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All Outputs (26)

New directions for the Journal of Health Psychology (2024)
Journal Article
Annunziato, R. A., Locke, A., & Treharne, G. J. (2024). New directions for the Journal of Health Psychology. Journal of Health Psychology, 29(12),

This editorial reflects on the current and future directions of the Journal of Health Psychology. As the Co-Editors in Chief, we briefly outline our positionality and the importance of our Editorial Board and other peer reviewers in ensuring the rigo... Read More about New directions for the Journal of Health Psychology.

‘Are We Sure That He Knew That You Don’t Want to Have Sex?’: Discursive Constructions of the Suspect in Police Interviews with Rape Complainants (2024)
Journal Article
Hermolle, M., Kent, A., Locke, A. J., & Andrews, S. J. (2024). ‘Are We Sure That He Knew That You Don’t Want to Have Sex?’: Discursive Constructions of the Suspect in Police Interviews with Rape Complainants. Behavioral Sciences, 14(9),

Recent statistics reveal alarming flaws in the Criminal Justice System’s (CJS) handling of rape cases, undermining the pursuit of justice for complainants seeking legal redress. This paper takes a novel approach to explore police rape stereotype use... Read More about ‘Are We Sure That He Knew That You Don’t Want to Have Sex?’: Discursive Constructions of the Suspect in Police Interviews with Rape Complainants.

Using hybrid qualitative analysis to explore lived experience of motherhood and postnatal depression: A thematic-dialogical approach (2024)
Journal Article
Akhtar, A., Sullivan, P., Alam, Y., & Locke, A. (2024). Using hybrid qualitative analysis to explore lived experience of motherhood and postnatal depression: A thematic-dialogical approach. Methods in Psychology, 11, Article 100161.

This paper illustrates a novel hybrid approach to analysis which offers unique insights into the experience of postnatal depression in British Pakistani-Muslim women, through the prioritising of voice. To do so, we combine thematic and dialogical ana... Read More about Using hybrid qualitative analysis to explore lived experience of motherhood and postnatal depression: A thematic-dialogical approach.

Supporting and challenging hate in an online discussion of a controversial refugee policy (2024)
Journal Article
Goodman, S., & Locke, A. (in press). Supporting and challenging hate in an online discussion of a controversial refugee policy. Discourse Studies,

Online hate is a serious problem affecting a range of minoritised people. Existing theories suggest that poor behaviour online is due to anonymity but fail to explore how such discussions unfold. This is where a discursive and rhetorical psychologica... Read More about Supporting and challenging hate in an online discussion of a controversial refugee policy.

#mothersday: Constructions of motherhood and femininity in social media posts (2022)
Journal Article
Capdevila, R., Dann, C., Lazard, L., Roper, S., & Locke, A. (2022). #mothersday: Constructions of motherhood and femininity in social media posts. Feminism and Psychology, 32(3), 336-356.

Images and representations of parenting, and particularly mothering, have become commonplace on social media platforms over the past decade. These displays, however, take place in the context of popular contemporary discourses around gender and paren... Read More about #mothersday: Constructions of motherhood and femininity in social media posts.

Putting the ‘teachable moment’ in context: A view from critical health psychology (2022)
Journal Article
Locke, A. (2022). Putting the ‘teachable moment’ in context: A view from critical health psychology. Journal of Health Psychology, 28(1), 3-16.

The concept of ‘Teachable Moment’ (TM) is an increasingly used term within mainstream health psychology in relation to interventions and health behaviour change. It refers to a naturally occurring health event where individuals may be motivated to ch... Read More about Putting the ‘teachable moment’ in context: A view from critical health psychology.

Applying critical discursive psychology to health psychology research: a practical guide (2020)
Journal Article
Locke, A., & Budds, K. (2020). Applying critical discursive psychology to health psychology research: a practical guide. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 8(1), 234 -247.

This paper outlines a qualitative methodological approach called Critical Discursive Psychology (CDP), considering its applicability to health psychology research. As applied to health psychology, the growth of discursive methodologies within the dis... Read More about Applying critical discursive psychology to health psychology research: a practical guide.

Sharenting: Pride, affect and the day‐to‐day politics of digital mothering (2019)
Journal Article
Lazard, L., Capdevila, R., Dann, C., Locke, A., & Roper, S. (2019). Sharenting: Pride, affect and the day‐to‐day politics of digital mothering. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 13(4), Article ARTN e12443.

The coming together of parenting and routine posting on social networking sites has become a visible and recognisable theme, and the term “sharenting” has found a place in everyday talk to describe some forms of parental digital sharing practices. Ho... Read More about Sharenting: Pride, affect and the day‐to‐day politics of digital mothering.

A meta-methodology to enhance pluralist qualitative research: One man’s use of socio-sexual media and midlife adjustment to HIV (2018)
Journal Article
Madill, A., Flowers, P., Frost, N., & Locke, A. (2018). A meta-methodology to enhance pluralist qualitative research: One man’s use of socio-sexual media and midlife adjustment to HIV. Psychology & Health, 33(10), 1209-1228.

Our aim is to offer and illustrate a novel meta-methodology to enhance the rigour of method selection and understanding of results in pluralist qualitative research (PQR).

Empowering women through the positive birth movement (2018)
Journal Article
Hallam, J., Howard, C., Locke, A., & Thomas, M. (2019). Empowering women through the positive birth movement. Journal of Gender Studies, 28(3), 330-341.

Childbirth has been positioned as a life changing event that has profound long-term psychological effects upon women. This paper adopts a community psychology approach to explore the role that the Positive Birth Movement (PBM) may have in tackling ne... Read More about Empowering women through the positive birth movement.

Regendering care or undoing gendered binaries of parenting in contemporary UK society? (2017)
Journal Article
Locke, A. (2017). Regendering care or undoing gendered binaries of parenting in contemporary UK society?. Dialogues in Human Geography, 7(1), 88-91.

Boyer, Dermott, James and MacLeavy discuss the rise of fathers in primary caregiving positions within the United Kingdom following the recessions from 2008 to 2009 and 2011 to 2012 and outline a number of key questions. In this commentary, I consider... Read More about Regendering care or undoing gendered binaries of parenting in contemporary UK society?.

Exploring the depths of gender, parenting and ‘work’: critical discursive psychology and the ‘missing voices’ of involved fatherhood (2016)
Journal Article
Locke, A., & Yarwood, G. (2017). Exploring the depths of gender, parenting and ‘work’: critical discursive psychology and the ‘missing voices’ of involved fatherhood. Community, Work and Family, 20(1), 4-18.

This paper sets out to capture the missing voices of fathers in discussions around gender, parenting and work. Using Critical Discursive Psychology (CDP), a qualitative methodology that frames discourse, language and action as socially situated, the... Read More about Exploring the depths of gender, parenting and ‘work’: critical discursive psychology and the ‘missing voices’ of involved fatherhood.

'For some people it isn’t a choice, it’s just how it happens': accounts of ‘delayed’ motherhood among middle-class women in the UK (2016)
Journal Article
Budds, K., Locke, A., & Burr, V. (2016). 'For some people it isn’t a choice, it’s just how it happens': accounts of ‘delayed’ motherhood among middle-class women in the UK. Feminism and Psychology, 26(2), 170-187.

Over the past few decades the number of women having their first babies over the age of 35 in the United Kingdom has increased. Women’s timing of motherhood is invariably bound up with a discourse of “choice”, and in this paper we consider the role c... Read More about 'For some people it isn’t a choice, it’s just how it happens': accounts of ‘delayed’ motherhood among middle-class women in the UK.