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Outputs (1064)

Turning Less into More: Social Constructivism and Technocratic Politics in the Green Transition (2024)
Working Paper
O'Donovan, N. Turning Less into More: Social Constructivism and Technocratic Politics in the Green Transition

Proponents of degrowth query the compatibility of ecological sustainability with economic growth and a capitalist sociopolitical system predicated on the ongoing expansion of economic output. This article deploys insights from constructivist politica... Read More about Turning Less into More: Social Constructivism and Technocratic Politics in the Green Transition.

Distribution of big claims in a Lévy insurance risk process: Analytics of a new non-parametric estimator (2024)
Journal Article
Mozumder, S., Hassan, M. K., Sorwar, G., & Pérez Amuedo, J. A. (in press). Distribution of big claims in a Lévy insurance risk process: Analytics of a new non-parametric estimator. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1-26.

In this study, we model aggregate claims using a subordinator, specifically a non-decreasing Lévy process. Large positive jumps, exceeding a predetermined threshold, represent significant claims, while frequent but smaller fluctuations capture other... Read More about Distribution of big claims in a Lévy insurance risk process: Analytics of a new non-parametric estimator.

Spillovers and multiscale relationships among cryptocurrencies: A portfolio implication using high frequency data (2024)
Journal Article
Mensi, W., Ur-Rehman, M., Vo, X. V., & Kang, S. H. (2024). Spillovers and multiscale relationships among cryptocurrencies: A portfolio implication using high frequency data. Economic Analysis and Policy, 82, 449-479.

This study examines the nonlinear multiscale relationships and spillovers among the main cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, DASH, Ripple, and Monero) using spillover index methodology and wavelet approaches to hourly and dai... Read More about Spillovers and multiscale relationships among cryptocurrencies: A portfolio implication using high frequency data.

Viewpoint: the evolving landscape of peer review (2024)
Journal Article
Mogaji, E. (in press). Viewpoint: the evolving landscape of peer review. Journal of Services Marketing,

The purpose of this viewpoint is to spotlight the role of reviewers within the collaborative triad of academic publishing. It argues that the significance of reviewers is often disregarded, leading to a gap in our understanding of the peer r... Read More about Viewpoint: the evolving landscape of peer review.

Regulatory influence, board characteristics and climate change disclosures: evidence from environmentally sensitive firms in developing economy context (2024)
Journal Article
Kumar Saha, A., & Khan, I. (2024). Regulatory influence, board characteristics and climate change disclosures: evidence from environmentally sensitive firms in developing economy context. Corporate Governance,

This study aims to examine the impact of board characteristics on climate change disclosures (CCDs) in the context of an emerging economy, with a unique focus on regulatory influences.

This study analyzes long... Read More about Regulatory influence, board characteristics and climate change disclosures: evidence from environmentally sensitive firms in developing economy context.

Labour diversification by households 2008–2013 (2024)
Book Chapter
Khan, R., & Morrissey, O. (2024). Labour diversification by households 2008–2013. In Sustaining Tanzania's Economic Development: A Firm and Household Perspective (127-146). Oxford University Press (OUP).

This chapter uses three waves of Tanzanian National Panel Surveys (2008/09, 2010/11, and 2012/13) to construct a panel from 3,676 households that appear in at least two waves to explore the effect of income diversification on household welfare measur... Read More about Labour diversification by households 2008–2013.

Guest editorial overview: “dark side of online communities” (2024)
Journal Article
Behl, A., Gupta, M., & Zhang, J. (2024). Guest editorial overview: “dark side of online communities”. Information Systems and E-Business Management,

Online Communities have been growing with increasing intervention of social media. The digital natives have also gradually started to spend a fairly large time on the internet and their contributions have grown significantly in shaping discussions an... Read More about Guest editorial overview: “dark side of online communities”.

The Impact of Climate Action on the Financial Performance of Food, Grocery, and Supermarket Retailers in the UK (2024)
Journal Article
Olarewaju, T., Dani, S., Obeng-Fosu, C., Olarewaju, T., & Jabbar, A. (2024). The Impact of Climate Action on the Financial Performance of Food, Grocery, and Supermarket Retailers in the UK. Sustainability, 16(5), Article 1785.

We examined the impact of climate action on the financial performance of eleven food, grocery, and supermarket retailers listed on the London Stock Exchange from 2013 to 2022. Our findings reveal a positive association between the climate mitigation... Read More about The Impact of Climate Action on the Financial Performance of Food, Grocery, and Supermarket Retailers in the UK.