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All Outputs (36)

A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol (2024)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Nicholls, E., Cherrington, A., Butler-Walley, S., Clark, E. M., Fleming, J., …Paskins, Z. (2024). A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol. NIHR Open Research,

Good quality shared decision-making (SDM) conversations involve people with, or at risk of osteoporosis and clinicians collaborating to decide, where appropriate, which evidence-based medicines best fit the person’s life, beliefs, and val... Read More about A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol.

What if the patient reads this? A student guide to writing in the GP electronic patient record (2024)
Journal Article
C, S., C, S., J, B., J, L., S, G., S C, S., …K, W. (in press). What if the patient reads this? A student guide to writing in the GP electronic patient record. Education for Primary Care, 1-6.

It is common practice for senior medical students in UK General Practice to enter details of their consultations into the electronic patient record (EPR). There is evidence that students benefit educationally from writing in patient recor... Read More about What if the patient reads this? A student guide to writing in the GP electronic patient record.

Exploring practice and perspectives on shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines in Fracture Liaison Services: the iFraP development qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Manning, F., Hawarden, A., Fleming, J., Leyland, S., Clark, E. M., …Paskins, Z. (in press). Exploring practice and perspectives on shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines in Fracture Liaison Services: the iFraP development qualitative study. Archives of Osteoporosis, 19(1), Article 50.

Interviews and focus groups with patients, FLS clinicians, and GPs identified challenges relating to clinical and shared decision-making about bone health and osteoporosis medicines. Findings will inform the development of the multicomponent... Read More about Exploring practice and perspectives on shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines in Fracture Liaison Services: the iFraP development qualitative study.

P080 Supporting shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines: Combining multiple methods to develop the prototype iFraP intervention (2024)
Presentation / Conference
Bullock, L., Fleming, J., Clark, E. M., Leyland, S., Thomas, S., Gidlow, C., …Paskins, Z. (2024, April). P080 Supporting shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines: Combining multiple methods to develop the prototype iFraP intervention. Poster presented at British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference 2024

Background/Aims Shared decision-making (SDM) is a joint process in which a person and healthcare professional work together to reach decisions about care. The iFraP (Improving uptake of Fracture Prevention drug treatments) intervention comprises comp... Read More about P080 Supporting shared decision-making about osteoporosis medicines: Combining multiple methods to develop the prototype iFraP intervention.

How do medical schools influence their students’ career choices? A realist evaluation (2024)
Journal Article
Thomas, A., Kinston, R., Yardley, S., McKinley, R. K., & Lefroy, J. (2024). How do medical schools influence their students’ career choices? A realist evaluation. Medical Education Online, 29(1),

The career choices of medical graduates vary widely between medical schools in the UK and elsewhere and are generally not well matched with societal needs. Research has found that experiences in medical school including formal, informal... Read More about How do medical schools influence their students’ career choices? A realist evaluation.

A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol. (2024)
Journal Article
Bullock, L., Nicholls, E., Cherrington, A., Butler-Walley, S., Clark, E. M., Fleming, J., …Paskins, Z. (2024). A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol. NIHR Open Research, 4(14), 14.

BackgroundGood quality shared decision-making (SDM) conversations involve people with, or at risk of osteoporosis and clinicians collaborating to decide, where appropriate, which evidence-based medicines best fit the person's life, beliefs, and value... Read More about A person-centred consultation intervention to improve shared decision-making about, and uptake of, osteoporosis medicines (iFraP): a pragmatic, parallel-group, individual randomised controlled trial protocol..

Training healthcare professionals to be ready for practice in an era of social distancing: A realist evaluation (2023)
Journal Article
Lefroy, J., Bialan, J., Moult, A., Hay, F., Stapleton, C., Thompson, J., …Cope, N. (2023). Training healthcare professionals to be ready for practice in an era of social distancing: A realist evaluation. Advances in Health Sciences Education,

Programme changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted variably on preparation for practice of healthcare professional students. Explanations for such variability need exploration. The aim of our study was to understand what clinica... Read More about Training healthcare professionals to be ready for practice in an era of social distancing: A realist evaluation.

Twelve tips for creating a medical education society (2023)
Journal Article
Prasanna Kumar Menon, S., Sokhal, B. S., Rao, V., O'Mahony, F., & Lefroy, J. (2023). Twelve tips for creating a medical education society. MedEdPublish, 13, Article 294.

University societies are student-led organisations which provide excellent opportunities for students to collaborate in a shared interest. Peer teaching is gaining recognition as an effective method of medical education. Peer teaching also provides s... Read More about Twelve tips for creating a medical education society.

How well do UK assistantships equip medical students for graduate practice? Think EPAs. (2023)
Journal Article
Kinston, R., Gay, S., McKinley, R. K., Sam, S., Yardley, S., & Lefroy, J. (in press). How well do UK assistantships equip medical students for graduate practice? Think EPAs. Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice, 10.1007/s10459-023-10249-4.

The goal of better medical student preparation for clinical practice drives curricular initiatives worldwide. Learning theory underpins Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) as a means of safe transition to independent practice. Regulators manda... Read More about How well do UK assistantships equip medical students for graduate practice? Think EPAs..

E060 Testing a new prototype osteoporosis shared decision-making intervention in UK Fracture Liaison Services: patient and clinician perspectives of ‘iFraP’ (2023)
Presentation / Conference
Bullock, L., Tyler, N., Thompson, M., Ryan, S., Lefroy, J., Leyland, S., …Paskins, Z. (2023, April). E060 Testing a new prototype osteoporosis shared decision-making intervention in UK Fracture Liaison Services: patient and clinician perspectives of ‘iFraP’. Poster presented at British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference 2023, Manchester Central Convention Complex, Manchester, UK

Shared decision-making (SDM) is a joint process in which a person and healthcare professional work together to reach decisions about care. The Improving uptake of Fracture Prevention drug treatments (iFraP) study developed a prototype theoretically-i... Read More about E060 Testing a new prototype osteoporosis shared decision-making intervention in UK Fracture Liaison Services: patient and clinician perspectives of ‘iFraP’.

Feasibility study of student telehealth interviews (2022)
Journal Article
Zaccariah, Z. R., Irvine, A. W., & Lefroy, J. E. (2022). Feasibility study of student telehealth interviews. Clinical Teacher, 19(4), 308-315.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to medical students being taught remote clinical communication modalities (telephone and video). Junior students have not generally been included in this and have had less patient contact than previously. Thi... Read More about Feasibility study of student telehealth interviews.

Improving uptake of Fracture Prevention drug treatments: a protocol for Development of a consultation intervention (iFraP-D) (2021)
Journal Article
Paskins, Z., Bullock, L., Crawford-Manning, F., Cottrell, E., Fleming, J., Leyland, S., …Jinks, C. (2021). Improving uptake of Fracture Prevention drug treatments: a protocol for Development of a consultation intervention (iFraP-D). BMJ Open, 11(8),

INTRODUCTION: Prevention of fragility fractures, a source of significant economic and personal burden, is hindered by poor uptake of fracture prevention medicines. Enhancing communication of scientific evidence and elicitation of patient medication-r... Read More about Improving uptake of Fracture Prevention drug treatments: a protocol for Development of a consultation intervention (iFraP-D).

Can learning from workplace feedback be enhanced by reflective writing? A realist evaluation in UK undergraduate medical education (2021)
Journal Article
Lefroy, J., & Molyneux, A. (2021). Can learning from workplace feedback be enhanced by reflective writing? A realist evaluation in UK undergraduate medical education. Education for Primary Care,

Introduction Doctors and medical students in the UK are currently required to provide evidence of learning by reflective writing on (among other things) feedback from colleagues. Although the theoretical value of reflecting-on-action is clear, resear... Read More about Can learning from workplace feedback be enhanced by reflective writing? A realist evaluation in UK undergraduate medical education.

Understanding and developing procedures for video-based assessment in medical education (2020)
Journal Article
Yeates, P., Moult, A., Lefroy, J., Walsh-House, J., Clews, L., McKinley, R., & Fuller, R. (2020). Understanding and developing procedures for video-based assessment in medical education. Medical Teacher, 42(11),

Novel uses of video aim to enhance assessment in health-professionals education. Whilst these uses presume equivalence between video and live scoring, some research suggests that poorly understood variations could challenge validity. We... Read More about Understanding and developing procedures for video-based assessment in medical education.

Clinical assessors' working conceptualisations of undergraduate consultation skills: a framework analysis of how assessors make expert judgements in practice. (2020)
Journal Article
Hyde, C., Yardley, S., Lefroy, J., Gay, S., & McKinley, R. K. (2020). Clinical assessors' working conceptualisations of undergraduate consultation skills: a framework analysis of how assessors make expert judgements in practice. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 1-31.

Undergraduate clinical assessors make expert, multifaceted judgements of consultation skills in concert with medical school OSCE grading rubrics. Assessors are not cognitive machines: their judgements are made in the light of prior experience and soc... Read More about Clinical assessors' working conceptualisations of undergraduate consultation skills: a framework analysis of how assessors make expert judgements in practice..

Comparing the influence of ‘describing findings to the examiner’ or ‘examining as in usual practice’ on the students’ performance and assessors’ judgements during physical examination skills assessment (2020)
Journal Article
Stephenson, C., Yeates, P., & Lefroy, J. (2020). Comparing the influence of ‘describing findings to the examiner’ or ‘examining as in usual practice’ on the students’ performance and assessors’ judgements during physical examination skills assessment. MedEdPublish, 9(18),


Within assessment of physical examination skills, two approaches are common: “Describing Findings” (students comment throughout); and examining as “Usual Practice” (students only report findings at the end). Despite numerous potential... Read More about Comparing the influence of ‘describing findings to the examiner’ or ‘examining as in usual practice’ on the students’ performance and assessors’ judgements during physical examination skills assessment.

‘What do we do, doctor?’ Transitions of identity and responsibility: a narrative analysis (2020)
Journal Article
Yardley, S., Kinston, R., Lefroy, J., Gay, S., & McKinley, R. K. (2020). ‘What do we do, doctor?’ Transitions of identity and responsibility: a narrative analysis. Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice, 825-843.

Transitioning from student to doctor is notoriously challenging. Newly qualified doctors feel required to make decisions before owning their new identity. It is essential to understand how responsibility relates to identity formation to improve trans... Read More about ‘What do we do, doctor?’ Transitions of identity and responsibility: a narrative analysis.