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Outputs (42)

Developing genetic tools to control the Oriental fruit fly: Potential approaches and target genes (2024)
Journal Article
Traoré, N., Galizi, R., Kientega, M., Maïga, H., Nébié, K., Dabiré, R. A., …Diabaté, A. (in press). Developing genetic tools to control the Oriental fruit fly: Potential approaches and target genes. Journal of Applied Entomology,

The Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, is a pest of significant economic interest that damages horticulture and causes major economic losses worldwide. The main control measures are based on insecticides, which are being increasingly restricted... Read More about Developing genetic tools to control the Oriental fruit fly: Potential approaches and target genes.

Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Invasive Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Burkina Faso (2024)
Journal Article
Traoré, N., Kientega, M., Maïga, H., Nebié, K., Zida, I., Galizi, R., …Diabaté, A. (2024). Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Invasive Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Burkina Faso. Insects, 15(5), Article 298.

Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel is a highly invasive horticultural pest that is of major economic importance worldwide. In Burkina Faso, it is one of the main insect pests that affects the production and exportation of mangos. Understanding the biology an... Read More about Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Invasive Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Burkina Faso.

Anti-CRISPR Anopheles mosquitoes inhibit gene drive spread under challenging behavioural conditions in large cages (2024)
Journal Article
D’Amato, R., Taxiarchi, C., Galardini, M., Trusso, A., Minuz, R. L., Grilli, S., …Müller, R. (2024). Anti-CRISPR Anopheles mosquitoes inhibit gene drive spread under challenging behavioural conditions in large cages. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 952.

CRISPR-based gene drives have the potential to spread within populations and are considered as promising vector control tools. A doublesex-targeting gene drive was able to suppress laboratory Anopheles mosquito populations in small and large cages, a... Read More about Anti-CRISPR Anopheles mosquitoes inhibit gene drive spread under challenging behavioural conditions in large cages.

Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics (2024)
Journal Article
Nayeem Hasan, M., Khalil, I., Baker Chowdhury, M. A., Rahman, M., Asaduzzaman, M., Billah, M., …Haider, N. (in press). Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics. Journal of Medical Entomology, 61(2), 345-353.

The objectives of this study were to compare dengue virus (DENV) cases, deaths, case-fatality ratio [CFR], and meteorological parameters between the first and the recent decades of this century (2000-2010 vs. 2011-2022) and to describe the trends, se... Read More about Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics.

Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics (2024)
Journal Article
Nayeem Hasan, M., Khalil, I., Baker Chowdhury, M. A., Rahman, M., Asaduzzaman, M., Billah, M., …Haider, N. (in press). Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics. GreSIS - Greater South Information System,

The objectives of this study were to compare dengue virus (DENV) cases, deaths, case-fatality ratio [CFR], and meteorological parameters between the first and the recent decades of this century (2000-2010 vs. 2011-2022) and to describe the trends, se... Read More about Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics.

Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics (2024)
Journal Article
Hasan, M. N., Khalil, I., Chowdhury, M. A. B., Rahman, M., Asaduzzaman, M., Billah, M., …Haider, N. (in press). Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics. Journal of Medical Entomology, Article tjae001.

The objectives of this study were to compare dengue virus (DENV) cases, deaths, case-fatality ratio [CFR], and meteorological parameters between the first and the recent decades of this century (2000–2010 vs. 2011–2022) and to describe the trends, se... Read More about Two decades of endemic dengue in Bangladesh (2000–2022): trends, seasonality, and impact of temperature and rainfall patterns on transmission dynamics.

Single-cell profiling of Anopheles gambiae spermatogenesis defines the onset of meiotic silencing and premeiotic overexpression of the X chromosome (2023)
Journal Article
Page, N., Taxiarchi, C., Tonge, D., Kuburic, J., Chesters, E., Kriezis, A., …Galizi, R. (2023). Single-cell profiling of Anopheles gambiae spermatogenesis defines the onset of meiotic silencing and premeiotic overexpression of the X chromosome. Communications Biology, 6(1), Article 850.

Understanding development and genetic regulation in the Anopheles gambiae germline is essential to engineer effective genetic control strategies targeting this malaria mosquito vector. These include targeting the germline to induce sterility or using... Read More about Single-cell profiling of Anopheles gambiae spermatogenesis defines the onset of meiotic silencing and premeiotic overexpression of the X chromosome.

Single-cell profiling of mosquito spermatogenesis defines the onset of meiotic silencing and pre-meiotic overexpression of the X chromosome. (2023)
Journal Article
Page, N., Taxiarchi, C., Tonge, D., Kuburic, J., Chesters, E., Kriezis, A., …Galizi, R. (in press). Single-cell profiling of mosquito spermatogenesis defines the onset of meiotic silencing and pre-meiotic overexpression of the X chromosome. Communications Biology, 6, Article 850.

Understanding development and genetic regulation in the Anopheles gambiae germline is essential to engineer effective genetic control strategies targeting this malaria mosquito vector. These include targeting the germline to induce sterility or using... Read More about Single-cell profiling of mosquito spermatogenesis defines the onset of meiotic silencing and pre-meiotic overexpression of the X chromosome..

Single-cell profiling of mosquito spermatogenesis defines the onset of meiotic silencing and pre-meiotic overexpression of the X chromosome. (2023)
Page, N., Taxiarchi, C., Tonge, D., Kuburic, J., Chesters, E., Kriezis, A., …Galizi, R. (2023). Single-cell profiling of mosquito spermatogenesis defines the onset of meiotic silencing and pre-meiotic overexpression of the X chromosome. [PREPRINT]

Understanding development and genetic regulation in the Anopheles gambiae germline is essential to engineer effective genetic control strategies targeting this malaria mosquito vector. These include targeting the germline to induce sterility or using... Read More about Single-cell profiling of mosquito spermatogenesis defines the onset of meiotic silencing and pre-meiotic overexpression of the X chromosome..

qSanger: Quantification of Genetic Variants in Bacterial Cultures by Sanger Sequencing (2023)
Journal Article
Prakash, S., Racovita, A., Petrucci, T., Galizi, R., & Jaramillo, A. (in press). qSanger: Quantification of Genetic Variants in Bacterial Cultures by Sanger Sequencing. BioDesign Research, 5, Article 0007.

Genetic variations such as mutations and recombinations arise spontaneously in all cultured organisms. Although it is possible to identify nonneutral mutations by selection or counterselection, the identification of neutral mutations in a heterogeneo... Read More about qSanger: Quantification of Genetic Variants in Bacterial Cultures by Sanger Sequencing.