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Gut-associated bacteria invade the midgut epithelium of Aedes aegypti and stimulate innate immunity and suppress Zika virus infection in cells
Journal Article
Hegde, S., Voronin, D., Casas-Sanchez, A., Saldaña, M. A., Heinz, E., Acosta-Serrano, A., …Hughes, G. L. Gut-associated bacteria invade the midgut epithelium of Aedes aegypti and stimulate innate immunity and suppress Zika virus infection in cells. arXiv,

Microbiota within mosquitoes influence nutrition, immunity, fecundity, and the capacity to transmit pathogens. Despite their importance, we have a limited understanding of host-microbiota interactions, especially at the cellular level. It is evident... Read More about Gut-associated bacteria invade the midgut epithelium of Aedes aegypti and stimulate innate immunity and suppress Zika virus infection in cells.

Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Invasive Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Burkina Faso
Traoré, N., Kientega, M., Maïga, H., Nebié, K., Zida, I., Galizi, R., …Diabaté, A. (2024). Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Invasive Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Burkina Faso. [Preprint]

Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel is a highly invasive horticultural pest of major economic importance worldwide. In Burkina Faso, it is one of the main insect pests constraining the mango production and export. Understanding the biology and the genetic dyn... Read More about Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of the Invasive Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Burkina Faso.

Identifying risk factors for Lassa fever infection in Sierra Leone, 2019-2021
Journal Article
Juma Sama, D., Haider, N., Guitian, J., Yusuf Osman, A., Ntoumi, F., Zumla, A., …Ansumana, R. Identifying risk factors for Lassa fever infection in Sierra Leone, 2019-2021. MedRxiv,

Background Lassa fever (LF) virus (LASV) is endemic in Sierra Leone and poses a significant public health threat to the region; however, no risk factors for LASV infection have been reported in Sierra Leone. The objective of this study was to identif... Read More about Identifying risk factors for Lassa fever infection in Sierra Leone, 2019-2021.