Moments in Type 2 Diabetes Management: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of People With Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetes Health Coaches. Health Expectations, 27(6), Article e70108.

Objective: For people with type 2 diabetes who are overweight, weight loss increases the likelihood of achieving diabetes remission. The aim here was to draw on the experiences of people living with type 2 diabetes and coaches who deliver type 2 diab... Read More about Identifying Key Moments in Type 2 Diabetes Management: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of People With Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetes Health Coaches.

In at the Deep End: Innovative approaches to engaging underserved communities in Northern England (2024)
Journal Article
Jeffries, J., Wearn, A., Hassan, S., Fryer, K., Mitchell, C., & Sowden, S. (2024). In at the Deep End: Innovative approaches to engaging underserved communities in Northern England. European Journal of Public Health, 34(Supplement_3),

Background People living in socio-economically deprived communities have greater health needs, but worse access and outcomes from care. A growing international movement of Deep End (DE) general practice networks established to promote health equity,... Read More about In at the Deep End: Innovative approaches to engaging underserved communities in Northern England.

Influences on ethnic minority women’s experiences and access to contraception in the UK: a systematic qualitative evidence synthesis (2024)
Journal Article
Cory, R. J., Mawson, R., Linton, E., Al-Bazz, D. Y., Fryer, K., Ma, R., & Mitchell, C. A. (2024). Influences on ethnic minority women’s experiences and access to contraception in the UK: a systematic qualitative evidence synthesis. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health,

Background: Accessible contraception is critical for promoting the health and well-being of women and their families. In the UK, contraception is free at the point of access, but only 55% of pregnancies are planned, with negative implications for mat... Read More about Influences on ethnic minority women’s experiences and access to contraception in the UK: a systematic qualitative evidence synthesis.

Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging (2024)
Journal Article
Tierney, S., Westlake, D., Wong, G., Turk, A., Markham, S., Gorenberg, J., …Mahtani, K. R. (in press). Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP),

Background: Following the 2019 NHS Long-Term Plan, link workers (LWs) have been employed across primary care in England to deliver social prescribing (SP). Aim: To understand and explain how the LW role is being implemented in primary care in England... Read More about Experiences of integrating social prescribing link workers into primary care in England: Bolting on, fitting in or belonging.

Implementation of fracture risk assessment in men with prostate cancer requiring long-term androgen deprivation therapy: a systematic scoping review using the i-PARIHS implementation framework (2024)
Journal Article
Huang, Q., Mitchell, C., Theodoulou, E., Lee, A. C. K., & Brown, J. (in press). Implementation of fracture risk assessment in men with prostate cancer requiring long-term androgen deprivation therapy: a systematic scoping review using the i-PARIHS implementation framework. Journal of Cancer Survivorship,

Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is a mainstay of treatment for prostate cancer (PCa) and is associated with increased risks of osteoporosis and fragility fractures. Despite international guidelines to mitigate fracture risk, osteoporosis... Read More about Implementation of fracture risk assessment in men with prostate cancer requiring long-term androgen deprivation therapy: a systematic scoping review using the i-PARIHS implementation framework.

Contextualising and challenging under-representation in research in light of Cultural Trauma: a qualitative focus group and interview study (2024)
Journal Article
Fryer, K., Hutt, I., Aminu, H., Linton, E., White, J., Reynolds, J., & Mitchell, C. (in press). Contextualising and challenging under-representation in research in light of Cultural Trauma: a qualitative focus group and interview study. Research Involvement and Engagement, 10(1), Article 69.

Background: Although underserved populations— including those from ethnic minority communities and those living in poverty—have worse health and poorer healthcare experiences, most primary care research does not fairly reflect these groups. Patient a... Read More about Contextualising and challenging under-representation in research in light of Cultural Trauma: a qualitative focus group and interview study.

Identifying Preferred Features of Weight Loss Programs for Adults With or at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Discrete Choice Experiment With 3,960 Adults in the U.K. (2024)
Journal Article
Buckell, J., Mitchell, C. A., Fryer, K., Newbert, C., Brennan, A., Joyce, J., …Morris, E. (2024). Identifying Preferred Features of Weight Loss Programs for Adults With or at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Discrete Choice Experiment With 3,960 Adults in the U.K. Diabetes Care, 47(4), 739-746.

To understand preferences for features of weight loss programs among adults with or at risk of type 2 diabetes in the U.K.

We conducted a discrete choice experiment with 3,960 U.K. adults living with overwei... Read More about Identifying Preferred Features of Weight Loss Programs for Adults With or at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Discrete Choice Experiment With 3,960 Adults in the U.K..

Understanding the relationship between social determinants of health and maternal mortality: Scientific Impact Paper No. 67 (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, G. L., Mitchell, C. A., Hirst, J. E., & Anumba, D. O. (2022). Understanding the relationship between social determinants of health and maternal mortality: Scientific Impact Paper No. 67. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 129(7), 1211-1228.

Within this document we use the terms pregnant woman and women's health. However, it is important to acknowledge that it is not only people who identify as women for whom it is necessary to access care. Obstetric and gynaecology services and delivery... Read More about Understanding the relationship between social determinants of health and maternal mortality: Scientific Impact Paper No. 67.

Patients with presumed tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa that are not diagnosed with tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Jayasooriya, S., Dimambro-Denson, F., Beecroft, C., Balen, J., Awokola, B., Mitchell, C., …Mortimer, K. (2023). Patients with presumed tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa that are not diagnosed with tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Thorax, 78(1), 50-60.

Background Many patients in sub-Saharan Africa whom a diagnosis of tuberculosis is considered are subsequently not diagnosed with tuberculosis. The proportion of patients this represents, and their alternative diagnoses, have not previously been syst... Read More about Patients with presumed tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa that are not diagnosed with tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a targeted cancer awareness intervention for adults living in deprived areas of the UK (2021)
Journal Article
Moriarty, Y., Lau, M., Sewell, B., Trubey, R., Quinn-Scoggins, H., Owen, S., …Farr, A. (2021). Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a targeted cancer awareness intervention for adults living in deprived areas of the UK. British Journal of Cancer, 125(8), 1100-1110.

Cancer outcomes are poor in socioeconomically deprived communities, with low symptom awareness contributing to prolonged help-seeking and advanced disease. Targeted cancer awareness interventions require evaluation.

This is a... Read More about Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a targeted cancer awareness intervention for adults living in deprived areas of the UK.