ColMA ‐based bioprinted 3D scaffold allowed to study tenogenic events in human tendon stem cells
Journal Article
Cortella, G., Lamparelli, E. P., Ciardulli, M. C., Lovecchio, J., Giordano, E., Maffulli, N., & Della Porta, G. (in press). ColMA ‐based bioprinted 3D scaffold allowed to study tenogenic events in human tendon stem cells. Bioengineering and Translational Medicine, 1-15.
The advent of bioprinting has enabled the creation of precise three‐dimensional (3D) cell cultures suitable for biomimetic in vitro models. In this study, we developed a novel protocol for 3D printing methacrylated collagen (ColMa, or PhotoCol®) comb... Read More about ColMA ‐based bioprinted 3D scaffold allowed to study tenogenic events in human tendon stem cells.