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Imaging shape and strain in nanoscale engineered semiconductors for photonics by coherent x-ray diffraction

Felici, Marco; Patané, Amalia; Polimeni, Antonio; Clark, JN; Balakrishnan, Nilanthy; Clark, Jesse N.; Ravy, Sylvain; Ciatto, Gianluca; Berenguer, Felisa; Pettinari, Giorgio

Imaging shape and strain in nanoscale engineered semiconductors for photonics by coherent x-ray diffraction Thumbnail


Marco Felici

Amalia Patané

Antonio Polimeni

JN Clark

Jesse N. Clark

Sylvain Ravy

Gianluca Ciatto

Felisa Berenguer

Giorgio Pettinari


Coherent x-ray diffractive imaging is a nondestructive technique that extracts three-dimensional electron density and strain maps from materials with nanometer resolution. It has been utilized for materials in a range of applications, and has significant potential for imaging buried nanostructures in functional devices. Here, we show that coherent x-ray diffractive imaging is able to bring new understanding to a lithography-based nanofabrication process for engineering the optical properties of semiconducting GaAs1-yNy on a GaAs substrate. This technique allows us to test the process reliability and the manufactured patterns quality. We demonstrate that regular and sharp geometrical structures can be produced on a few-micron scale, and that the strain distribution is uniform even for highly strained sub-microscopic objects. This nondestructive study would not be possible using conventional microscopy techniques. Our results pave the way for tailoring the optical properties of emitters with nanometric precision for nanophotonics and quantum technology applications.


Felici, M., Patané, A., Polimeni, A., Clark, J., Balakrishnan, N., Clark, J. N., …Pettinari, G. (2020). Imaging shape and strain in nanoscale engineered semiconductors for photonics by coherent x-ray diffraction. communications materials, 1, Article 19.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 17, 2020
Online Publication Date Apr 24, 2020
Publication Date Apr 24, 2020
Journal Communications Materials
Print ISSN 2662-4443
Publisher Nature Research
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 1
Article Number 19
Keywords Imaging techniques; Photonic crystals; Synthesis and processing
Publisher URL


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