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All Outputs (7)

An Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of a Monomer–Dimer Equilibrium Using UV–Vis and 1H NMR Spectroscopies (2023)
Journal Article
Hancock, L. M., McGarvey, D. J., & Plana, D. (2023). An Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of a Monomer–Dimer Equilibrium Using UV–Vis and 1H NMR Spectroscopies. Journal of Chemical Education, 100(3), 1283-1288.

A laboratory experiment in which 1H NMR and UV–vis spectroscopies are applied to probe the temperature dependence of a monomer–dimer equilibrium involving a cyclopentadienone derivative is described and discussed. Details of the data analysis for ext... Read More about An Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of a Monomer–Dimer Equilibrium Using UV–Vis and 1H NMR Spectroscopies.

Developing the Scientific Reporting Skills of Chemistry Students (2020)
Book Chapter
McGarvey, D., Beaumont, K., Capel, N., Hancock, L., Haxton, K., Hollamby, M., …Plana, D. (2020). Developing the Scientific Reporting Skills of Chemistry Students. In On Your Marks: Learner-Focused Feedback Practices and Feedback Literacy. Advance HE

Developing the Scientific Reporting Skills of Chemistry Students (2020)
Book Chapter
Capel, N., McGarvey, D., Beaumont, K., Hancock, L., Haxton, K., Jones, R., …Plana, D. (2020). Developing the Scientific Reporting Skills of Chemistry Students. In On Your Marks: Learner-Focused Feedback Practices and Feedback Literacy. Advance HE

The publication contains a diverse range of expertise in assessment and feedback, bringing together experts in a number of disciplines to present ideas on learner-centred feedback.

The main goal of the collection is to showcase learner-focused fee... Read More about Developing the Scientific Reporting Skills of Chemistry Students.

A Data-Pooling Laboratory Activity to Investigate the Influence of Ionic Strength on the Solubility of CaSO4.2H2O (s) (2020)
Journal Article
Mcgarvey. (2020). A Data-Pooling Laboratory Activity to Investigate the Influence of Ionic Strength on the Solubility of CaSO4.2H2O (s). Journal of Chemical Education,

A laboratory experiment characterized by a whole-class data-pooling approach to generate a data set that can be used to test a model of the influence of ionic strength on electrolyte solubility is described and discussed. The design of the experiment... Read More about A Data-Pooling Laboratory Activity to Investigate the Influence of Ionic Strength on the Solubility of CaSO4.2H2O (s).

Developing Scientific Reporting Skills of Early Undergraduate Chemistry Students (2019)
Book Chapter
Capel, N. J., Hancock, L. M., Haxton, K. J., Hollamby, M. J., Jones, R. H., Plana, D., & Mcgarvey, D. J. (2019). Developing Scientific Reporting Skills of Early Undergraduate Chemistry Students. In Teaching Chemistry in Higher Education: A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Tina Overton (333 - 333 (348)). Creathach Press

Our aim is to initiate the development of selected generic skills of early undergraduate chemistry students by focussing on scientific reporting skills. To achieve this, we have developed an approach that draws upon chemistry journal articles as para... Read More about Developing Scientific Reporting Skills of Early Undergraduate Chemistry Students.

Physical stability, biocompatibility and potential use of hybrid iron oxide-gold nanoparticles as drug carriers (2013)
Journal Article
Barnett, C. M., Gueorguieva, M., Lees, M. R., McGarvey, D. J., & Hoskins, C. (2013). Physical stability, biocompatibility and potential use of hybrid iron oxide-gold nanoparticles as drug carriers. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15(6),

Hybrid nanoparticles (HNPs) such as iron oxide-gold nanoparticles are currently being exploited for their potential application in image-guided therapies. However, little investigation has been carried out into their physical or chemical stability an... Read More about Physical stability, biocompatibility and potential use of hybrid iron oxide-gold nanoparticles as drug carriers.