Conor Doyle
Adherence with oral chemotherapy in a cancer unit in Northern Ireland
Doyle, Conor; White, Simon; Mills, Lizzie
Studies in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) have shown that adherence to oral chemotherapy is fundamental in
achieving good responses where better adherence (>90%) is critical in achieving a major molecular response.
The aims of this study were to establish the level of adherence to oral chemotherapy of patients with malignancy,to determine how patients feel about the level of support they are provided with at the start of and during their therapy and their knowledge and beliefs regarding their treatment.
The Morisky 8-item questionnaire was initially used to measure adherence in 21 oncology and haematology
patients. Patients then subsequently indicated their beliefs and knowledge of their medication through an interview.
Twenty one were included in the study. Patients had a diagnosis of breast cancer, colorectal cancer or myeloma
and were receiving oral chemotherapy for this indication.
One hundred per cent of patients had median or high levels of adherence and there was no significant difference in levels of high adherence between genders or disease groups.
The data from the interviews suggest that patients and relatives are satisfied with the information provided to
them from healthcare professionals. Patients are knowledgeable regarding the aims of treatments, dosing and side effects. However, many patients rely on their relatives to remind them to take their medication, thus, patients who lack this support may benefit from further pharmacy input to ensure that they take their medication
Doyle, C., White, S., & Mills, L. (2016). Adherence with oral chemotherapy in a cancer unit in Northern Ireland. Journal of Medicines Optimisation, 2(2), 28 - 33
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | May 24, 2016 |
Publication Date | Jun 1, 2016 |
Journal | Journal of Medicines Optimisation |
Publisher | PM Healthcare |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 2 |
Issue | 2 |
Pages | 28 - 33 |
Keywords | non-adherence, Morisky Scale, questionnaire, interview, patients. |
Publisher URL | |
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Adherence with Oral Chemotherapy in a Cancer Unit in Northern Ireland.pdf
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