James Everett j.everett@keele.ac.uk
Biogenic metallic elements in the human brain?
Everett, James; Lermyte, Frederik; Brooks, Jake; Tjendana-Tjhin, Vindy; Plascencia-Villa, Germán; Hands-Portman, Ian; Donnelly, Jane M.; Billimoria, Kharmen; Perry, George; Zhu, Xiongwei; Sadler, Peter J.; O’Connor, Peter B.; Collingwood, Joanna F.; Telling, Neil D.
Frederik Lermyte
Jake Brooks
Vindy Tjendana-Tjhin
Germán Plascencia-Villa
Ian Hands-Portman
Jane M. Donnelly
Kharmen Billimoria
George Perry
Xiongwei Zhu
Peter J. Sadler
Peter B. O’Connor
Joanna F. Collingwood
Neil Telling n.d.telling@keele.ac.uk
The chemistry of copper and iron plays a critical role in normal brain function. A variety of enzymes and proteins containing positively charged Cu+, Cu2+, Fe2+, and Fe3+ control key processes, catalyzing oxidative metabolism and neurotransmitter and neuropeptide production. Here, we report the discovery of elemental (zero-oxidation state) metallic Cu0 accompanying ferromagnetic elemental Fe0 in the human brain. These nanoscale biometal deposits were identified within amyloid plaque cores isolated from Alzheimer's disease subjects, using synchrotron x-ray spectromicroscopy. The surfaces of nanodeposits of metallic copper and iron are highly reactive, with distinctly different chemical and magnetic properties from their predominant oxide counterparts. The discovery of metals in their elemental form in the brain raises new questions regarding their generation and their role in neurochemistry, neurobiology, and the etiology of neurodegenerative disease.
Everett, J., Lermyte, F., Brooks, J., Tjendana-Tjhin, V., Plascencia-Villa, G., Hands-Portman, I., …Telling, N. D. (2021). Biogenic metallic elements in the human brain?. Science Advances, 7(24), https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abf6707
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Apr 22, 2021 |
Publication Date | Jun 9, 2021 |
Journal | Science Advances |
Publisher | American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 7 |
Issue | 24 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abf6707 |
Publisher URL | https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/7/24/eabf6707/tab-article-info |
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