Gut-associated bacteria invade the midgut epithelium of Aedes aegypti and stimulate innate immunity and suppress Zika virus infection in cells
Journal Article
Hegde, S., Voronin, D., Casas-Sanchez, A., Saldaña, M. A., Heinz, E., Acosta-Serrano, A., …Hughes, G. L. Gut-associated bacteria invade the midgut epithelium of Aedes aegypti and stimulate innate immunity and suppress Zika virus infection in cells. arXiv,
Microbiota within mosquitoes influence nutrition, immunity, fecundity, and the capacity to transmit pathogens. Despite their importance, we have a limited understanding of host-microbiota interactions, especially at the cellular level. It is evident... Read More about Gut-associated bacteria invade the midgut epithelium of Aedes aegypti and stimulate innate immunity and suppress Zika virus infection in cells.