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Ruoli Chen's Outputs (3)

Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases to reduce blood brain barrier disruption and haemorrhagic transformation in ischaemic stroke: Go broad or go narrow? (2024)
Journal Article
Kawa, H., Ahmed, Z., Majid, A., & Chen, R. (in press). Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases to reduce blood brain barrier disruption and haemorrhagic transformation in ischaemic stroke: Go broad or go narrow?. Neuropharmacology, 262, Article 110192.

Ischaemic stroke characterises impulsive cerebral-region hypoxia due to deep intracerebral arteriole blockage, often accompanied by permanent cerebral infarction and cognitive impairment. Thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt... Read More about Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases to reduce blood brain barrier disruption and haemorrhagic transformation in ischaemic stroke: Go broad or go narrow?.

Update on the intriguing roles of AQP4 expression and redistribution in the progression and treatment of glioma (2024)
Journal Article
Lan, Y.-L., Zou, S., & Chen, R. (2024). Update on the intriguing roles of AQP4 expression and redistribution in the progression and treatment of glioma. Annals of Medicine, 56(1),

Aquaporin 4 (AQP4) isabundant in the human brain and has an important role in brain homeostatsis and diseases. AQP4 expression has been found to be associated with glioma malignancies. However, the complete understanding of the biological processes... Read More about Update on the intriguing roles of AQP4 expression and redistribution in the progression and treatment of glioma.

A novel neuronal circuit: Tanycytes mediate defensive metabolic responses following acute high‐temperature exposure (2024)
Journal Article
Chen, Q., Brüning‐Richardson, A., Chen, R., Zou, S., & Lan, Y. (2024). A novel neuronal circuit: Tanycytes mediate defensive metabolic responses following acute high‐temperature exposure. Brain-X, 2(3), 1-3.

The core body temperature, plays a vital role in influencing metabolic rate, enzyme activity, and various other physiological processes.1 Significant progress has been achieved in unraveling the neural mechanisms responsible for lowering body tempera... Read More about A novel neuronal circuit: Tanycytes mediate defensive metabolic responses following acute high‐temperature exposure.