Validating 'Ask Three Questions': A novel tool for identification of coercion and control
Conference Proceeding
Keeling, J., Wyndham, D., Whittaker, L., & Wright-Bevans, K. (2024). Validating 'Ask Three Questions': A novel tool for identification of coercion and control.
Outputs (66)
Why night owls struggle more when the clocks go back (2024)
Digital Artefact
Rhodes, D. (2024). Why night owls struggle more when the clocks go back. [Blog style article]
A decolonized science requires bigger, bolder, and less incremental change: Commentary on Sharpe (2024). (2024)
Journal Article
Thurston, I. B., & Noor, M. (2024). A decolonized science requires bigger, bolder, and less incremental change: Commentary on Sharpe (2024). American Psychologist, 79(7), 898-900. commentary is written in response to Sharpe's (2024) article titled "Editor Bias and Transparency in Psychology's Open Science Era." The article clearly describes the conversation on bias, transparency, and editor accountability occurring in the... Read More about A decolonized science requires bigger, bolder, and less incremental change: Commentary on Sharpe (2024)..
Mourning and orienting to the future in a liminal occasion: (Re)defining British national identity after Queen Elizabeth II 's death (2024)
Journal Article
Obradović, S., Martinez, N., Dhanda, N., Bode, S., Ntontis, E., Bowe, M., …Vestergren, S. (in press). Mourning and orienting to the future in a liminal occasion: (Re)defining British national identity after Queen Elizabeth II 's death. British Journal of Social Psychology, this paper, we conceptualize the days of mourning that followed the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. as constituting a liminal occasion, a moment of in‐betweenness through which we can explore sense‐making in times of transition. How do people navig... Read More about Mourning and orienting to the future in a liminal occasion: (Re)defining British national identity after Queen Elizabeth II 's death.
New directions for the Journal of Health Psychology (2024)
Journal Article
Annunziato, R. A., Locke, A., & Treharne, G. J. (2024). New directions for the Journal of Health Psychology. Journal of Health Psychology, 29(12), editorial reflects on the current and future directions of the Journal of Health Psychology. As the Co-Editors in Chief, we briefly outline our positionality and the importance of our Editorial Board and other peer reviewers in ensuring the rigo... Read More about New directions for the Journal of Health Psychology.
‘Are We Sure That He Knew That You Don’t Want to Have Sex?’: Discursive Constructions of the Suspect in Police Interviews with Rape Complainants (2024)
Journal Article
Hermolle, M., Kent, A., Locke, A. J., & Andrews, S. J. (2024). ‘Are We Sure That He Knew That You Don’t Want to Have Sex?’: Discursive Constructions of the Suspect in Police Interviews with Rape Complainants. Behavioral Sciences, 14(9), statistics reveal alarming flaws in the Criminal Justice System’s (CJS) handling of rape cases, undermining the pursuit of justice for complainants seeking legal redress. This paper takes a novel approach to explore police rape stereotype use... Read More about ‘Are We Sure That He Knew That You Don’t Want to Have Sex?’: Discursive Constructions of the Suspect in Police Interviews with Rape Complainants.
Unravelling the interplay of Statistical Learning, Top-Down, and Bottom-Up Mechanisms during target selection: Insights from Behavioural and EEG Experiments (2024)
Journal Article
Dolci, C., Boehler, C. N., Rashal, E., Ben-Hamed, S., Macaluso, E., Chelazzi, L., & Santandrea, E. (in press). Unravelling the interplay of Statistical Learning, Top-Down, and Bottom-Up Mechanisms during target selection: Insights from Behavioural and EEG Experiments. Journal of Vision, 24(10), Article 802. natural environment exhibits consistent patterns, rendering it repetitive and partially predictable. Statistical learning (SL) enables us to discern these regularities from past experiences to then direct attention toward relevant elements for ou... Read More about Unravelling the interplay of Statistical Learning, Top-Down, and Bottom-Up Mechanisms during target selection: Insights from Behavioural and EEG Experiments.
Caught between two worlds: Social identity change among second‐generation Afghan immigrants in Iran (2024)
Journal Article
Keshavarzi, S., Jetten, J., Ruhani, A., Fuladi, K., & Cakal, H. (in press). Caught between two worlds: Social identity change among second‐generation Afghan immigrants in Iran. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 34(5), Article e2881. study investigates the identity processes among second‐generation Afghans living in Iran and evaluate the relevance of the social identity model of social change (SIMIC) to understand their unique experiences. We conducted 23 in‐depth in... Read More about Caught between two worlds: Social identity change among second‐generation Afghan immigrants in Iran.
Editorial: Current perspectives on distortions to time. (2024)
Journal Article
Ogden, R., Wearden, J., & Jones, L. (2024). Editorial: Current perspectives on distortions to time. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77(9), 1797-1799.
An exploration of a mentoring programme for at-risk adolescents in the West Midlands, UK (2024)
Journal Article
Earnshaw, D., & Harrison, N. (2024). An exploration of a mentoring programme for at-risk adolescents in the West Midlands, UK. Mentoring and Tutoring, 32(5), 1-15. activities, such as playing sport and participating in mentoring programmes, have physical and mental health benefits for individuals. For adolescents particularly, nurturing these interests has the potential for positive outcomes in... Read More about An exploration of a mentoring programme for at-risk adolescents in the West Midlands, UK.