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Outputs (11)

Exploring the relationships between psychological variables and loot box engagement, part 1: pre-registered hypotheses (2023)
Journal Article
Close, J., Spicer, S. G., Nicklin, L. L., Uther, M., Whalley, B., Fullwood, C., …Lloyd, H. (2023). Exploring the relationships between psychological variables and loot box engagement, part 1: pre-registered hypotheses. Royal Society Open Science, 10(12), 231045.

Loot boxes are purchasable randomized rewards in video games that share structural and psychological similarities with gambling. Systematic review evidence has established reproducible associations between loot box purchasing and both problem gamblin... Read More about Exploring the relationships between psychological variables and loot box engagement, part 1: pre-registered hypotheses.

The effectiveness of an instagram intervention targeted at men to reduce body dissatisfaction (2023)
Journal Article
Stiff, C., & Cutts, M. (2024). The effectiveness of an instagram intervention targeted at men to reduce body dissatisfaction. Current Psychology, 43(11), 9838-9853.

Instagram is a hugely popular social media website; however, research has suggested that continued use of the site may lead to increased body dissatisfaction and lower body esteem. Materials intended to reduce these effects are available, but these o... Read More about The effectiveness of an instagram intervention targeted at men to reduce body dissatisfaction.

Student Pro-sociality: Measuring Institutional and Individual Factors that Predict Pro-social Behaviour at University (2019)
Journal Article
Stiff, C., Rosenthal-Stott, H. E., Wake, S., & Woodward, A. (2019). Student Pro-sociality: Measuring Institutional and Individual Factors that Predict Pro-social Behaviour at University. Current Psychology, 920-930.

Students operate within a bounded social context and often face decisions regarding whether to pursue selfish or group-level benefit. Yet little work has examined what predicts their behaviour towards fellow students. This work addresses this gap b... Read More about Student Pro-sociality: Measuring Institutional and Individual Factors that Predict Pro-social Behaviour at University.

The Dark Triad and Facebook Surveillance: How Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, But Not Narcissism Predict Using Facebook To Spy On Others (2019)
Journal Article
Stiff, C. (2019). The Dark Triad and Facebook Surveillance: How Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, But Not Narcissism Predict Using Facebook To Spy On Others. Computers in Human Behavior, 62-69.

The Dark Triad of personality – Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy – has been shown to influence a variety of behaviours. Typically, high levels of these traits predict engaging in behaviour at the periphery of what is considered socially... Read More about The Dark Triad and Facebook Surveillance: How Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, But Not Narcissism Predict Using Facebook To Spy On Others.

Social Media and Cyberactivism (2018)
Book Chapter
Stiff, C. Social Media and Cyberactivism. In M. Keep, D. J. Kuss, C. Fullwood, & A. Attrill-Smith (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology (369-393). Oxford University Press.

When created, social media was merely a somewhat frivolous method of disseminating media to others within an online network. Since then it has evolved to become a key facet of online life. This chapter examines how social media has fostered cyberacti... Read More about Social Media and Cyberactivism.

Playing Well With Others: The Role of Opponent and Intergroup Anxiety in the Reduction of Prejudice Through Collaborative Video Game Play (2018)
Journal Article
Stiff, C., & Kedra, P. (2018). Playing Well With Others: The Role of Opponent and Intergroup Anxiety in the Reduction of Prejudice Through Collaborative Video Game Play. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 105-115.

Recent work on the social effects of video gaming has moved away from the view they are detrimental, and has instead demonstrated how they may be a force for good. One example is how collaborative intergroup play can reduce prejudice between groups.... Read More about Playing Well With Others: The Role of Opponent and Intergroup Anxiety in the Reduction of Prejudice Through Collaborative Video Game Play.

Is religiosity in a prospective partner always desirable?: The moderating roles of shared social identity and medium of communication when choosing interaction partners (2017)
Journal Article
Stiff, C. (2017). Is religiosity in a prospective partner always desirable?: The moderating roles of shared social identity and medium of communication when choosing interaction partners. Current Psychology, 494-503.

The profession of religion gives rise to myriad inferences and connotations, yet surprisingly little research has examined how it may influence with whom we choose to work. Two experiments conducted at a UK university investigated how religiosity by... Read More about Is religiosity in a prospective partner always desirable?: The moderating roles of shared social identity and medium of communication when choosing interaction partners.

Two-play game: Playing casual video games with outgroup members reduces prejudice towards that outgroup (2016)
Journal Article
Stiff, & Bowen, T. (2016). Two-play game: Playing casual video games with outgroup members reduces prejudice towards that outgroup. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 912-920.

Video games have traditionally held a dubious reputation in the media and have been linked to many antisocial behaviors. A large amount of research has borne out some of these concerns, linking video games with addiction and particularly aggression.... Read More about Two-play game: Playing casual video games with outgroup members reduces prejudice towards that outgroup.