G Piotto
Architecture of TOI-561 planetary system
Piotto, G; Zingales, T; Borsato, L; Egger, J A; Correia, A C M; Simon, A E; Florén, H -G; Sousa, S G; Maxted, P F L; Nardiello, D; Malavolta, L; Wilson, T G; Alibert, Y; Adibekyan, V; Bonfanti, A; Luque, R; Santos, N C; Hooton, M J; Fossati, L; Smith, A M S; Salmon, S; Lacedelli, G; Alonso, R; Bárczy, T; Barrado Navascues, D; Barros, S C C; Baumjohann, W; Beck, T; Benz, W; Billot, N; Brandeker, A; Broeg, C; Buder, M; Cameron, A Collier; Csizmadia, Sz; Cubillos, P E; Davies, M B; Deleuil, M; Deline, A; Demangeon, O D S; Demory, B -O; Derekas, A; Edwards, B; Ehrenreich, D; Erikson, A; Fortier, A; Fridlund, M; Gandolfi, D; Gazeas, K; Gillon, M; Güdel, M; Günther, M N; Heitzmann, A; Helling, Ch; Isaak, K G; Kiss, L L; Korth, J; Lam, K W F; Laskar, J; Lecavelier des Etangs, A; Lendl, M; Leonardi, P; Magrin, D; Mantovan, G; Mordasini, C; Nascimbeni, V; Olofsson, G; Ottensamer, R; Pagano, I; Pallé, E; Peter, G; Ottensamer, R; Pollacco, D; Queloz, D; Ragazzoni, R; Rando, N; Ratti, F; Rauer, H;...
T Zingales
L Borsato
J A Egger
A C M Correia
A E Simon
H -G Florén
S G Sousa
Pierre Maxted p.maxted@keele.ac.uk
D Nardiello
L Malavolta
T G Wilson
Y Alibert
V Adibekyan
A Bonfanti
R Luque
N C Santos
M J Hooton
L Fossati
A M S Smith
S Salmon
G Lacedelli
R Alonso
T Bárczy
D Barrado Navascues
S C C Barros
W Baumjohann
T Beck
W Benz
N Billot
A Brandeker
C Broeg
M Buder
A Collier Cameron
Sz Csizmadia
P E Cubillos
M B Davies
M Deleuil
A Deline
O D S Demangeon
B -O Demory
A Derekas
B Edwards
D Ehrenreich
A Erikson
A Fortier
M Fridlund
D Gandolfi
K Gazeas
M Gillon
M Güdel
M N Günther
A Heitzmann
Ch Helling
K G Isaak
L L Kiss
J Korth
K W F Lam
J Laskar
A Lecavelier des Etangs
M Lendl
P Leonardi
D Magrin
G Mantovan
C Mordasini
V Nascimbeni
G Olofsson
R Ottensamer
I Pagano
E Pallé
G Peter
R Ottensamer
D Pollacco
D Queloz
R Ragazzoni
N Rando
F Ratti
H Rauer
I Ribas
G Scandariato
D Ségransan
D Sicilia
M Stalport
S Sulis
Gy M Szabó
S Udry
S Ulmer-Moll
V Van Grootel
J Venturini
E Villaver
N A Walton
J N Winn
S Wolf
We present new observations from CHEOPS (CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite) and TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) to clarify the architecture of the planetary system hosted by the old Galactic thick disc star TOI-561. Our global analysis, which also includes previously published photometric and radial velocity data, incontrovertibly proves that TOI-561 is hosting at least four transiting planets with periods of 0.44 d (TOI-561 b), 10.8 d (TOI-561 c), 25.7 d (TOI-561 d), and 77.1 d (TOI-561 e) and a fifth non-transiting candidate, TOI-561f with a period of 433 d. The precise characterization of TOI-561’s orbital architecture is interesting since old and metal-poor thick disc stars are less likely to host ultrashort-period super-Earths like TOI-561 b. The new period of planet -e is consistent with the value obtained using radial velocity alone and is now known to be $77.14399\pm 0.00025$ d, thanks to the new CHEOPS and TESS transits. The new data allowed us to improve its radius ($R_p = 2.517 \pm 0.045\,\mathrm{ R}_{\rm{\oplus }}$ from 5 per cent to 2 per cent precision) and mass ($M_p = 12.4 \pm 1.4\, \mathrm{ M}_{\rm{\oplus }}$) estimates, implying a density of $\rho _p = 0.778 \pm 0.097\, \rho _{\rm{\oplus }}$. Thanks to recent TESS observations and the focused CHEOPS visit of the transit of TOI-561 e, a good candidate for exomoon searches, the planet’s period is finally constrained, allowing us to predict transit times through 2030 with 20-min accuracy. We present an updated version of the internal structure of the four transiting planets. We finally performed a detailed stability analysis, which confirmed the long-term stability of the outer planet TOI-561 f.
Piotto, G., Zingales, T., Borsato, L., Egger, J. A., Correia, A. C. M., Simon, A. E., …Wolf, S. (in press). Architecture of TOI-561 planetary system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535(3), 2763-2774. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stae2440
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Oct 22, 2024 |
Online Publication Date | Nov 21, 2024 |
Deposit Date | Dec 12, 2024 |
Journal | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society |
Print ISSN | 0035-8711 |
Electronic ISSN | 1365-2966 |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 535 |
Issue | 3 |
Pages | 2763-2774 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stae2440 |
Keywords | techniques, photometric – techniques, radial velocities – ephemerides – planets and satellites, dynamical evolution and stability – planets and satellites, fundamental parameters – planets and satellites, interiors |
Public URL | https://keele-repository.worktribe.com/output/1012938 |
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