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Economic aspects of the Sustainability Transition in Europe (2024)
Fernandez Martin, R. M. (2025). Economic aspects of the Sustainability Transition in Europe. Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

The EU has been an advocate of more sustainable practices for a long time, and many consider it a world leader. It becomes then justified to look into how the EU has been doing over time and what its plans are for the future in this key issue. The qu... Read More about Economic aspects of the Sustainability Transition in Europe.

Business Schools Accreditations and Awards as indicators of commitment to sustainability (2024)
Book Chapter
Fernandez Martin, R. M. (in press). Business Schools Accreditations and Awards as indicators of commitment to sustainability. In The Elgar Companion to Management Education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Edward Elgar Publishing

The pressure on business schools to survive in a highly competitive and commodified environment has driven attempts to gain international recognition through engaging on accreditation exercises by renowned organisations. While these accreditations ma... Read More about Business Schools Accreditations and Awards as indicators of commitment to sustainability.