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Outputs (9)

X-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism characterization of a novel ferromagnetic MnNx phase in Mn/Si3N4 multilayers (2008)
Journal Article
Céspedes, E., Huttel, Y., Martínez, L., de Andrés, A., Chaboy, J., Vila, M., …Prieto, C. (2008). X-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism characterization of a novel ferromagnetic MnNx phase in Mn/Si3N4 multilayers. Applied Physics Letters, 93(25),

Ferromagnetism above room temperature has been observed in
multilayered films for the first time. Characterization of the structural and electronic properties was performed to study the ferromagnetic behavior of this system. X-ray absorption spect... Read More about X-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism characterization of a novel ferromagnetic MnNx phase in Mn/Si3N4 multilayers.

Evidence of local moment formation in Co-based Heusler alloys (2008)
Journal Article
Telling, N. D., Keatley, P. S., van der Laan, G., Hicken, R. J., Arenholz, E., Sakuraba, Y., …Miyazaki, T. Evidence of local moment formation in Co-based Heusler alloys. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 78(18),

We examine the formation of local moments in Heusler alloys of the composition
Co2MnZ (where Z=Si or Al) using the combined techniques of x-ray magnetic circular and linear dichroism. The existence of local moments in half-metallic Heusler alloys i... Read More about Evidence of local moment formation in Co-based Heusler alloys.

Journal Article
Pattrick, R. A., Coker, V. S., Pearce, C. I., Telling, N. D., & van der Laan, G. (2008). THE OXIDATION STATE OF COPPER AND COBALT IN CARROLLITE, CuCo2S4. Canadian Mineralogist, 46(5), 1317-1322.

Using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the Cu L2,3 and Co L2,3 edges, we demonstrate that the valence state of copper in the thiospinel carrollite (CuCo2S4) is Cu+ with a d count of Cu d9.8. The Co has a d count of d6.4, so that the highly cova... Read More about THE OXIDATION STATE OF COPPER AND COBALT IN CARROLLITE, CuCo2S4.

Interface alloying effects in the magnetic properties of Fe nanoislands capped with different materials (2008)
Journal Article
Huttel, Y., Navarro, E., Telling, N. D., van der Laan, G., Pigazo, F., Palomares, F. J., …Cebollada, A. Interface alloying effects in the magnetic properties of Fe nanoislands capped with different materials. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 78(10),

We show that Fe nanoislands capped with Al, Pd, and Pt protecting layers include an alloy at the interface with the capping layer, which explains the previously known capping layer dependence on the interparticle magnetic coupling. Vibrating sample m... Read More about Interface alloying effects in the magnetic properties of Fe nanoislands capped with different materials.

Probing the site occupancies of Co-, Ni-, and Mn-substituted biogenic magnetite using XAS and XMCD (2008)
Journal Article
Coker, V. S., Pearce, C. I., Pattrick, R. A., van der Laan, G., Telling, N. D., Charnock, J. M., …Lloyd, J. R. (2008). Probing the site occupancies of Co-, Ni-, and Mn-substituted biogenic magnetite using XAS and XMCD. American Mineralogist, 93(7), 1119-1132.

Ferrimagnetic nanoparticles have many uses in industry including in magnetic recording media and transformers, however these particles are often expensive to synthesize. In this study, the Fe3+-reducing bacteria Geobacter sulfurreducens and Shewanell... Read More about Probing the site occupancies of Co-, Ni-, and Mn-substituted biogenic magnetite using XAS and XMCD.

Temperature dependence of the interface moments in Co2MnSi thin films (2008)
Journal Article
Telling, N. D., Keatley, P. S., Shelford, L. R., Arenholz, E., van der Laan, G., Hicken, R. J., …Miyazaki, T. (2008). Temperature dependence of the interface moments in Co2MnSi thin films. Applied Physics Letters, 92(19),

X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) is utilized to explore the temperature dependence of the interface moments in
(CMS) thin films capped with aluminum. By increasing the thickness of the capping layer, we demonstrate enhanced interface sensi... Read More about Temperature dependence of the interface moments in Co2MnSi thin films.

Morphology and capping effects in the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of nanoparticulate Co films (2008)
Journal Article
Clavero, C., Martínez, L., García-Martín, A., García-Martín, J. M., Huttel, Y., Telling, N. D., …Armelles, G. Morphology and capping effects in the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of nanoparticulate Co films. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 77(9),

Magnetic and magneto-optical properties of Co films are studied as a function of the morphology and the capping layer. We show that the nanoparticulate structure of the Co films has a clear influence on the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of... Read More about Morphology and capping effects in the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of nanoparticulate Co films.

Controlled cobalt doping of magnetosomes in vivo (2008)
Journal Article
Staniland, S., Williams, W., Telling, N., Van Der Laan, G., Harrison, A., & Ward, B. (2008). Controlled cobalt doping of magnetosomes in vivo. Nature Nanotechnology, 3(3), 158-162.

Magnetotactic bacteria biomineralize iron into magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles that are surrounded by lipid vesicles. These ‘magnetosomes’ have considerable potential for use in bio- and nanotechnological applications because of their narrow size and... Read More about Controlled cobalt doping of magnetosomes in vivo.